package org.mutabilitydetector.cli; /* * #%L * MutabilityDetector * %% * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014 Graham Allan * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import org.mutabilitydetector.AnalysisError; import org.mutabilitydetector.AnalysisResult; import org.mutabilitydetector.IsImmutable; import org.mutabilitydetector.MutableReasonDetail; import org.mutabilitydetector.cli.CommandLineOptions.ReportMode; import org.mutabilitydetector.locations.Dotted; import org.mutabilitydetector.misc.TimingUtil; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import static org.mutabilitydetector.IsImmutable.IMMUTABLE; import static org.mutabilitydetector.IsImmutable.NOT_IMMUTABLE; @Immutable public final class SessionResultsFormatter { private final boolean verbose; private final boolean showSummary; private final ReportMode reportMode; private final Collection<Dotted> classesToReport; private final BatchAnalysisOptions options; private TimingUtil timingUtil; public SessionResultsFormatter(BatchAnalysisOptions options, ClassListReaderFactory readerFactory) { this.options = options; this.verbose = options.verbose(); this.showSummary = options.showSummary(); this.reportMode = options.reportMode(); this.classesToReport = getClassesToReport(options.isUsingClassList(), readerFactory); this.timingUtil = new TimingUtil(); } public StringBuilder format(Iterable<AnalysisResult> results, Iterable<AnalysisError> errors) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); appendErrors(errors, output); appendAnalysisResults(results, output); return output; } private Collection<Dotted> getClassesToReport(boolean isUsingClassList, ClassListReaderFactory readerFactory) { return isUsingClassList ? readerFactory.createReader().classListToReport() : Collections.<Dotted> emptySet(); } private void appendErrors(Iterable<AnalysisError> errors, StringBuilder output) { if (!options.reportErrors()) return; for (AnalysisError error : errors) { String message = String.format("Error while running %s on class %s.%n", error.checkerName, error.onClass); output.append(message); if (verbose) { String description = String.format("\t%s%n", error.description); output.append(description); } } } private void appendAnalysisResults(Iterable<AnalysisResult> results, StringBuilder output) { List<AnalysisResult> sortedList = sortByClassname(results); int total = 0; int totalNotImmutable = 0; for (AnalysisResult result : sortedList) { IsImmutable isImmutable = result.isImmutable; if (isImmutable.equals(NOT_IMMUTABLE)) { totalNotImmutable++; } total++; addResultForClass(output, result, isImmutable); } if (showSummary) { int totalImmutable = total - totalNotImmutable; appendSummaryOfResults(output, total, totalImmutable, totalNotImmutable); } } private void appendSummaryOfResults(StringBuilder output, int total, int totalImmutable, int totalMutable) { output.append(String.format("%n\t%d %s%n", total, "Total number of classes scanned.")); output.append(String.format("\t%d %s%n", totalImmutable, "IMMUTABLE class(es).")); output.append(String.format("\t%d %s%n", totalMutable, "NOT_IMMUTABLE class(es).")); final long processRuntime = timingUtil.getCurrentTimeMillis() - timingUtil.getVMStartTimeMillis(); output.append(String.format("\t%d %s%n", processRuntime/1000, "seconds runtime.")); } private List<AnalysisResult> sortByClassname(Iterable<AnalysisResult> sessionResults) { return Ordering.from(new ClassnameComparator()).sortedCopy(sessionResults); } private void addResultForClass(StringBuilder output, AnalysisResult result, IsImmutable isImmutable) { if (options.isUsingClassList() && !classesToReport.contains(result.className)) return; if (reportMode.equals(ReportMode.ALL)) { appendClassResult(output, result, isImmutable); } else if (reportMode.equals(ReportMode.IMMUTABLE)) { if (result.isImmutable.equals(IMMUTABLE)) { appendClassResult(output, result, isImmutable); } } else if (reportMode.equals(ReportMode.MUTABLE)) { if (result.isImmutable.equals(NOT_IMMUTABLE)) { appendClassResult(output, result, isImmutable); } } } private void appendClassResult(StringBuilder output, AnalysisResult result, IsImmutable isImmutable) { output.append(String.format("%s is %s%n", result.className,; if (!result.isImmutable.equals(IMMUTABLE)) { addReasons(result, output); } } private void addReasons(AnalysisResult result, StringBuilder output) { if (!verbose) return; for (MutableReasonDetail reasonDetail : result.reasons) { output.append(String.format("\t%10s %s%n", reasonDetail.message(), reasonDetail.codeLocation() .prettyPrint())); } } private static final class ClassnameComparator implements Comparator<AnalysisResult>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1865374158214841422L; @Override public int compare(AnalysisResult first, AnalysisResult second) { return first.className.asString().compareToIgnoreCase(second.className.asString()); } } public void setTimingUtil(TimingUtil timingUtil) { this.timingUtil = timingUtil; } }