/* Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. The MySQL Connector/J is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>, like most MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPLv2 as it is applied to this software, see the FLOSS License Exception <http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package testsuite; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; import com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver; import com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver; import com.mysql.jdbc.StringUtils; /** * Base class for all test cases. Creates connections, statements, etc. and * closes them. * * @author Mark Matthews * @version $Id: BaseTestCase.java 5440 2006-06-27 17:00:53 +0000 (Tue, 27 Jun * 2006) mmatthews $ */ public abstract class BaseTestCase extends TestCase { private final static String ADMIN_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NAME = "com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.admin-url"; private final static String NO_MULTI_HOST_PROPERTY_NAME = "com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.no-multi-hosts-tests"; /** * JDBC URL, initialized from com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url system property, * or defaults to jdbc:mysql:///test */ protected static String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql:///test"; /** Instance counter */ private static int instanceCount = 1; /** Connection to server, initialized in setUp() Cleaned up in tearDown(). */ protected Connection conn = null; /** list of schema objects to be dropped in tearDown */ private List<String[]> createdObjects; /** The driver to use */ protected String dbClass = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; /** My instance number */ private int myInstanceNumber = 0; /** * PreparedStatement to be used in tests, not initialized. Cleaned up in * tearDown(). */ protected PreparedStatement pstmt = null; /** * ResultSet to be used in tests, not initialized. Cleaned up in tearDown(). */ protected ResultSet rs = null; /** * Statement to be used in tests, initialized in setUp(). Cleaned up in * tearDown(). */ protected Statement stmt = null; private boolean runningOnJdk131 = false; private boolean isOnCSFS = true; /** * Creates a new BaseTestCase object. * * @param name * The name of the JUnit test case */ public BaseTestCase(String name) { super(name); this.myInstanceNumber = instanceCount++; String newDbUrl = System.getProperty("com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url"); if ((newDbUrl != null) && (newDbUrl.trim().length() != 0)) { dbUrl = newDbUrl; } else { String defaultDbUrl = System .getProperty("com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url.default"); if ((defaultDbUrl != null) && (defaultDbUrl.trim().length() != 0)) { dbUrl = defaultDbUrl; } } String newDriver = System .getProperty("com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.driver"); if ((newDriver != null) && (newDriver.trim().length() != 0)) { this.dbClass = newDriver; } try { Blob.class.getMethod("truncate", new Class[] { Long.TYPE }); this.runningOnJdk131 = false; } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { this.runningOnJdk131 = true; } } protected void createSchemaObject(String objectType, String objectName, String columnsAndOtherStuff) throws SQLException { this.createdObjects.add(new String[] {objectType, objectName}); dropSchemaObject(objectType, objectName); StringBuffer createSql = new StringBuffer(objectName.length() + objectType.length() + columnsAndOtherStuff.length() + 10); createSql.append("CREATE "); createSql.append(objectType); createSql.append(" "); createSql.append(objectName); createSql.append(" "); createSql.append(columnsAndOtherStuff); try { this.stmt.executeUpdate(createSql.toString()); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { if ("42S01".equals(sqlEx.getSQLState())) { System.err.println("WARN: Stale mysqld table cache preventing table creation - flushing tables and trying again"); this.stmt.executeUpdate("FLUSH TABLES"); // some bug in 5.1 on the mac causes tables to not disappear from the cache this.stmt.executeUpdate(createSql.toString()); } else { throw sqlEx; } } } protected void createFunction(String functionName, String functionDefn) throws SQLException { createSchemaObject("FUNCTION", functionName, functionDefn); } protected void dropFunction(String functionName) throws SQLException { dropSchemaObject("FUNCTION", functionName); } protected void createProcedure(String procedureName, String procedureDefn) throws SQLException { createSchemaObject("PROCEDURE", procedureName, procedureDefn); } protected void dropProcedure(String procedureName) throws SQLException { dropSchemaObject("PROCEDURE", procedureName); } protected void createTable(String tableName, String columnsAndOtherStuff) throws SQLException { createSchemaObject("TABLE", tableName, columnsAndOtherStuff); } protected void createTable(String tableName, String columnsAndOtherStuff, String engine) throws SQLException { createSchemaObject("TABLE", tableName, columnsAndOtherStuff + " " + getTableTypeDecl() + " = " + engine); } protected void dropTable(String tableName) throws SQLException { dropSchemaObject("TABLE", tableName); } protected void createDatabase(String databaseName) throws SQLException { createSchemaObject("DATABASE", databaseName, ""); } protected void dropDatabase(String databaseName) throws SQLException { dropSchemaObject("DATABASE", databaseName); } protected void dropSchemaObject(String objectType, String objectName) throws SQLException { this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP " + objectType + " IF EXISTS " + objectName); } protected Connection getAdminConnection() throws SQLException { return getAdminConnectionWithProps(new Properties()); } protected Connection getAdminConnectionWithProps(Properties props) throws SQLException { String adminUrl = System.getProperty(ADMIN_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NAME); if (adminUrl != null) { return DriverManager.getConnection(adminUrl, props); } return null; } protected Connection getConnectionWithProps(String propsList) throws SQLException { return getConnectionWithProps(dbUrl, propsList); } protected Connection getConnectionWithProps(String url, String propsList) throws SQLException { Properties props = new Properties(); if (propsList != null) { List<String> keyValuePairs = StringUtils.split(propsList, ",", false); for (String kvp : keyValuePairs) { List<String> splitUp = StringUtils.split(kvp, "=", false); StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i < splitUp.size(); i++) { if (i != 1) { value.append("="); } value.append(splitUp.get(i)); } props.setProperty(splitUp.get(0).toString().trim(), value.toString()); } } return getConnectionWithProps(url, props); } /** * Returns a new connection with the given properties * * @param props * the properties to use (the URL will come from the standard for * this testcase). * * @return a new connection using the given properties. * * @throws SQLException * DOCUMENT ME! */ public Connection getConnectionWithProps(Properties props) throws SQLException { return DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, props); } protected Connection getConnectionWithProps(String url, Properties props) throws SQLException { return DriverManager.getConnection(url, props); } /** * Returns the per-instance counter (for messages when multi-threading * stress tests) * * @return int the instance number */ protected int getInstanceNumber() { return this.myInstanceNumber; } protected String getMysqlVariable(Connection c, String variableName) throws SQLException { Object value = getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(c, 2, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '" + variableName + "'"); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof byte[]) { // workaround for bad 4.1.x bugfix return new String((byte[]) value); } return value.toString(); } return null; } /** * Returns the named MySQL variable from the currently connected server. * * @param variableName * the name of the variable to return * * @return the value of the given variable, or NULL if it doesn't exist * * @throws SQLException * if an error occurs */ protected String getMysqlVariable(String variableName) throws SQLException { return getMysqlVariable(this.conn, variableName); } /** * Returns the properties that represent the default URL used for * connections for all testcases. * * @return properties parsed from com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url * * @throws SQLException * if parsing fails */ protected Properties getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl() throws SQLException { Properties props = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null); String hostname = props .getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY); if (hostname == null) { props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost"); } else if (hostname.startsWith(":")) { props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost"); props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, hostname .substring(1)); } String portNumber = props .getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY); if (portNumber == null) { props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306"); } return props; } protected int getRowCount(String tableName) throws SQLException { ResultSet countRs = null; try { countRs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName); countRs.next(); return countRs.getInt(1); } finally { if (countRs != null) { countRs.close(); } } } protected Object getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(Connection c, int columnIndex, String query) throws SQLException { ResultSet valueRs = null; Statement svStmt = null; try { svStmt = c.createStatement(); valueRs = svStmt.executeQuery(query); if (!valueRs.next()) { return null; } return valueRs.getObject(columnIndex); } finally { if (valueRs != null) { valueRs.close(); } if (svStmt != null) { svStmt.close(); } } } protected Object getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(int columnIndex, String query) throws SQLException { return getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(this.conn, columnIndex, query); } protected Object getSingleValue(String tableName, String columnName, String whereClause) throws SQLException { return getSingleValueWithQuery("SELECT " + columnName + " FROM " + tableName + ((whereClause == null) ? "" : " " + whereClause)); } protected Object getSingleValueWithQuery(String query) throws SQLException { return getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(1, query); } protected String getTableTypeDecl() throws SQLException { if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { return "ENGINE"; } return "TYPE"; } protected boolean isAdminConnectionConfigured() { return System.getProperty(ADMIN_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NAME) != null; } protected boolean isServerRunningOnWindows() throws SQLException { return (getMysqlVariable("datadir").indexOf('\\') != -1); } public void logDebug(String message) { if (System.getProperty("com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.noDebugOutput") == null) { System.err.println(message); } } protected File newTempBinaryFile(String name, long size) throws IOException { File tempFile = File.createTempFile(name, "tmp"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); cleanupTempFiles(tempFile, name); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); for (long i = 0; i < size; i++) { bos.write((byte) i); } bos.close(); assertTrue(tempFile.exists()); assertEquals(size, tempFile.length()); return tempFile; } protected final boolean runLongTests() { return runTestIfSysPropDefined("com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.runLongTests"); } /** * Checks whether a certain system property is defined, in order to * run/not-run certain tests * * @param propName * the property name to check for * * @return true if the property is defined. */ protected boolean runTestIfSysPropDefined(String propName) { String prop = System.getProperty(propName); return (prop != null) && (prop.length() > 0); } protected boolean runMultiHostTests() { return !runTestIfSysPropDefined(NO_MULTI_HOST_PROPERTY_NAME); } /** * Creates resources used by all tests. * * @throws Exception * if an error occurs. */ public void setUp() throws Exception { System.out.println("Loading JDBC driver '" + this.dbClass + "'"); Class.forName(this.dbClass).newInstance(); System.out.println("Done.\n"); this.createdObjects = new ArrayList<String[]>(); if (this.dbClass.equals("gwe.sql.gweMysqlDriver")) { try { this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, "", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail(); } } else { try { this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail(); } } System.out.println("Done.\n"); this.stmt = this.conn.createStatement(); try { if (dbUrl.indexOf("mysql") != -1) { this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT VERSION()"); this.rs.next(); logDebug("Connected to " + this.rs.getString(1)); this.rs.close(); this.rs = null; } else { logDebug("Connected to " + this.conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName() + " / " + this.conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductVersion()); } } finally { if (this.rs != null) { this.rs.close(); } } this.isOnCSFS = !this.conn.getMetaData().storesLowerCaseIdentifiers(); } /** * Destroys resources created during the test case. * * @throws Exception * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void tearDown() throws Exception { if (this.rs != null) { try { this.rs.close(); } catch (SQLException SQLE) { ; } } if (System.getProperty("com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.retainArtifacts") == null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.createdObjects.size(); i++) { try { String[] objectInfo = this.createdObjects.get(i); dropSchemaObject(objectInfo[0], objectInfo[1]); } catch (SQLException SQLE) { ; } } } if (this.stmt != null) { try { this.stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException SQLE) { ; } } if (this.pstmt != null) { try { this.pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException SQLE) { ; } } if (this.conn != null) { try { this.conn.close(); } catch (SQLException SQLE) { ; } } } /** * Checks whether the database we're connected to meets the given version * minimum * * @param major * the major version to meet * @param minor * the minor version to meet * * @return boolean if the major/minor is met * * @throws SQLException * if an error occurs. */ protected boolean versionMeetsMinimum(int major, int minor) throws SQLException { return versionMeetsMinimum(major, minor, 0); } /** * Checks whether the database we're connected to meets the given version * minimum * * @param major * the major version to meet * @param minor * the minor version to meet * * @return boolean if the major/minor is met * * @throws SQLException * if an error occurs. */ protected boolean versionMeetsMinimum(int major, int minor, int subminor) throws SQLException { return (((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) this.conn).versionMeetsMinimum( major, minor, subminor)); } protected boolean isRunningOnJdk131() { return this.runningOnJdk131; } protected boolean isClassAvailable(String classname) { try { Class.forName(classname); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } protected boolean isRunningOnJRockit() { String vmVendor = System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor"); return (vmVendor != null && vmVendor.toUpperCase(Locale.US).startsWith( "BEA")); } protected String randomString() { int length = (int)(Math.random() * 32); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { buf.append((char)((Math.random() * 26) + 'a')); } return buf.toString(); } protected void cleanupTempFiles(final File exampleTempFile, final String tempfilePrefix) { File tempfilePath = exampleTempFile.getParentFile(); File[] possibleFiles = tempfilePath.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return (name.indexOf(tempfilePrefix) != -1 && !exampleTempFile.getName().equals(name)); }}); for (int i = 0; i < possibleFiles.length; i++) { try { possibleFiles[i].delete(); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore, we're only making a best effort cleanup attempt here } } } protected void assertResultSetLength(ResultSet rset, int len) throws Exception { assertTrue("Result set is scrollable", rset.getType() != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY); int oldRowPos = rset.getRow(); rset.last(); assertEquals("Result set length", len, rset.getRow()); if (oldRowPos > 0) rset.absolute(oldRowPos); else rset.beforeFirst(); } protected void assertResultSetsEqual(ResultSet control, ResultSet test) throws Exception { int controlNumCols = control.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); int testNumCols = test.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); assertEquals(controlNumCols, testNumCols); StringBuffer rsAsString = new StringBuffer(); while (control.next()) { test.next(); rsAsString.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < controlNumCols; i++) { Object controlObj = control.getObject(i + 1); Object testObj = test.getObject(i + 1); rsAsString.append("" + controlObj); rsAsString.append("\t = \t"); rsAsString.append("" + testObj); rsAsString.append(", "); if (controlObj == null) { assertNull("Expected null, see last row: \n" + rsAsString.toString(), testObj); } else { assertNotNull("Expected non-null, see last row: \n" + rsAsString.toString(), testObj); } if (controlObj instanceof Float) { assertEquals("Float comparison failed, see last row: \n" + rsAsString.toString(), ((Float)controlObj).floatValue(), ((Float)testObj).floatValue(), 0.1); } else if (controlObj instanceof Double) { assertEquals("Double comparison failed, see last row: \n" + rsAsString.toString(), ((Double)controlObj).doubleValue(), ((Double)testObj).doubleValue(), 0.1); } else { assertEquals("Value comparison failed, see last row: \n" + rsAsString.toString(), controlObj, testObj); } } } int howMuchMore = 0; while (test.next()) { rsAsString.append("\n"); howMuchMore++; for (int i = 0; i < controlNumCols; i++) { rsAsString.append("\t = \t"); rsAsString.append("" + test.getObject(i + 1)); rsAsString.append(", "); } } assertTrue("Found " + howMuchMore + " extra rows in result set to be compared: ", howMuchMore == 0); } /* * Set default values for primitives. * (prevents NPE in Java 1.4 when calling via reflection) */ protected void fillPrimitiveDefaults(Class<?> types[], Object vals[], int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (vals[i] != null) continue; String type = types[i].toString(); if (type.equals("short")) { vals[i] = new Short((short)0); } else if (type.equals("int")) { vals[i] = new Integer(0); } else if (type.equals("long")) { vals[i] = new Long(0); } else if (type.equals("boolean")) { vals[i] = new Boolean(false); } else if (type.equals("byte")) { vals[i] = new Byte((byte)0); } else if (type.equals("double")) { vals[i] = new Double(0.0); } else if (type.equals("float")) { vals[i] = new Float(0.0); } } } /** * Retrieve the current system time in milliseconds, using the nanosecond * time if possible. */ protected long currentTimeMillis() { try { Method mNanoTime = System.class.getDeclaredMethod("nanoTime", (Class[])null); return ((Long)mNanoTime.invoke(null, (Object[])null)).longValue() / 1000000; } catch(Exception ex) { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } } protected Connection getMasterSlaveReplicationConnection() throws SQLException { Connection replConn = new ReplicationDriver().connect( getMasterSlaveUrl(), getMasterSlaveProps()); return replConn; } protected String getMasterSlaveUrl() throws SQLException { Properties defaultProps = getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl(); String hostname = defaultProps .getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY); if (NonRegisteringDriver.isHostPropertiesList(hostname)) { String url = String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s,%s/", hostname, hostname); return url; } StringBuffer urlBuf = new StringBuffer("jdbc:mysql://"); String portNumber = defaultProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306"); hostname = (hostname == null ? "localhost" : hostname); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { urlBuf.append(hostname); urlBuf.append(":"); urlBuf.append(portNumber); if (i == 0) { urlBuf.append(","); } } urlBuf.append("/"); return urlBuf.toString(); } protected Properties getMasterSlaveProps() throws SQLException { Properties props = getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl(); removeHostRelatedProps(props); return props; } protected void removeHostRelatedProps(Properties props) { props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY); props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY); int numHosts = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.NUM_HOSTS_PROPERTY_KEY)); for (int i = 1; i <= numHosts; i++) { props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY + "." + i); props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY + "." + i); } props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.NUM_HOSTS_PROPERTY_KEY); } protected Connection getLoadBalancedConnection(int badHostLocation, String badHost, Properties props) throws SQLException { Properties parsedProps = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null); String firstHost = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY); if (!NonRegisteringDriver.isHostPropertiesList(firstHost)) { String port = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306"); if (firstHost == null) { firstHost = "localhost"; } firstHost = firstHost + ":" + port; } if (badHost != null) { badHost = badHost + ","; } String hostsString = null; switch (badHostLocation) { case 1: hostsString = badHost + firstHost; break; case 2: hostsString = firstHost + "," + badHost + firstHost; break; case 3: hostsString = firstHost + "," + badHost; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (props != null) { parsedProps.putAll(props); } Connection lbConn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://" + hostsString, parsedProps); return lbConn; } protected Connection getLoadBalancedConnection() throws SQLException { return getLoadBalancedConnection(1, "", null); } protected Connection getLoadBalancedConnection(Properties props) throws SQLException { return getLoadBalancedConnection(1, "", props); } protected void copyBasePropertiesIntoProps(Properties props, NonRegisteringDriver d) throws SQLException { Properties testCaseProps = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, null); String user = testCaseProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY); if (user != null) { props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY, user); } String password = testCaseProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY); if (password != null) { props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY, password); } String port = testCaseProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY); if (port != null) { props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, port); } else { String host = testCaseProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY); if (host != null) { String[] hostPort = host.split(":"); if (hostPort.length > 1) { props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, hostPort[1]); } } } } protected String getPortFreeHostname(Properties props, NonRegisteringDriver d) throws SQLException { String host = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props).getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY); if(host == null){ host = "localhost"; } host = host.split(":")[0]; return host; } protected Connection getUnreliableLoadBalancedConnection(String[] hostNames, Properties props) throws Exception { return getUnreliableLoadBalancedConnection(hostNames, props, new HashSet<String>()); } protected Connection getUnreliableLoadBalancedConnection(String[] hostNames, Properties props, Set<String> downedHosts) throws Exception { if(props == null){ props = new Properties(); } NonRegisteringDriver d = new NonRegisteringDriver(); this.copyBasePropertiesIntoProps(props, d); props.setProperty("socketFactory", "testsuite.UnreliableSocketFactory"); Properties parsed = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props); String db = parsed.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY); String port = parsed.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY); String host = getPortFreeHostname(props, d); UnreliableSocketFactory.flushAllHostLists(); StringBuffer hostString = new StringBuffer(); String glue = ""; for(int i = 0; i < hostNames.length; i++){ UnreliableSocketFactory.mapHost(hostNames[i], host); hostString.append(glue); glue = ","; hostString.append(hostNames[i] + ":" + (port == null ? "3306" : port)); if (downedHosts.contains(hostNames[i])) { UnreliableSocketFactory.downHost(hostNames[i]); } } props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY); return getConnectionWithProps("jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://" + hostString.toString() +"/" + db, props); } protected Connection getUnreliableReplicationConnection(String[] hostNames, Properties props) throws Exception { return getUnreliableReplicationConnection(hostNames, props, new HashSet<String>()); } protected Connection getUnreliableReplicationConnection(String[] hostNames, Properties props, Set<String> downedHosts) throws Exception { if(props == null){ props = new Properties(); } NonRegisteringDriver d = new NonRegisteringDriver(); this.copyBasePropertiesIntoProps(props, d); props.setProperty("socketFactory", "testsuite.UnreliableSocketFactory"); Properties parsed = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props); String db = parsed.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY); String port = parsed.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY); String host = getPortFreeHostname(props, d); UnreliableSocketFactory.flushAllHostLists(); StringBuffer hostString = new StringBuffer(); String glue = ""; for(int i = 0; i < hostNames.length; i++){ UnreliableSocketFactory.mapHost(hostNames[i], host); hostString.append(glue); glue = ","; hostString.append(hostNames[i] + ":" + (port == null ? "3306" : port)); if (downedHosts.contains(hostNames[i])) { UnreliableSocketFactory.downHost(hostNames[i]); } } props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY); return getConnectionWithProps("jdbc:mysql:replication://" + hostString.toString() +"/" + db, props); } protected boolean assertEqualsFSAware(String matchStr, String inStr) throws Exception { if (this.isOnCSFS) { return matchStr.equals(inStr); } return matchStr.equalsIgnoreCase(inStr); } }