/* * Copyright (C) 2012, Katy Hilgenberg. * Special acknowledgments to: Knowledge & Data Engineering Group, University of Kassel (http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de). * Contact: sdcf@cs.uni-kassel.de * * This file is part of the SDCFramework (Sensor Data Collection Framework) project. * * The SDCFramework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The SDCFramework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the SDCFramework. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.tests; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.SensorDeviceConfigurationUpdateVisitor; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.facade.SensorDevice; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.facade.SensorDeviceIdentifier; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.facade.SensorDevicePriorities; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.facade.SensorDeviceScanner; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.preferences.SensorDeviceConfigurationChangeEventImpl; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.preferences.SensorDeviceConfigurationImpl; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.preferences.facade.SensorDeviceConfigurationChangeEvent; import de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.test.DelegatingMockContext; import android.provider.Settings; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; /** * Tests for the abstract base class for any sensor device. * * @author Katy Hilgenberg * */ public class TestAbstractSensorDevice extends AndroidTestCase { /** * Flag to store air plain mode setting */ private int airplanemode; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see android.test.AndroidTestCase#setUp() */ @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { setContext( new DelegatingMockContext( getContext() ) ); // save airplane mode setting on device airplanemode = Settings.System.getInt( getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 0 ); super.setUp(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see android.test.AndroidTestCase#tearDown() */ @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { // restore airplane mode setting on device Settings.System.getInt( getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, airplanemode ); super.tearDown(); } /** * Test method for Initialization after construction. */ public final void testAbstractSensorDevice() { AbstractSensorDeviceForTest device = new AbstractSensorDeviceForTest( SensorDeviceIdentifier.GPS ); assertEquals( "Expected identifier set", SensorDeviceIdentifier.GPS, device.getDeviceIdentifier() ); assertNotNull( "Expected configuration not null", device.getConfiguration() ); assertNull( "Expected scanner null", device.getScanner() ); assertEquals( "Unexpected enabled value", device.getConfiguration().isEnabled(), device.isDeviceScanningEnabled() ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to configuration change handler during construction", device.onConfigurationChangedWasCalled ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler during construction", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); // test bidirectional link to scanner AbstractSensorDeviceScannerForTest scanner = new AbstractSensorDeviceScannerForTest(); device.getConfiguration().setEnabled( false ); device.setScanner( scanner, getContext() ); assertSame( "Expected scanner set for device", scanner, device.getScanner() ); assertSame( "Expected device set for scanner", device, scanner.getDevice() ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner disabled like device", scanner.isEnabled() ); scanner = new AbstractSensorDeviceScannerForTest(); device.getConfiguration().setEnabled( true ); device.setScanner( scanner, getContext() ); assertSame( "Expected scanner set for device", scanner, device.getScanner() ); assertSame( "Expected device set for scanner", device, scanner.getDevice() ); assertTrue( "Expected scanner enabled like device", scanner.isEnabled() ); device.setScanner( null, getContext() ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner disabled after deletion of link to device", scanner.isEnabled() ); scanner = new AbstractSensorDeviceScannerForTest(); device.getConfiguration().setEnabled( true ); scanner.setDevice( device, getContext() ); assertSame( "Expected scanner set for device", scanner, device.getScanner() ); assertSame( "Expected device set for scanner", device, scanner.getDevice() ); assertTrue( "Expected scanner enabled like device", scanner.isEnabled() ); scanner.setDevice( null, getContext() ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner disabled after deletion of link to device", scanner.isEnabled() ); } /** * Test method for * {@link de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.AbstractSensorDevice#accept(de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.facade.SensorDeviceVisitor)} * . */ public final void testAcceptVisitor() { AbstractSensorDeviceForTest device = new AbstractSensorDeviceForTest( SensorDeviceIdentifier.GPS ); device.getConfiguration().setEnabled( false ); device.getConfiguration().setFrequency( 1000 ); device.getConfiguration().setSamplePriority( SensorDevicePriorities.Level0 ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to configuration change handler during construction", device.onConfigurationChangedWasCalled ); SensorDeviceConfigurationImpl configuration = new SensorDeviceConfigurationImpl(); configuration.setEnabled( true ); configuration.setFrequency( 10000 ); configuration.setSamplePriority( SensorDevicePriorities.Level4 ); SensorDeviceConfigurationChangeEvent update = new SensorDeviceConfigurationChangeEventImpl( configuration, device.getDeviceIdentifier() ); SensorDeviceConfigurationUpdateVisitor visitor = new SensorDeviceConfigurationUpdateVisitor( update, getContext() ); device.accept( visitor ); assertTrue( "Expected a call to configuration change handler has happen", device.onConfigurationChangedWasCalled ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertEquals( "Unexpected enabled value after accepting visitor ", configuration.isEnabled(), device.getConfiguration().isEnabled() ); assertEquals( "Unexpected frequency value after accepting visitor ", configuration.getFrequency(), device.getConfiguration().getFrequency() ); assertEquals( "Unexpected priority value after accepting visitor ", configuration.getSamplePriority(), device.getConfiguration().getSamplePriority() ); } /** * Test method for * {@link de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.AbstractSensorDevice#enableDeviceScanning(boolean, android.content.Context)} * . */ public final void testEnableDeviceScanning() { // create a test scanner SensorDeviceScanner scanner = new AbstractSensorDeviceScannerForTest(); // create not enabled sensor device AbstractSensorDeviceForTest device = new AbstractSensorDeviceForTest( SensorDeviceIdentifier.GPS ); device.getConfiguration().setEnabled( false ); device.isDeviceEnabledInSystem = true; device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled = false; // 1a) try to enable/disable with device available in system but no scanner // available boolean result = device.enableDeviceScanning( true, getContext() ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertFalse( "Expected call to enable failed due to scanner unavailable", result ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner not running", scanner.isEnabled() ); scanner.start( getContext() ); result = device.enableDeviceScanning( false, getContext() ); assertFalse( "Expected call to enable failed due to scanner unavailable", result ); // 1b) try to enable/disable with device available in system and scanner // available device.setScanner( scanner, getContext() ); result = device.enableDeviceScanning( true, getContext() ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertTrue( "Expected call to enable succeeded due to scanner available", result ); assertTrue( "Expected scanner running", scanner.isEnabled() ); result = device.enableDeviceScanning( false, getContext() ); assertTrue( "Expected the call to disable succeeded due to scanner available", result ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner not running", scanner.isEnabled() ); // 2a) try to enable/disable with device not available in system and // airplane mode off device.isDeviceEnabledInSystem = false; Settings.System.putInt( getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 0 ); result = device.enableDeviceScanning( true, getContext() ); assertTrue( "Expected a call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertTrue( "Expected call to enable returns true ( but scanner should be disabled )", result ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner not running", scanner.isEnabled() ); scanner.start( getContext() ); result = device.enableDeviceScanning( false, getContext() ); assertTrue( "Expected the call to disable succeeded due to scanner available", result ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner not running", scanner.isEnabled() ); // 2b) try to enable/disable with device not available in system and // airplane mode on device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled = false; Settings.System.putInt( getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 1 ); result = device.enableDeviceScanning( true, getContext() ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertTrue( "Expected call to enable returns true ( but scanner should be disabled )", result ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner not running", scanner.isEnabled() ); scanner.start( getContext() ); result = device.enableDeviceScanning( false, getContext() ); assertTrue( "Expected the call to disable succeeded due to scanner available", result ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner not running", scanner.isEnabled() ); } /** * Test method for * {@link de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.AbstractSensorDevice#updateConfiguration(de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.preferences.facade.SensorDeviceConfiguration, android.content.Context)} * . */ public final void testUpdateConfiguration() { AbstractSensorDeviceForTest device = new AbstractSensorDeviceForTest( SensorDeviceIdentifier.GPS ); device.getConfiguration().setEnabled( false ); device.getConfiguration().setFrequency( 1000 ); device.getConfiguration().setSamplePriority( SensorDevicePriorities.Level0 ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to configuration change handler during construction", device.onConfigurationChangedWasCalled ); SensorDeviceConfigurationImpl configuration = new SensorDeviceConfigurationImpl(); configuration.setEnabled( true ); configuration.setFrequency( 10000 ); configuration.setSamplePriority( SensorDevicePriorities.Level4 ); device.updateConfiguration( configuration, getContext() ); assertTrue( "Expected a call to configuration change handler", device.onConfigurationChangedWasCalled ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertEquals( "Unexpected enabled value after accepting visitor ", configuration.isEnabled(), device.getConfiguration().isEnabled() ); assertEquals( "Unexpected frequency value after accepting visitor ", configuration.getFrequency(), device.getConfiguration().getFrequency() ); assertEquals( "Unexpected priority value after accepting visitor ", configuration.getSamplePriority(), device.getConfiguration().getSamplePriority() ); } /** * Test method for * {@link de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.AbstractSensorDevice#onDestroy(android.content.Context)} * . */ public final void testOnDestroy() { // create a test scanner SensorDeviceScanner scanner = new AbstractSensorDeviceScannerForTest(); // create not enabled sensor device SensorDevice device = new AbstractSensorDeviceForTest( SensorDeviceIdentifier.GPS ); device.setScanner( scanner, getContext() ); scanner.enable( true, getContext() ); assertSame( "Expected scanner set for device", scanner, device.getScanner() ); assertSame( "Expected device set for scanner", device, scanner.getDevice() ); assertTrue( "Expected scanner running", scanner.isEnabled() ); device.onDestroy( getContext() ); assertNull( "Expected scanner cleared for device", device.getScanner() ); assertNull( "Expected device cleared for scanner", scanner.getDevice() ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner not running", scanner.isEnabled() ); } /** * Test method for * {@link de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.AbstractSensorDevice#isAirplaneModeOn(android.content.Context)} * . */ public final void testIsAirplaneModeOn() { AbstractSensorDeviceForTest device = new AbstractSensorDeviceForTest( SensorDeviceIdentifier.GSM ); // test airplane mode enabled Settings.System.putInt( getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 1 ); assertTrue( "Expected airplane mode on", device.isAirplaneModeOn( getContext() ) ); // test airplane mode disabled Settings.System.putInt( getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 0 ); assertFalse( "Expected airplane mode off", device.isAirplaneModeOn( getContext() ) ); } /** * Test method for * {@link de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.AbstractSensorDevice#doHandleDeviceDisabledBySystem(android.content.Context)} * . */ public final void testDoHandleDeviceDisabledBySystem() { AbstractSensorDeviceForTest device = new AbstractSensorDeviceForTest( SensorDeviceIdentifier.GSM ); SensorDeviceScanner scanner = new AbstractSensorDeviceScannerForTest(); device.getConfiguration().setEnabled( true ); device.setScanner( scanner, getContext() ); device.isDeviceEnabledInSystem = false; try { device.doHandleDeviceDisabledBySystem( null ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertTrue( "Expected device enabled state unchanged", device.isDeviceScanningEnabled() ); assertTrue( "Expected scanner still running", scanner.isEnabled() ); } catch ( Exception e ) { fail( "null context should not throw an exception" ); } device.doHandleDeviceDisabledBySystem( getContext() ); assertTrue( "Expected a call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertTrue( "Expected device enabled state unchanged", device.isDeviceScanningEnabled() ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner disabled if not available in system", scanner.isEnabled() ); } /** * Test method for * {@link de.unikassel.android.sdcframework.devices.AbstractSensorDevice#doHandleDeviceEnabledBySystem(android.content.Context)} * . */ public final void testDoHandleDeviceEnabledBySystem() { AbstractSensorDeviceForTest device = new AbstractSensorDeviceForTest( SensorDeviceIdentifier.GSM ); SensorDeviceScanner scanner = new AbstractSensorDeviceScannerForTest(); device.getConfiguration().setEnabled( true ); device.setScanner( scanner, getContext() ); scanner.enable( false, getContext() ); device.isDeviceEnabledInSystem = true; try { device.doHandleDeviceEnabledBySystem( null ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertTrue( "Expected device enabled state unchanged", device.isDeviceScanningEnabled() ); assertFalse( "Expected scanner still not running", scanner.isEnabled() ); } catch ( Exception e ) { fail( "null context should not throw an exception" ); } device.doHandleDeviceEnabledBySystem( getContext() ); assertFalse( "Expected no call to device not enabled in system handler", device.doSignalDeviceNotEnabledInSystemWasCalled ); assertTrue( "Expected device enabled state unchanged", device.isDeviceScanningEnabled() ); assertTrue( "Expected scanner enabled now", scanner.isEnabled() ); } }