/** * Copyright (C) 2015 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.collect.timeseries; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.partitioningBy; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.OptionalDouble; import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator; import java.util.function.DoublePredicate; import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator; import java.util.function.ObjDoubleConsumer; import java.util.stream.Collector; import java.util.stream.DoubleStream; import java.util.stream.Stream; import org.joda.beans.ImmutableBean; import com.opengamma.collect.ArgChecker; import com.opengamma.collect.function.ObjDoublePredicate; import com.opengamma.collect.tuple.Pair; /** * Interface for all local date time-series types containing * {@code double} values. * <p> * A time-series is similar to both a {@code SortedMap} of value keyed * by date-time and a {@code List} of date-time to value pairs. As such, * the date/times do not have to be evenly spread over time within the series. * <p> * The distribution of the data will influence which implementation * is most appropriate. * <p> * Implementations must be immutable and thread-safe beans. * <p> * Note that {@link Double#NaN} is used internally as a sentinel * value and is therefore not allowed as a value. */ public interface LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries extends ImmutableBean { /** * Returns an empty time-series. Generally a singleton instance * is returned. * * @return an empty time-series */ public static LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries empty() { return SparseLocalDateDoubleTimeSeries.EMPTY_SERIES; } /** * Obtains a time-series containing a single date and value. * * @param date the singleton date * @param value the singleton value * @return the time-series */ public static LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries of(LocalDate date, double value) { ArgChecker.notNull(date, "date"); return builder().put(date, value).build(); } /** * Creates an empty builder, used to create time-series. * <p> * The builder has methods to create and modify a time-series. * * @return the time-series builder */ public static LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder builder() { return new LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder(); } /** * Returns a collector that can be used to create a time-series from a stream of points. * * @return the time-series collector */ public static Collector<LocalDateDoublePoint, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries> collector() { return Collector.of( LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder::new, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder::put, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder::putAll, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder::build); } /** * Return the size of this time-series. * * @return the size of the time-series */ public abstract int size(); /** * Indicates if this time-series is empty. * * @return true if the time-series contains no entries */ public abstract boolean isEmpty(); /** * Checks if this time-series contains a value for the specified date. * * @param date the date to check for * @return true if there is a value associated with the date */ public abstract boolean containsDate(LocalDate date); /** * Gets the value associated with the specified date. * <p> * The result is an {@link OptionalDouble} which avoids the need to handle null * or exceptions. Use {@code isPresent()} to check whether the value is present. * Use {@code orElse(double)} to default a missing value. * * @param date the date to get the value for * @return the value associated with the date, optional empty if the date is not present */ public abstract OptionalDouble get(LocalDate date); /** * Get the earliest date contained in this time-series. * <p> * If the time-series is empty then {@link NoSuchElementException} will be thrown. * * @return the earliest date contained in this time-series * @throws NoSuchElementException if the time-series is empty */ public default LocalDate getEarliestDate() { return dates().findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException("Unable to return earliest date, time-series is empty")); } /** * Get the value held for the earliest date contained in this time-series. * <p> * If the time-series is empty then {@link NoSuchElementException} will be thrown. * * @return the value held for the earliest date contained in this time-series * @throws NoSuchElementException if the time-series is empty */ public default double getEarliestValue() { return values().findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException("Unable to return earliest value, time-series is empty")); } /** * Get the latest date contained in this time-series. * <p> * If the time-series is empty then {@link NoSuchElementException} will be thrown. * * @return the latest date contained in this time-series * @throws NoSuchElementException if the time-series is empty */ public abstract LocalDate getLatestDate(); /** * Get the value held for the latest date contained in this time-series. * <p> * If the time-series is empty then {@link NoSuchElementException} will be thrown. * * @return the value held for the latest date contained in this time-series * @throws NoSuchElementException if the time-series is empty */ public abstract double getLatestValue(); /** * Gets part of this series as a sub-series between two dates. * <p> * The date-times do not have to match exactly. * The sub-series contains all entries between the two dates using a half-open interval. * The start date is included, the end date is excluded. * The dates may be before or after the end of the time-series. * <p> * To obtain the series before a specific date, used {@code LocalDate.MIN} as the first argument. * To obtain the series from a specific date, used {@code LocalDate.MAX} as the second argument. * * @param startInclusive the start date, inclusive * @param endExclusive the end date, exclusive * @return the sub-series between the dates * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the end is before the start */ public abstract LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries subSeries(LocalDate startInclusive, LocalDate endExclusive); /** * Gets part of this series as a sub-series, choosing the earliest entries. * <p> * The sub-series contains the earliest part of the series up to the specified number of points. * If the series contains less points than the number requested, the whole time-series is returned. * * @param numPoints the number of items to select, zero or greater * @return the sub-series of the requested size starting with the earliest entry * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of items is less than zero */ public abstract LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries headSeries(int numPoints); /** * Gets part of this series as a sub-series, choosing the latest entries. * <p> * The sub-series contains the latest part of the series up to the specified number of points. * If the series contains less points than the number requested, the whole time-series is returned. * * @param numPoints the number of items to select, zero or greater * @return the sub-series of the requested size ending with the latest entry * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of items is less than zero */ public abstract LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries tailSeries(int numPoints); /** * Returns a stream over the points of this time-series. * <p> * This provides access to the entire time-series. * * @return a stream over the points of this time-series */ public abstract Stream<LocalDateDoublePoint> stream(); /** * Returns a stream over the dates of this time-series. * <p> * This is most useful to summarize the dates in the stream, such as calculating * the maximum or minimum date, or searching for a specific value. * * @return a stream over the dates of this time-series */ public abstract Stream<LocalDate> dates(); /** * Returns a stream over the values of this time-series. * <p> * This is most useful to summarize the values in the stream, such as calculating * the maximum, minimum or average value, or searching for a specific value. * * @return a stream over the values of this time-series */ public abstract DoubleStream values(); /** * Applies an action to each pair in the time series. * <p> * This is generally used to apply a mathematical operation to the values. * For example, the operator could multiply each value by a constant, or take the inverse. * <pre> * base.forEach((date, value) -> System.out.println(date + "=" + value)); * </pre> * * @param action the action to be applied to each pair */ public abstract void forEach(ObjDoubleConsumer<LocalDate> action); /** * Applies an operation to each value in the time series. * <p> * This is generally used to apply a mathematical operation to the values. * For example, the operator could multiply each value by a constant, or take the inverse. * <pre> * multiplied = base.map(value -> value * 3); * </pre> * * @param mapper the operator to be applied to the values * @return a copy of this series with the mapping applied to the original values */ public abstract LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries mapValues(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper); /** * Create a new time-series by filtering this one. * <p> * The time-series can be filtered by both date and value. * Note that if filtering by date range is required, it is likely to be more efficient to * use {@link #subSeries(LocalDate, LocalDate)} as that avoids traversal of the whole series. * * @param predicate the predicate to use to the filter the elements of the series * @return a filtered version of the series */ public abstract LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries filter(ObjDoublePredicate<LocalDate> predicate); /** * Combines a pair of time series, extracting the dates common to both and * applying a function to combine the values. * * @param other the time-series to combine with * @param mapper the function to be used to combine the values * @return a new time-series containing the dates in common between the * input series with their values combined together using the function */ public default LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries combineWith(LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries other, DoubleBinaryOperator mapper) { ArgChecker.notNull(other, "other"); ArgChecker.notNull(mapper, "mapper"); return new LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder( stream() .filter(pt -> other.containsDate(pt.getDate())) .map(pt -> LocalDateDoublePoint.of( pt.getDate(), mapper.applyAsDouble(pt.getValue(), other.get(pt.getDate()).getAsDouble())))) .build(); } /** * Partition the timeseries into a pair of distinct series using a predicate. * <p> * Points in the timeseries which match the predicate will be put into the * first series, whilst those points which do not match will be put into the * second. * * @param predicate predicate used to test the points in the timeseries * @return a {@code Pair} containing two timeseries. The first is a series * made of all the points in this series which match the predicate. The * second is a series made of the points which do not match. */ public default Pair<LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries> partition( ObjDoublePredicate<LocalDate> predicate) { Map<Boolean, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries> partitioned = stream() .collect( partitioningBy( pt -> predicate.test(pt.getDate(), pt.getValue()), LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries.collector())); return Pair.of(partitioned.get(true), partitioned.get(false)); } /** * Partition the timeseries into a pair of distinct series using a predicate. * <p> * Points in the timeseries whose values match the predicate will be put into the * first series, whilst those points whose values do not match will be put into the * second. * * @param predicate predicate used to test the points in the timeseries * @return a {@code Pair} containing two timeseries. The first is a series * made of all the points in this series which match the predicate. The * second is a series made of the points which do not match. */ public default Pair<LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries> partitionByValue( DoublePredicate predicate) { return partition((obj, value) -> predicate.test(value)); } /** * Return a builder populated with the values from this series. * * @return a time-series builder */ public abstract LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder toBuilder(); }