package; import com.noticeditorteam.noticeditor.exceptions.ExportException; import com.noticeditorteam.noticeditor.model.NoticeItem; import com.noticeditorteam.noticeditor.model.NoticeTree; import com.noticeditorteam.noticeditor.model.NoticeTreeItem; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor; /** * Export notices to html. * * @author aNNiMON */ public class HtmlExportStrategy implements ExportStrategy { private PegDownProcessor processor; private Map<NoticeTreeItem, String> filenames; public void setProcessor(PegDownProcessor processor) { this.processor = processor; } @Override public boolean export(File destDir, NoticeTree notice) { filenames = new HashMap<>(); try { exportToHtmlPages(notice, destDir, "index"); return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ExportException(ioe); } } /** * Save item as HTML pages. Root item will be saved to index.html * * @param item node to recursively save * @param dir directory to save * @param filename name of the file without extension */ private void exportToHtmlPages(NoticeTreeItem item, File dir, String filename) throws IOException { Document doc = Jsoup.parse(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/resources/export_template.html"), null, ""); generatePage(item, doc); File file = new File(dir, filename + ".html"); IOUtil.writeContent(file, doc.outerHtml()); if (item.isBranch()) { for (TreeItem<NoticeItem> obj : item.getInternalChildren()) { NoticeTreeItem child = (NoticeTreeItem) obj; exportToHtmlPages(child, dir, generateFilename(child)); } } } /** * Save tree to HTML pages. Root item saved to index.html * * @param tree tree to save * @param dir directory to save * @param filename name of the file without extension */ private void exportToHtmlPages(NoticeTree tree, File dir, String filename) throws IOException { exportToHtmlPages((NoticeTreeItem) tree.getRoot(), dir, filename); } private void generatePage(NoticeTreeItem note, Document doc) { doc.title(note.getTitle());"#notice_title").first().text(note.getTitle()); Element data ="#content").first(); if (note.isBranch()) { Element list = doc.createElement("div").addClass("list-group"); for (TreeItem<NoticeItem> treeItem : note.getInternalChildren()) { NoticeTreeItem child = (NoticeTreeItem) treeItem; Element item = doc.createElement("div").addClass("list-group-item"); generateIcon(child, item); item.appendElement("a").attr("href", generateFilename(child) + ".html") .text(child.getTitle()) .appendElement("br"); list.appendChild(item); } data.appendChild(list); } else { data.html(processor.markdownToHtml(note.getContent())); } } private void generateIcon(NoticeTreeItem child, Element item) { if (child.isBranch()) { item.appendElement("span").addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open"); } else { switch (child.getStatus()) { case NoticeItem.STATUS_IMPORTANT: item.appendElement("span").addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-pushpin important"); break; default: item.appendElement("span").addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-pushpin normal"); } } } private String generateFilename(NoticeTreeItem item) { if (filenames.containsKey(item)) { return filenames.get(item); } String filename = IOUtil.sanitizeFilename(item.getTitle()); if (filenames.containsValue(filename)) { // solve collision int counter = 1; String newFileName = filename; while (filenames.containsValue(newFileName)) { newFileName = String.format("%s_(%d)", filename, counter++); } filename = newFileName; } filenames.put(item, filename); return filename; } }