package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.Context; import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import cn.mutils.core.codec.FlagUtil; import cn.mutils.core.log.Logs; import cn.mutils.core.runtime.CC; import cn.mutils.core.task.RepeatTask; import cn.mutils.core.task.RepeatTask.RepeatTaskListener; import cn.mutils.core.task.RepeatTaskManager; import cn.mutils.core.util.Edition; /** * Application of framework */ @SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryUnboxing", "UnnecessaryBoxing", "unused"}) @SuppressLint("MissingSuperCall") public class App extends Application implements IContextProvider { public static final int FLAG_UMENG = FlagUtil.FLAG_01; public static final int FLAG_JPUSH = FlagUtil.FLAG_02; public static final int FLAG_SHARE_SDK = FlagUtil.FLAG_03; protected static App sApp; protected static String sTencentAppId; protected static String sWechatAppId; protected int mFlags = FlagUtil.FLAGS_FALSE; protected Edition mEdition; protected RepeatTaskManager mRepeatTaskManager; protected IJPushHelper mJPushHelper; protected IUmengHelper mUmengHelper; @Override public void onCreate() { // Set exception handler to forbid system crash dialog Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new AppExceptionHandler()); sApp = this; synchronized (AppBuildConfig.class) { //BuildConfig.DEBUG AppBuildConfig.DEBUG = AppUtil.isAppDebugType(this); } AppLocale.syncLocale(this); AppUtil.fixAsyncTask(); mEdition = detectEdition(); mUmengHelper = CC.getService(IUmengHelper.class); if (mUmengHelper != null) { mFlags = FlagUtil.setFlags(mFlags, FLAG_UMENG, mUmengHelper.isUmengEnabled(this)); if (isUmengEnabled()) { mUmengHelper.initUmeng(this); } } mJPushHelper = CC.getService(IJPushHelper.class); if (mJPushHelper != null) { mFlags = FlagUtil.setFlags(mFlags, FLAG_JPUSH, mJPushHelper.isJPushEnabled(this)); if (isJPushEneabled()) { mJPushHelper.initJPush(this); } } IShareSDKHelper shareSDKHelper = CC.getService(IShareSDKHelper.class); if (shareSDKHelper != null) { mFlags = FlagUtil.setFlags(mFlags, FLAG_SHARE_SDK, shareSDKHelper.isShareSDKEnabled(this)); if (isShareSDKEnabled()) { shareSDKHelper.initShareSDK(this); } } } /** * Get edition of application<br> */ public Edition getEdition() { if (mEdition == null) { mEdition = detectEdition(); } return mEdition; } /** * Detect edition of application<br> */ protected Edition detectEdition() { if (AppBuildConfig.DEBUG) { return Edition.DEBUG; } else { String channel = AppUtil.getAppMetaData(this, "UMENG_CHANNEL"); if (channel == null) { return Edition.RELEASE; } else { if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase("debug")) { return Edition.DEBUG; } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase("beta")) { return Edition.BETA; } else { return Edition.RELEASE; } } } } @Override public Context getContext() { return this; } public boolean isUmengEnabled() { return FlagUtil.hasFlags(mFlags, FLAG_UMENG); } public boolean isJPushEneabled() { return FlagUtil.hasFlags(mFlags, FLAG_JPUSH); } public boolean isShareSDKEnabled() { return FlagUtil.hasFlags(mFlags, FLAG_SHARE_SDK); } /** * Repeat task */ public void repeat(String name, int count, RepeatTaskListener listener) { RepeatTask task = new RepeatTask(); task.setName(name); task.setCount(count); task.addListener(listener); if (mRepeatTaskManager == null) { mRepeatTaskManager = new RepeatTaskManager(); } mRepeatTaskManager.add(task); } public static App getApp() { return sApp; } public static void setTencentAppId(String appId) { sTencentAppId = appId; } public static String getTencentAppId() { return sTencentAppId; } public static void setWechatAppId(String appId) { sWechatAppId = appId; } public static String getWechatAppId() { return sWechatAppId; } class AppExceptionHandler implements UncaughtExceptionHandler { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable ex) { Logs.e(AppUtil.TAG_ANDROID_RUNTIME, thread.getName(), ex); try { Thread.sleep(300L); } catch (Exception e) { // crash again } finally { if (mUmengHelper != null && isUmengEnabled()) { mUmengHelper.onKillProcess(App.this); } if (mJPushHelper != null && isJPushEneabled()) { mJPushHelper.onKillProcess(App.this); } AppUtil.exit(10); } } } }