/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.labs64.netlicensing.service; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.labs64.netlicensing.domain.Constants; import com.labs64.netlicensing.domain.entity.Product; import com.labs64.netlicensing.domain.vo.Context; import com.labs64.netlicensing.domain.vo.Page; import com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException; import com.labs64.netlicensing.util.CheckUtils; /** * Provides product handling routines. * <p/> * {@linkplain Product Product entity} represents the vendor product within NetLicensing. Usually it corresponds to an * actual product of the vendor, but variations possible - in some cases it may be feasible to configure two or more * separate products within NetLicensing for a single actual product of the vendor. Products comprise of multiple * {@linkplain ProductModuleService product modules}, and licensing rules are defined for each product module. The * products are completely independent of each other in terms of license management. Once product is configured, * {@linkplain LicenseeService licensees} can be registered with the product. Licensees can obtain * {@linkplain LicenseService licenses} according to configured {@linkplain LicenseTemplateService license templates}. */ public class ProductService { /** * Creates new product with given properties. * * @param context * determines the vendor on whose behalf the call is performed * @param product * non-null properties will be taken for the new object, null properties will either stay null, or will * be set to a default value, depending on property. * @return the newly created product object * @throws com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException * any subclass of {@linkplain com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException}. These exceptions will be transformed to the * corresponding service response messages. */ public static Product create(final Context context, final Product product) throws NetLicensingException { CheckUtils.paramNotNull(product, "product"); return NetLicensingService.getInstance().post(context, Constants.Product.ENDPOINT_PATH, product.asRequestForm(), Product.class); } /** * Gets product by its number. * * @param context * determines the vendor on whose behalf the call is performed * @param number * the product number * @return the product * @throws com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException * any subclass of {@linkplain com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException}. These exceptions will be transformed to the * corresponding service response messages. */ public static Product get(final Context context, final String number) throws NetLicensingException { CheckUtils.paramNotEmpty(number, "number"); return NetLicensingService.getInstance().get(context, Constants.Product.ENDPOINT_PATH + "/" + number, null, Product.class); } /** * Returns products of a vendor. * * * @param context * determines the vendor on whose behalf the call is performed * @param filter * reserved for the future use, must be omitted / set to NULL * @return collection of product entities or null/empty list if nothing found. * @throws com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException * any subclass of {@linkplain com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException}. These exceptions will be transformed to the * corresponding service response messages. */ public static Page<Product> list(final Context context, final String filter) throws NetLicensingException { final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filter)) { params.put(Constants.FILTER, filter); } return NetLicensingService.getInstance().list(context, Constants.Product.ENDPOINT_PATH, params, Product.class); } /** * Updates product properties. * * @param context * determines the vendor on whose behalf the call is performed * @param number * product number * @param product * non-null properties will be updated to the provided values, null properties will stay unchanged. * @return updated product. * @throws com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException * any subclass of {@linkplain com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException}. These exceptions will be transformed to the * corresponding service response messages. */ public static Product update(final Context context, final String number, final Product product) throws NetLicensingException { CheckUtils.paramNotEmpty(number, "number"); CheckUtils.paramNotNull(product, "product"); return NetLicensingService.getInstance().post(context, Constants.Product.ENDPOINT_PATH + "/" + number, product.asRequestForm(), Product.class); } /** * Deletes product. * * @param context * determines the vendor on whose behalf the call is performed * @param number * product number * @param forceCascade * if true, any entities that depend on the one being deleted will be deleted too * @throws com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException * any subclass of {@linkplain com.labs64.netlicensing.exception.NetLicensingException}. These exceptions will be transformed to the * corresponding service response messages. */ public static void delete(final Context context, final String number, final boolean forceCascade) throws NetLicensingException { CheckUtils.paramNotEmpty(number, "number"); final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(Constants.CASCADE, forceCascade); NetLicensingService.getInstance().delete(context, Constants.Product.ENDPOINT_PATH + "/" + number, params); } }