package fr.inria.atlanmod.neo4emf.tests.reflection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import fr.inria.atlanmod.neo4emf.INeo4emfResource; import fr.inria.atlanmod.neo4emf.change.impl.AddLink; import fr.inria.atlanmod.neo4emf.change.impl.ChangeLog; import fr.inria.atlanmod.neo4emf.change.impl.Entry; import fr.inria.atlanmod.neo4emf.change.impl.NewObject; import fr.inria.atlanmod.neo4emf.change.impl.SetAttribute; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class ChangelogTest { private EPackage ePackage; private EFactory eFactory; private EList<EClassifier> packageClassifiers; private INeo4emfResource neo4emfRoot; private ValueFactory valueFactory; @Parameterized.Parameters public static List<Object[]> data() { return InputData.allData("Changelog"); } public ChangelogTest(Object currentEPackage, Object currentEFactory, Object neoResource) { ePackage = (EPackage)currentEPackage; eFactory = (EFactory)currentEFactory; neo4emfRoot = (INeo4emfResource)neoResource; // Register the package EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.put(ePackage.getName().toLowerCase(), ePackage); // extract classes from the package packageClassifiers = ePackage.getEClassifiers(); valueFactory = new ValueFactory(ePackage, eFactory); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().clear(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().clear(); } @Test public void testCreateClasses() { Map<EClass, Integer> eObjectBaseNumber = new HashMap<EClass,Integer>(); Map<EClass, Integer> eObjectCount = new HashMap<EClass,Integer>(); // Generate the base number for each eClass for(EClassifier currentClassifier : packageClassifiers) { if(currentClassifier instanceof EClass) { int instanceNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100); eObjectBaseNumber.put((EClass)currentClassifier, instanceNumber); // Create the instances for the current class for(int i = 0; i < instanceNumber; i++) { EObject classInstance = eFactory.create((EClass)currentClassifier); neo4emfRoot.getContents().add(classInstance); } } } // Iterate in the Changelog to find all the NewObject entries Iterator<Entry> it = neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Entry currentEntry =; if(currentEntry instanceof NewObject) { NewObject newCommand = (NewObject)currentEntry; EClass newCommandClass = newCommand.geteObject().eClass(); if(eObjectCount.containsKey(newCommandClass)) { int count = eObjectCount.get(newCommandClass); eObjectCount.put(newCommandClass, count + 1); } else { eObjectCount.put(newCommandClass, 1); } } } // Check that NewObject entry count is equal to the number of each // created EObjects. Iterator<EClass> classes = eObjectCount.keySet().iterator(); while(classes.hasNext()) { EClass currentClass =; assert eObjectBaseNumber.get(currentClass) != null : "A NewCommand entry refers to a non-instanciated class \"" + currentClass.getName() + "\"."; assert eObjectBaseNumber.get(currentClass).equals(eObjectCount.get(currentClass)) : "Invalid NewCommand number : found " + eObjectCount.get(currentClass) + ", expected " + eObjectBaseNumber.get(currentClass); } } @Test public void testSetAttributes() { List<EAttribute> setAttributeBase = new ArrayList<EAttribute>(); List<EAttribute> setAttribute = new ArrayList<EAttribute>(); // Generate the base number for each eClass for(EClassifier currentClassifier : packageClassifiers) { if(currentClassifier instanceof EClass) { EClass currentClass = (EClass)currentClassifier; //int instanceNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100); int instanceNumber = 1; //setBaseNumber.put(currentClass, 0); // Create the instances for the current class for(int i = 0; i < instanceNumber; i++) { EObject classInstance = eFactory.create(currentClass); neo4emfRoot.getContents().add(classInstance); // Set the attributes for the current class for(EObject it : currentClass.eContents()) { if(it instanceof EAttribute) { EAttribute attribute = (EAttribute)it; Object attributeValue = valueFactory.generateValue(attribute); if(attribute.isChangeable()) { classInstance.eSet(attribute,attributeValue); setAttributeBase.add(attribute); } } } } } } Iterator<Entry> it = neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Entry currentEntry =; if(currentEntry instanceof SetAttribute) { SetAttribute setAttributeEntry = (SetAttribute)currentEntry; setAttribute.add(setAttributeEntry.geteAttribute()); } } // Check that all the SetAttribute entries are consistent with the generated // EAttributes for(EAttribute effectiveSetAttribute : setAttribute) { assert setAttributeBase.contains(effectiveSetAttribute) : "A SetAttribute entry refers to a non set feature\"" + effectiveSetAttribute.getName() + "\" (class \"" + effectiveSetAttribute.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\")."; } // Check that all the created EAttributes has generated a SetAttributeEnctry for(EAttribute attribute : setAttributeBase) { assert setAttribute.contains(attribute) : "Created EAttribute \""+attribute.getName()+ "\" (class \"" + attribute.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\" )" +" hasn't generated a SetAttribute entry"; } } @Test public void testSetAttributeSingleValueOnMany() { List<EAttribute> setAttributeBase = new ArrayList<EAttribute>(); List<EAttribute> setAttribute = new ArrayList<EAttribute>(); // Generate the base number for each eClass for(EClassifier currentClassifier : packageClassifiers) { if(currentClassifier instanceof EClass) { EClass currentClass = (EClass)currentClassifier; //int instanceNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100); int instanceNumber = 1; //setBaseNumber.put(currentClass, 0); // Create the instances for the current class for(int i = 0; i < instanceNumber; i++) { EObject classInstance = eFactory.create(currentClass); neo4emfRoot.getContents().add(classInstance); // Set the attributes for the current class for(EObject it : currentClass.eContents()) { if(it instanceof EAttribute) { EAttribute attribute = (EAttribute)it; if(attribute.isChangeable()) { if(attribute.isMany()) { Object value = valueFactory.getValue(attribute.getEType()); EList<Object> attributeValue = new BasicEList<Object>(); attributeValue.add(value); classInstance.eSet(attribute, attributeValue); setAttributeBase.add(attribute); } } } } } } } Iterator<Entry> it = neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Entry currentEntry =; if(currentEntry instanceof SetAttribute) { SetAttribute setAttributeEntry = (SetAttribute)currentEntry; setAttribute.add(setAttributeEntry.geteAttribute()); } } // Check that all the SetAttribute entries are consistent with the generated // EAttributes for(EAttribute effectiveSetAttribute : setAttribute) { assert setAttributeBase.contains(effectiveSetAttribute) : "A SetAttribute entry refers to a non set feature\"" + effectiveSetAttribute.getName() + "\" (class \"" + effectiveSetAttribute.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\")."; } // Check that all the created EAttributes has generated a SetAttributeEnctry for(EAttribute attribute : setAttributeBase) { assert setAttribute.contains(attribute) : "Created EAttribute \""+attribute.getName()+ "\" (class \"" + attribute.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\" )" +" hasn't generated a SetAttribute entry"; } } @Test public void testSetAttributeUniqueWithDouble() { List<EAttribute> setAttributeBase = new ArrayList<EAttribute>(); List<EAttribute> setAttribute = new ArrayList<EAttribute>(); // Generate the base number for each eClass for(EClassifier currentClassifier : packageClassifiers) { if(currentClassifier instanceof EClass) { EClass currentClass = (EClass)currentClassifier; //int instanceNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100); int instanceNumber = 1; //setBaseNumber.put(currentClass, 0); // Create the instances for the current class for(int i = 0; i < instanceNumber; i++) { EObject classInstance = eFactory.create(currentClass); neo4emfRoot.getContents().add(classInstance); // Set the attributes for the current class for(EObject it : currentClass.eContents()) { if(it instanceof EAttribute) { EAttribute attribute = (EAttribute)it; if(attribute.isChangeable()) { if(attribute.isMany() && attribute.isUnique()) { Object value = valueFactory.getValue(attribute.getEType()); EList<Object> attributeValue = new BasicEList<Object>(); attributeValue.add(value); attributeValue.add(value); classInstance.eSet(attribute, attributeValue); setAttributeBase.add(attribute); setAttributeBase.add(attribute); } } } } } } } Iterator<Entry> it = neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Entry currentEntry =; if(currentEntry instanceof SetAttribute) { SetAttribute setAttributeEntry = (SetAttribute)currentEntry; setAttribute.add(setAttributeEntry.geteAttribute()); } } // Check that all the SetAttribute entries are consistent with the generated // EAttributes for(EAttribute effectiveSetAttribute : setAttribute) { assert setAttributeBase.contains(effectiveSetAttribute) : "A SetAttribute entry refers to a non set feature\"" + effectiveSetAttribute.getName() + "\" (class \"" + effectiveSetAttribute.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\")."; } // Check that all the created EAttributes has generated a SetAttributeEnctry for(EAttribute attribute : setAttributeBase) { assert setAttribute.contains(attribute) : "Created EAttribute \""+attribute.getName()+ "\" (class \"" + attribute.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\" )" +" hasn't generated a SetAttribute entry"; } assert setAttribute.size() == setAttributeBase.size() / 2 : "Changelog does not contain the right number of SetAttribute entry : expected " + setAttributeBase.size()/2 + ", found " + setAttribute.size(); } @Test public void testSetReference() { List<EReference> setReferenceBase = new ArrayList<EReference>(); List<EReference> setReference = new ArrayList<EReference>(); // Generate the base number for each eClass for(EClassifier currentClassifier : packageClassifiers) { if(currentClassifier instanceof EClass) { EClass currentClass = (EClass)currentClassifier; //int instanceNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100); int instanceNumber = 1; //setBaseNumber.put(currentClass, 0); // Create the instances for the current class for(int i = 0; i < instanceNumber; i++) { EObject classInstance = eFactory.create(currentClass); neo4emfRoot.getContents().add(classInstance); // Set the attributes for the current class for(EObject it : currentClass.eContents()) { if(it instanceof EReference) { EReference reference= (EReference)it; Object referenceValue = valueFactory.generateValue(reference); if(reference.isChangeable()) { classInstance.eSet(reference, referenceValue); setReferenceBase.add(reference); // Add the EOpposite EReference if it exists (EMF ensure // bidirectional update of cross EReferences) if(reference.getEOpposite() != null) { setReferenceBase.add(reference.getEOpposite()); } } } } } } } Iterator<Entry> it = neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Entry currentEntry =; if(currentEntry instanceof AddLink) { AddLink addReferenceEntry = (AddLink)currentEntry; // FIXME geteReference has been removed // setReference.add(addReferenceEntry.geteReference()); } } // Check that all the SetAttribute entries are consistent with the generated // EAttributes for(EReference effectiveSetReference : setReference) { assert setReferenceBase.contains(effectiveSetReference) : "An AddLink entry refers to a non set feature\"" + effectiveSetReference.getName() + "\" (class \"" + effectiveSetReference.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\")."; } // Check that all the created EAttributes has generated a SetAttributeEnctry for(EReference reference : setReferenceBase) { assert setReference.contains(reference) : "Created EReference \""+reference.getName()+ "\" (class \"" + reference.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\" )" +" hasn't generated a AddLink entry"; } } @Test public void testSetReferenceSingleValueOnMany() { List<EReference> setReferenceBase = new ArrayList<EReference>(); List<EReference> setReference = new ArrayList<EReference>(); // Generate the base number for each eClass for(EClassifier currentClassifier : packageClassifiers) { if(currentClassifier instanceof EClass) { EClass currentClass = (EClass)currentClassifier; //int instanceNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100); int instanceNumber = 1; //setBaseNumber.put(currentClass, 0); // Create the instances for the current class for(int i = 0; i < instanceNumber; i++) { EObject classInstance = eFactory.create(currentClass); neo4emfRoot.getContents().add(classInstance); // Set the attributes for the current class for(EObject it : currentClass.eContents()) { if(it instanceof EReference) { EReference reference= (EReference)it; if(reference.isChangeable()) { if(reference.isMany()) { Object value = valueFactory.getValue(reference.getEType()); EList<Object> referenceValue = new BasicEList<Object>(); referenceValue.add(value); classInstance.eSet(reference, referenceValue); setReferenceBase.add(reference); // Add the EOpposite EReference if it exists (EMF ensure // bidirectional update of cross EReferences) if(reference.getEOpposite() != null) { setReferenceBase.add(reference.getEOpposite()); } } } } } } } } Iterator<Entry> it = neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Entry currentEntry =; if(currentEntry instanceof AddLink) { AddLink addReferenceEntry = (AddLink)currentEntry; // FIXME geteReference has been removed //setReference.add(addReferenceEntry.geteReference()); } } // Check that all the SetAttribute entries are consistent with the generated // EAttributes for(EReference effectiveSetReference : setReference) { assert setReferenceBase.contains(effectiveSetReference) : "An AddLink entry refers to a non set feature\"" + effectiveSetReference.getName() + "\" (class \"" + effectiveSetReference.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\")."; } // Check that all the created EAttributes has generated a SetAttributeEnctry for(EReference reference : setReferenceBase) { assert setReference.contains(reference) : "Created EReference \""+reference.getName()+ "\" (class \"" + reference.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\" )" +" hasn't generated a AddLink entry"; } } @Test public void testSetReferenceUniqueWithDouble() { List<EReference> setReferenceBase = new ArrayList<EReference>(); List<EReference> setReference = new ArrayList<EReference>(); // Generate the base number for each eClass for(EClassifier currentClassifier : packageClassifiers) { if(currentClassifier instanceof EClass) { EClass currentClass = (EClass)currentClassifier; //int instanceNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100); int instanceNumber = 1; //setBaseNumber.put(currentClass, 0); // Create the instances for the current class for(int i = 0; i < instanceNumber; i++) { EObject classInstance = eFactory.create(currentClass); neo4emfRoot.getContents().add(classInstance); // Set the attributes for the current class for(EObject it : currentClass.eContents()) { if(it instanceof EReference) { EReference reference = (EReference)it; if(reference.isChangeable()) { if(reference.isMany() && reference.isUnique()) { Object value = valueFactory.getValue(reference.getEType()); EList<Object> attributeValue = new BasicEList<Object>(); attributeValue.add(value); attributeValue.add(value); classInstance.eSet(reference, attributeValue); setReferenceBase.add(reference); setReferenceBase.add(reference); if(reference.getEOpposite() != null) { setReferenceBase.add(reference.getEOpposite()); setReferenceBase.add(reference.getEOpposite()); } } } } } } } } Iterator<Entry> it = neo4emfRoot.getChangeLog().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Entry currentEntry =; if(currentEntry instanceof AddLink) { AddLink setReferenceEntry = (AddLink)currentEntry; // FIXME geteReference has been removed // setReference.add(setReferenceEntry.geteReference()); } } // Check that all the AddLink entries are consistent with the generated // EAttributes for(EReference effectiveSetReference : setReference) { assert setReferenceBase.contains(effectiveSetReference) : "A AddLink entry refers to a non set feature\"" + effectiveSetReference.getName() + "\" (class \"" + effectiveSetReference.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\")."; } // Check that all the created EAttributes has generated a SetAttributeEnctry for(EReference reference : setReferenceBase) { assert setReference.contains(reference) : "Created EAttribute \""+reference.getName()+ "\" (class \"" + reference.getEContainingClass().getName() + "\" )" +" hasn't generated a SetAttribute entry"; } assert setReference.size() == setReferenceBase.size() / 2 : "Changelog does not contain the right number of SetAttribute entry : expected " + setReferenceBase.size()/2 + ", found " + setReference.size(); } }