package it.sauronsoftware.feed4j; import it.sauronsoftware.feed4j.bean.RawAttribute; import it.sauronsoftware.feed4j.bean.RawElement; import it.sauronsoftware.feed4j.bean.RawText; import java.util.Iterator; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.Text; /** * Base class for building specific feed type parser. It contains also some * static utilities. * * @author Carlo Pelliccia * */ class TypeAbstract { /** * Valid local codes. */ private static final String[] VALID_LANGUAGES = new String[] { "af", "sq", "eu", "be", "bg", "ca", "zh-cn", "zh-tw", "hr", "cs", "da", "nl", "nl-be", "nl-nl", "en", "en-au", "en-bz", "en-ca", "en-ie", "en-jm", "en-nz", "en-ph", "en-za", "en-tt", "en-gb", "en-us", "en-zw", "et", "fo", "fi", "fr", "fr-be", "fr-ca", "fr-fr", "fr-lu", "fr-mc", "fr-ch", "gl", "gd", "de", "de-at", "de-de", "de-li", "de-lu", "de-ch", "el", "haw", "hu", "is", "in", "ga", "it", "it-it", "it-ch", "ja", "ko", "mk", "no", "pl", "pt", "pt-br", "pt-pt", "ro", "ro-mo", "ro-ro", "ru", "ru-mo", "ru-ru", "sr", "sk", "sl", "es", "es-ar", "es-bo", "es-cl", "es-co", "es-cr", "es-do", "es-ec", "es-sv", "es-gt", "es-hn", "es-mx", "es-ni", "es-pa", "es-py", "es-pe", "es-pr", "es-es", "es-uy", "es-ve", "sv", "sv-fi", "sv-se", "tr", "uk" }; /** * This method fills a RawElement object recursively, extracting * informations from a dom4j Element object. * * @param re * The RawElement (side-effect on this one). * @param e * The dom4j Element object to explore in order to populate the * RawElement supplied. */ protected static void populateRawElement(RawElement re, Element e) { // Base informations. String ensuri = e.getNamespaceURI(); re.setNamespaceURI(ensuri); re.setName(e.getName()); // Attributes. for (Iterator i = e.attributeIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Attribute attr = (Attribute); RawAttribute rawAttribute = new RawAttribute(); String attrnsuri = attr.getNamespaceURI(); if (attrnsuri.equals("")) { attrnsuri = ensuri; } rawAttribute.setNamespaceURI(attrnsuri); rawAttribute.setName(attr.getName()); String value = attr.getValue(); if (value != null) { value = value.trim(); rawAttribute.setValue(value); re.addAttribute(rawAttribute); } } // Contents. if (e.isTextOnly()) { String text = e.getTextTrim(); if (text.length() > 0) { re.setValue(text); } } // Child elements. for (Iterator i = e.nodeIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Node current = (Node); if (current instanceof Text) { Text text = (Text) current; String aux = text.getText(); if (aux != null && (aux = aux.trim()).length() > 0) { RawText rawText = new RawText(); rawText.setText(aux); re.addNode(rawText); } } else if (current instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) current; RawElement rawElement = new RawElement(); populateRawElement(rawElement, element); re.addNode(rawElement); } } } /** * XML nodes copier. This method populates r1 with the attributes and the * nodes taken from re2. */ protected static void populateRawElement(RawElement re1, RawElement re2) { re1.setValue(re2.getValue()); for (int i = 0; i < re2.getAttributeCount(); i++) { re1.addAttribute(re2.getAttribute(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < re2.getNodeCount(); i++) { re1.addNode(re2.getNode(i)); } } /** * Is the given string a valid language code? * * @param str * The string. * @return true if the supplied string represents a valid language code, * false otherwise. */ protected static boolean isValidLanguageCode(String str) { for (int i = 0; i < VALID_LANGUAGES.length; i++) { if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(VALID_LANGUAGES[i])) { return true; } } return false; } /** * GUID maker helper routine. */ private static String toHexGUIDRapp(int a) { char firstChar; if (a < 0) { a = -a; firstChar = '-'; } else { firstChar = '+'; } String aux = Integer.toHexString(a); int size = aux.length(); if (size < 8) { for (int i = size; i < 8; i++) { aux = '0' + aux; } } return firstChar + aux; } /** * GUID maker for feed items. This method generates 18 chars GUIDs starting * from two integer values. Usually the two values are hashcodes * respectively for the whole feed (i.e. the hashcode of the feed URL) and * the specific feed item (i.e. the hashcode of the link/permalink in the * item, or the hashcode of the item GUID if one is given). It depends on * the type of the feed and on the specific parser implementation. * * @param a * Il primo intero del GUID. * @param b * Il secondo intero del GUID. * @return The GUID, as an 18 chars string. */ protected static String buildGUID(int a, int b) { return toHexGUIDRapp(a) + toHexGUIDRapp(b); } }