package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import; import; import data.handler.CarryFileMemory; public class TestData { private static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> hashFiles = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); private static ArrayList<String> packages = new ArrayList<String>(); public static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> getHashFiles() { return hashFiles; } /*** * Create the report containing the number of packages and in how many * clusters the classes is spread for each commit * * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public static void createReport(String nameReport, int indexResultFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { hashFiles = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); StringBuilder finalReport = new StringBuilder(); getClassesIntoClusters(hashFiles, indexResultFile); File[] listing = new File(Properties.getFilesPath()).listFiles(); for (File commit : listing) { reportCommit(commit, finalReport, hashFiles); } Properties.setReportPath(); Utils.writeFile(finalReport.toString(), Properties.getReportPath() + Properties.REPORT_FILE_NAME + nameReport); } /*** * * @param commit * @param finalReport * @param hashFiles * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ private static void reportCommit(File commit, StringBuilder finalReport, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> hashFiles) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { Map<String, Integer> hash = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String[] openCommit = new CarryFileMemory(commit.getAbsolutePath() .toString()).carryCompleteFile(); ArrayList<String> classes = countDistinctPackagesCoarseGrained( openCommit, hash); int countCluster = verifyCommit(classes, hashFiles); if (hash.keySet().size() > 0) { finalReport.append(commit.getName()).append(Properties.TAB) .append(hash.keySet().size()).append(Properties.TAB) .append(String.valueOf(countCluster)) .append(Properties.NEW_LINE); System.out.println(commit.getName()); } } /*** * Carry into memory all name of the clusters in order to read their * contents * * @param hashFiles * @param indexResultFile * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ private static void getClassesIntoClusters( Map<String, ArrayList<String>> hashFiles, int indexResultFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File[] clusters = new File(Properties.getClusterPath()).listFiles(); verifyAllClusters(hashFiles, clusters, indexResultFile); } /*** * Make the union between the clusters and count how many clusters a commit * is spread * * @param classes * @param hashFiles * @return */ private static int verifyCommit(ArrayList<String> classes, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> hashFiles) { ArrayList<String> union = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> clusters = null; for (String className : classes) { if (hashFiles.containsKey(className)) { clusters = hashFiles.get(className); for (String cluster : clusters) { if (!union.contains(cluster)) union.add(cluster); } } } return union.size(); } /*** * For each cluster retrieve the classes and find out all clusters that a * specific class is present * * @param hashFiles * @param clusters * @param indexResultFile * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ private static void verifyAllClusters( Map<String, ArrayList<String>> hashFiles, File[] clusters, int indexResultFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String key = null; for (File cluster : clusters) { Map<String, Integer> hashTemp = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String[] clusterContent = new CarryFileMemory( cluster.getAbsolutePath()).carryCompleteFile(); for (int i = indexResultFile; i < clusterContent.length; i++) { key = clusterContent[i].trim(); if (!key.isEmpty() && !key.startsWith(AssociationRule.SUB_TITLE) && !hashTemp.containsKey(key)) hashTemp.put(key, 1); } saveClusterId(hashTemp.keySet().iterator(), cluster.getName(), hashFiles); } } /*** * For each class insert the cluster id * * @param iterator * @param cluster * @param hashFiles */ private static void saveClusterId(Iterator<String> iterator, String cluster, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> hashFiles) { ArrayList<String> clustersId = null; String key = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { String packageNm = ""; key =; String[] vet = key.split(Properties.DOT); for (int i = 0; i < vet.length - 2; i++) { packageNm += Properties.PERIOD + vet[i]; } if (!packages.contains(packageNm)) packages.add(packageNm); clustersId = new ArrayList<String>(); clustersId.add(cluster); if (hashFiles.containsKey(key)) { clustersId.addAll(hashFiles.get(key)); hashFiles.put(key, clustersId); } else hashFiles.put(key, clustersId); } } /*** * Count how many distinct packages exist and get the classes belonging into * the commit * * @param openCommit * @param hash * @param hashFiles */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static ArrayList<String> countDistinctPackages(String[] openCommit, Map<String, Integer> hash) { ArrayList<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String line : openCommit) { line = line.trim(); if (Utils.isValid(line)) { String pkg = Utils.getPackage(line); if (!pkg.isEmpty()) { if (hash.containsKey(pkg)) hash.put(pkg, hash.get(pkg) + 1); else hash.put(pkg, 1); line = Utils.getClass(line); if (!classes.contains(line)) classes.add(line); } } } return classes; } /*** * Count how many distinct coarse grained packages exist and get the classes * belonging into the commit * * @param openCommit * @param hash * @param hashFiles */ private static ArrayList<String> countDistinctPackagesCoarseGrained( String[] openCommit, Map<String, Integer> hash) { ArrayList<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String line : openCommit) { line = line.trim(); if (Utils.isValid(line) && line.contains(Properties.TRUNK)) { String pkg = Utils.readPackage(line); if (!pkg.isEmpty()) { if (hash.containsKey(pkg)) hash.put(pkg, hash.get(pkg) + 1); else hash.put(pkg, 1); line = Utils.getClass(line); // String temp = pkg+Properties.PERIOD+line; if (!classes.contains(line)) classes.add(line); } } } return classes; } }