package org.multiverse; import org.multiverse.api.Txn; import org.multiverse.api.TxnStatus; import org.multiverse.api.blocking.RetryLatch; import org.multiverse.stms.gamma.GammaConstants; import org.multiverse.stms.gamma.transactionalobjects.AbstractGammaObject; import org.multiverse.utils.Bugshaker; import org.multiverse.utils.ThreadLocalRandom; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * @author Peter Veentjer */ public class TestUtils implements MultiverseConstants { public static void assertOrecValue(AbstractGammaObject object, long expected) { assertEquals(expected, object.orec); } public static void assertFailure(int value) { assertEquals(GammaConstants.FAILURE, value); } public static void assertHasMasks(int value, int... masks) { for (int mask : masks) { assertTrue((value & mask) > 0); } } public static void assertNotHasMasks(int value, int... masks) { for (int mask : masks) { assertTrue((value & mask) == 0); } } public static void clearCurrentThreadInterruptedStatus() { Thread.interrupted(); } public static void assertEqualsDouble(String msg, double expected, double found) { assertEquals(msg, Double.doubleToLongBits(expected), Double.doubleToLongBits(found)); } public static void assertEqualsDouble(double expected, double found) { assertEqualsDouble(format("expected %s found %s", expected, found), expected, found); } public static int processorCount() { return Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } public static void assertEra(RetryLatch latch, long era) { assertEquals(era, latch.getEra()); } public static void assertOpen(RetryLatch latch) { assertTrue(latch.isOpen()); } public static void assertClosed(RetryLatch latch) { assertFalse(latch.isOpen()); } public static void assertEqualByteArray(byte[] array1, byte[] array2) { if (array1 == array2) { return; } if (array1 == null) { fail(); } int length = array1.length; assertEquals(length, array2.length); for (int k = 0; k < array1.length; k++) { assertEquals(array1[k], array2[k]); } } public static Object getField(Object o, String fieldname) { if (o == null || fieldname == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } try { Field field = findField(o.getClass(), fieldname); if (field == null) { fail(format("field '%s' is not found on class '%s' or on one of its super classes", fieldname, o.getClass().getName())); } field.setAccessible(true); return field.get(o); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static Field findField(Class clazz, String fieldname) { try { return clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldname); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { if (clazz.equals(Object.class)) { return null; } return findField(clazz.getSuperclass(), fieldname); } } public static void assertNotEquals(long l1, long l2) { assertFalse(format("both values are %s, but should not be equal", l2), l1 == l2); } public static void assertIsPrepared(Txn... txns) { for (Txn tx : txns) { assertEquals(TxnStatus.Prepared, tx.getStatus()); } } public static void assertIsAborted(Txn... txns) { for (Txn tx : txns) { assertEquals(TxnStatus.Aborted, tx.getStatus()); } } public static void assertIsCommitted(Txn... txns) { for (Txn tx : txns) { assertEquals(TxnStatus.Committed, tx.getStatus()); } } public static void assertIsActive(Txn... txns) { for (Txn tx : txns) { assertEquals(TxnStatus.Active, tx.getStatus()); } } public static int randomInt(int max) { if (max <= 0) { return 0; } return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(max); } public static void sleepRandomMs(int maxMs) { Bugshaker.sleepUs((long) randomInt((int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(maxMs))); } public static void sleepMs(long ms) { long us = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(ms); Bugshaker.sleepUs(us); } public static boolean randomBoolean() { return randomInt(10) % 2 == 0; } public static boolean randomOneOf(int chance) { return randomInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) % chance == 0; } public static long getStressTestDurationMs(long defaultDuration) { String value = System.getProperty("org.multiverse.integrationtest.durationMs", String.valueOf(defaultDuration)); return Long.parseLong(value); } public static void assertIsInterrupted(Thread t) { assertTrue(t.isInterrupted()); } public static void assertAlive(Thread... threads) { for (Thread thread : threads) { assertTrue(thread.getName(), thread.isAlive()); } } public static boolean isAlive(Thread... threads) { for (Thread thread : threads) { if (!thread.isAlive()) { return false; } } return true; } public static void assertNothingThrown(TestThread... threads){ for(TestThread t: threads){ Throwable throwable = t.getThrowable(); if(throwable != null){ fail(String.format("TestThread [%s] failed with the following exception\n%s", t.getName(),getStackTrace(throwable))); } } } public static String getStackTrace(Throwable aThrowable) { final Writer result = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(result); aThrowable.printStackTrace(printWriter); return result.toString(); } public static void assertNotAlive(Thread... threads) { for (Thread thread : threads) { assertFalse(thread.isAlive()); } } public static void assertEventuallyNotAlive(Thread... threads){ assertEventuallyNotAlive(60 * 1000, threads); } public static void assertEventuallyNotAlive(long timeoutMs, Thread... threads) { for (Thread thread : threads) { if(timeoutMs <=0){ fail("There is no remaining timeout"); } long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { thread.join(timeoutMs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Failed to join thread: " + thread.getName()); } long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs; if (thread.isAlive()) { fail(format("Thread [%s] is still alive after a timeout of [%s] ms", thread, timeoutMs)); } assertFalse(thread.isAlive()); timeoutMs -= elapsed; } } public static void startAll(TestThread... threads) { for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.start(); } } public static void assertEventuallyFalse(Callable<Boolean> f) { assertEventually(f, false); } public static void assertEventuallyFalse(Callable<Boolean> f, long timeoutMs) { assertEventually(f, false, timeoutMs); } public static void assertEventually(Callable<Boolean> f, boolean value) { assertEventually(f, value, 60 * 1000); } public static void assertEventuallyTrue(Callable<Boolean> f) { assertEventually(f, true); } public static void assertEventuallyTrue(Callable<Boolean> f, long timeoutMs) { assertEventually(f, true, timeoutMs); } public static void assertEventually(Callable<Boolean> f, boolean value, long timeoutMs) { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs; for (; ; ) { try { if ( == value) { return; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } sleepMs(100); if (endTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) { fail("Failed to become true in the given timeout"); } } } public static void sleepRandomUs(int maxUs) { Bugshaker.sleepUs((long) randomInt(maxUs)); } public static void assertInstanceof(Class expected, Object o) { assertTrue(o.getClass().getName(), expected.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())); } /** * Joins all threads. If this can't be done within 5 minutes, an assertion failure is thrown. * * @param threads the threads to join. * @return the total duration of all threads (so the sum of the time each thread has been running. * @see #joinAll(long, TestThread...) for more specifics. */ public static long joinAll(TestThread... threads) { return joinAll(5 * 60, threads); } /** * Joins all threads. If one of the thread throws a throwable, the join will fail as well. * * @param timeoutSec the timeout in seconds. If the join doesn't complete within that time, the * join fails. * @param threads the threads to join. * @return the total duration of all threads (so the sum of the time each thread has been running. */ @SuppressWarnings({"ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored"}) public static long joinAll(long timeoutSec, TestThread... threads) { if (timeoutSec < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } List<TestThread> uncompleted = new LinkedList<TestThread>(Arrays.asList(threads)); long maxTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(timeoutSec); long durationMs = 0; while (!uncompleted.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator<TestThread> it = uncompleted.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { TestThread thread =; try { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > maxTimeMs) { fail(String.format( "Failed to join all threads in %s seconds, remaining threads %s.\n%s", timeoutSec, uncompleted, getStacks(uncompleted))); } thread.join(100); if (!thread.isAlive()) { it.remove(); durationMs += thread.getDurationMs(); if (thread.getThrowable() == null) { System.out.printf("Multiverse > %s completed successfully\n", thread.getName()); } else { System.out.printf("Multiverse > %s encountered the following error\n", thread.getName()); thread.getThrowable().printStackTrace(); fail(String.format("Multiverse > %s completed with failure", thread.getName())); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Joining %s was interrupted", thread), e); } } } return durationMs; } private static String getStacks(List<TestThread> uncompleted) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Uncompleted threads:\n"); for (TestThread thread : uncompleted) { sb.append("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); sb.append(thread.getName() + "\n"); for (StackTraceElement element : thread.getStackTrace()) { sb.append("\tat " + element + "\n"); } } sb.append("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); return sb.toString(); } }