package org.ObjectLayout.examples;/* * Written by Michael Barker, and released to the public domain, * as explained at */ public class SimpleOrder { public static enum OrderType { MARKET, LIMIT } public static enum Side { BID, ASK } private final long instrumentId; private final long accountId; private final SimpleOrder.OrderType orderType; private final long price; private final long quantity; private final Side side; private long cancelledQuantity = 0; private long filledQuantity = 0; public SimpleOrder(MassOrder.Builder builder, Side side, long price, long quantity) { this.side = side; this.instrumentId = builder.instrumentId; this.accountId = builder.accountId; this.orderType = builder.orderType; this.price = price; this.quantity = quantity; } public long getCancelledQuantity() { return this.cancelledQuantity; } public void updateCancelled(long delta) { this.cancelledQuantity -= delta; } public long getFilledQuantity() { return this.filledQuantity; } public void updateFill(long matchedQuantity) { this.filledQuantity -= matchedQuantity; } public long getInstrumentId() { return this.instrumentId; } public long getAccountId() { return this.accountId; } public SimpleOrder.OrderType getOrderType() { return this.orderType; } public long getPrice() { return this.price; } public long getQuantity() { return this.quantity; } @Override public String toString() { return "SimpleOrderWithBuilder [instrumentId=" + this.instrumentId + ", accountId=" + this.accountId + ", orderType=" + this.orderType + ", side=" + this.side + ", price=" + this.price + ", quantity=" + this.quantity + ", cancelledQuantity=" + this.cancelledQuantity + ", filledQuantity=" + this.filledQuantity + "]"; } }