package mobisocial.test; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Random; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.IBinder; public abstract class NServicesTestCase extends TestBase { Class<Service>[] mServiceClass; private Context mSystemContext; private Application mApplication; public NServicesTestCase(Class<Service>... serviceClass) { mServiceClass = serviceClass; } private Service[] mService; private boolean mServiceAttached = false; private boolean mServiceCreated = false; private boolean mServiceStarted = false; private boolean mServiceBound = false; private Intent[] mServiceIntent = null; private int mServiceId; public Service getService(int n) { return mService[n]; } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // get the real context, before the individual tests have a chance to muck with it mSystemContext = getContext(); } protected abstract Context getContextForService(int index, Service service); protected abstract Context getApplicationForService(int index, Service service); protected void setupService() { mService = new Service[mServiceClass.length]; for(int i = 0; i < mService.length; ++i) { try { mService[i] = mServiceClass[i].newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { assertNotNull(mService[i]); } Method ms[] = mServiceClass[i].getMethods(); for(Method m : ms) { if(!m.getName().equals("attach")) continue; try { m.invoke(mService[i], getContextForService(i, mService[i]), null, // ActivityThread not actually used in Service mServiceClass[i].getName(), null, // token not needed when not talking with the activity manager getApplicationForService(i, mService[i]), null // mocked services don't talk with the activity manager ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } assertNotNull(mService[i]); } mServiceId = new Random().nextInt(); mServiceAttached = true; } /** * Start the service under test, in the same way as if it was started by * {@link android.content.Context#startService Context.startService()}, providing the * arguments it supplied. If you use this method to start the service, it will automatically * be stopped by {@link #tearDown}. * * @param intent The Intent as if supplied to {@link android.content.Context#startService}. */ protected void startService(Intent[] intent) { assertFalse(mServiceStarted); assertFalse(mServiceBound); if (!mServiceAttached) { setupService(); } assertNotNull(mService); if (!mServiceCreated) { for(Service s : mService) s.onCreate(); mServiceCreated = true; } for(int i = 0; i < mService.length; ++i) mService[i].onStart(intent[i], mServiceId); mServiceStarted = true; } /** * Start the service under test, in the same way as if it was started by * {@link android.content.Context#bindService Context.bindService()}, providing the * arguments it supplied. * * Return the communication channel to the service. May return null if * clients can not bind to the service. The returned * {@link android.os.IBinder} is usually for a complex interface * that has been <a href="{@docRoot}reference/aidl.html">described using * aidl</a>. * * Note: In order to test with this interface, your service must implement a getService() * method, as shown in * @param intent The Intent as if supplied to {@link android.content.Context#bindService}. * * @return Return an IBinder for making further calls into the Service. */ protected IBinder[] bindService(Intent[] intent) { assertFalse(mServiceStarted); assertFalse(mServiceBound); if (!mServiceAttached) { setupService(); } assertNotNull(mService); if (!mServiceCreated) { for(Service s : mService) s.onCreate(); mServiceCreated = true; } // no extras are expected by unbind IBinder[] result = new IBinder[mServiceClass.length]; mServiceIntent = new Intent[mServiceClass.length]; for(int i = 0; i < mService.length; ++i) { mServiceIntent[i] = intent[i].cloneFilter(); result[i] = mService[i].onBind(intent[i]); } mServiceBound = true; return result; } /** * This will make the necessary calls to stop (or unbind) the Service under test, and * call onDestroy(). Ordinarily this will be called automatically (by {@link #tearDown}, but * you can call it directly from your test in order to check for proper shutdown behaviors. */ protected void shutdownService() { if (mServiceStarted) { for(Service s : mService) s.stopSelf(); mServiceStarted = false; } else if (mServiceBound) { for(int i = 0; i < mService.length; ++i) { mService[i].onUnbind(mServiceIntent[i]); } mServiceBound = false; } if (mServiceCreated) { for(Service s : mService) s.onDestroy(); } } /** * Shuts down the Service under test. Also makes sure all resources are cleaned up and * garbage collected before moving on to the next * test. Subclasses that override this method should make sure they call super.tearDown() * at the end of the overriding method. * * @throws Exception */ @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { shutdownService(); mService = null; // Scrub out members - protects against memory leaks in the case where someone // creates a non-static inner class (thus referencing the test case) and gives it to // someone else to hold onto scrubClass(NServicesTestCase.class); super.tearDown(); } /** * Set the application for use during the test. If your test does not call this function, * a new {@link android.test.mock.MockApplication MockApplication} object will be generated. * * @param application The Application object that will be injected into the Service under test. */ public void setApplication(Application application) { mApplication = application; } /** * Return the Application object being used by the Service under test. * * @return Returns the application object. * * @see #setApplication */ public Application getApplication() { return mApplication; } /** * Return a real (not mocked or instrumented) system Context that can be used when generating * Mock or other Context objects for your Service under test. * * @return Returns a reference to a normal Context. */ public Context getSystemContext() { return mSystemContext; } public void testServiceTestCaseSetUpProperly() throws Exception { setupService(); assertNotNull("service should be launched successfully", mService); } }