package; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CommunicationLayer { // A list of all components expecting the results of a search query private static ArrayList<SearchListener> searchListeners; // Singleton instance of the communication layer private static CommunicationLayer communicationLayer; //Analyser worker private static Thread analyser; public static CommunicationLayer getInstance() { if (communicationLayer == null) { communicationLayer = new CommunicationLayer(); } return communicationLayer; } private CommunicationLayer() { searchListeners = new ArrayList<SearchListener>(); } /* * Builds a Search object from the currently-selected parameters in the SearchWindow and returns * it. */ public static Search createSearch() throws ParseException { Search s = new Search(); String tradeType = (String) SearchWindow.getInstance().TradeType.getSelectedItem(); if (tradeType.equals("Swap")) { s.setTradeType(TradeType.SWAP); } else if (tradeType.equals("Option")) { s.setTradeType(TradeType.OPTION); } s.setAsset(SearchWindow.getInstance().UnderLyingAsset.getText()); try { s.setMinPrice(Math.max(0L, ((Long) SearchWindow.getInstance().minValue.getValue()).longValue())); s.setMaxPrice(Math.max(0L, ((Long) SearchWindow.getInstance().maxValue.getValue()).longValue())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { StatusBar.setMessage("Error: Price fields must contain integers", 1); } s.setCurrency((String)SearchWindow.getInstance().currency.getSelectedItem()); int day = (int) SearchWindow.getInstance().StartDate.Day.getSelectedItem(); String monthString = (String) SearchWindow.getInstance().StartDate.Months.getSelectedItem(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat("MMM", Locale.ENGLISH).parse(monthString)); int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); int year = (int) SearchWindow.getInstance().StartDate.Year.getSelectedItem(); cal.set(year, month, day); Date startTime = cal.getTime(); s.setStartTime(startTime); day = (int) SearchWindow.getInstance().EndDate.Day.getSelectedItem(); monthString = (String) SearchWindow.getInstance().EndDate.Months.getSelectedItem(); cal.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat("MMM", Locale.ENGLISH).parse(monthString)); month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); year = (int) SearchWindow.getInstance().EndDate.Year.getSelectedItem(); cal.set(year, month, day); Date endTime = cal.getTime(); s.setEndTime(endTime); String fullTaxonomy = ""; String selectedAsset = (String) SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.Asset.getSelectedItem(); int assetIndex = SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.Asset.getSelectedIndex(); int baseIndex = SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.BaseClass.getSelectedIndex(); int subIndex = SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.SubClass.getSelectedIndex(); // Add the Asset to the taxonomy string fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.Assets[assetIndex]; fullTaxonomy += ":"; /* * Add the Base Product and Sub-product to the taxonomy string * Also set the AssetClass while we're here to make code slightly neater */ switch (selectedAsset) { case "Credit": s.setAssetClass(AssetClass.CREDIT); fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.CreditBaseProducts[baseIndex]; fullTaxonomy += ":"; if (UPIStrings.CreditSubProducts[baseIndex].length != 0) { fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.CreditSubProducts[baseIndex][subIndex]; } break; case "Interest": s.setAssetClass(AssetClass.RATES); fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.InterestBaseProducts[baseIndex]; fullTaxonomy += ":"; if (UPIStrings.InterestSubProducts[baseIndex].length != 0) { fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.InterestSubProducts[baseIndex][subIndex]; } break; case "Commodity": s.setAssetClass(AssetClass.COMMODITY); fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.CommodityBaseProducts[baseIndex]; fullTaxonomy += ":"; if (UPIStrings.CommoditySubProducts[baseIndex].length != 0) { fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.CommoditySubProducts[baseIndex][subIndex]; } break; case "Foreign Exchange": s.setAssetClass(AssetClass.FOREX); fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.ForexBaseProducts[baseIndex]; fullTaxonomy += ":"; if (UPIStrings.ForexSubProducts[baseIndex].length != 0) { fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.ForexSubProducts[baseIndex][subIndex]; } break; case "Equity": s.setAssetClass(AssetClass.EQUITY); fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.EquityBaseProducts[baseIndex]; fullTaxonomy += ":"; if (UPIStrings.EquitySubProducts[baseIndex].length != 0) { fullTaxonomy += UPIStrings.EquitySubProducts[baseIndex][subIndex]; } break; } s.setUPI(fullTaxonomy); return s; } /* * Takes a Search and loads its values into the GUI for the user. */ public static void loadSearch(String name) { Search s = Database.getSavedSearch(name); if (s == null) { // Search could not be loaded, so set an error message and return StatusBar.setMessage("Failed to load search '" + name + "', search did not exist", 1); return; } System.out.println(s.getAsset()); // Set the trade type if (s.getTradeType() == TradeType.SWAP) { SearchWindow.getInstance().TradeType.setSelectedItem("Swap"); } else if (s.getTradeType() == TradeType.OPTION) { SearchWindow.getInstance().TradeType.setSelectedItem("Option"); } // Set the underlying asset SearchWindow.getInstance().UnderLyingAsset.setText(s.getAsset()); // Set the minimum price SearchWindow.getInstance().minValue.setValue(s.getMinPrice()); // Set the maximum price SearchWindow.getInstance().maxValue.setValue(s.getMaxPrice()); // Set the currency SearchWindow.getInstance().currency.setSelectedItem((s.getCurrency())); // Set the start date and end date Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(s.getStartTime()); SearchWindow.getInstance().StartDate.Day.setSelectedItem(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); SearchWindow.getInstance().StartDate.Months.setSelectedIndex(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)); SearchWindow.getInstance().StartDate.Year.setSelectedItem(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); cal.setTime(s.getEndTime()); SearchWindow.getInstance().EndDate.Day.setSelectedItem(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); SearchWindow.getInstance().EndDate.Months.setSelectedIndex(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)); SearchWindow.getInstance().EndDate.Year.setSelectedItem(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); // Set the asset class switch (s.getAssetClass()) { case COMMODITY: SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.Asset.setSelectedItem("Commodity"); break; case RATES: SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.Asset.setSelectedItem("Interest"); break; case CREDIT: SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.Asset.setSelectedItem("Credit"); break; case EQUITY: SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.Asset.setSelectedItem("Equity"); break; case FOREX: SearchWindow.getInstance().tax.Asset.setSelectedItem("Foreign Exchange"); break; } StatusBar.setMessage("Successfully loaded search '" + name + "'", 1); } /* * Adds a listener to the list of searchListeners to allow them to * receive results of a query */ public static void registerListener(SearchListener s) { searchListeners.add(s); } /* * Builds a Search and attempts to save it in the database. If this is unsuccessful, puts an * error message in the StatusBar. */ public static void saveSearch(String name) throws ParseException { // Build a search Search s = createSearch(); boolean success = Database.getDB().saveSearch(s, name); if (!success) { StatusBar.setMessage("Error: could not save search", 1); return; } StatusBar.setMessage("Successfully saved search '" + name + "'", 1); } /* * Builds a Search, sends the query to the database and then passes the result to any of the * SearchListeners registered to receive it. */ public static void search() throws ParseException { // Build a search Search s = createSearch(); // Get the result from the database SearchResult result = Database.getDB().search(s); // Send it to each member of searchListeners for (SearchListener l : searchListeners) { l.getSearchResult(result); } //Give search and number of results to analyser if (analyser != null && analyser.isAlive()) try { analyser.join(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //safe to ignore } analyser = new Analyser(s, result.getNumResults()); analyser.start(); } }