package; /* * Copyright (C) 2011 MIT Mobile Experience Lab * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; public class CastMedia extends JsonSyncableItem { private static final String TAG = CastMedia.class.getSimpleName(); public final static String _AUTHOR = "author", _AUTHOR_URI = "author_uri", _TITLE = "title", _DESCRIPTION = "description", _LANGUAGE = "language", _MEDIA_URL = "url", // the body of the object _LOCAL_URI = "local_uri", // any local copy of the main media _MIME_TYPE = "mimetype", // type of the media _DURATION = "duration", _THUMBNAIL = "thumbnail", _KEEP_OFFLINE = "offline", _THUMB_LOCAL = "local_thumb" // filename of the local thumbnail ; public final static String PATH = "media"; public final static String SERVER_PATH = "media/"; //public final static Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://"+MediaProvider.AUTHORITY+"/"+PATH); public final static String[] PROJECTION = { _ID, _PUBLIC_URI, _MODIFIED_DATE, _CREATED_DATE, _AUTHOR, _AUTHOR_URI, _TITLE, _DESCRIPTION, _LANGUAGE, _MEDIA_URL, _LOCAL_URI, _MIME_TYPE, _DURATION, _THUMBNAIL, _THUMB_LOCAL, _KEEP_OFFLINE }; public static final String MIMETYPE_HTML = "text/html", MIMETYPE_3GPP = "video/3gpp", MIMETYPE_MPEG4 = "video/mpeg4"; @Override public Uri getContentUri() { return null; } @Override public String[] getFullProjection() { return PROJECTION; } @Override public SyncMap getSyncMap() { return SYNC_MAP; } public static Uri getCast(Uri castMediaUri){ return ProviderUtils.removeLastPathSegments(castMediaUri, 2); } public static Uri getMedia(Cursor c, int mediaCol, int mediaLocalCol){ Uri media; if (! c.isNull(mediaLocalCol)){ media = Uri.parse(c.getString(mediaLocalCol)); }else if (! c.isNull(mediaCol)){ media = Uri.parse(c.getString(mediaCol)); }else{ media = null; } return media; } public static void showMedia(Context context, Cursor c, Uri castMediaUri){ final String mediaString = c.getString(c .getColumnIndex(CastMedia._MEDIA_URL)); final String locMediaString = c.getString(c .getColumnIndex(CastMedia._LOCAL_URI)); String mimeType = null; Uri media; if (locMediaString != null) { media = Uri.parse(locMediaString); if ("file".equals(media.getScheme())) { mimeType = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CastMedia._MIME_TYPE)); } } else if (mediaString != null) { media = Uri.parse(mediaString); mimeType = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CastMedia._MIME_TYPE)); // we strip this because we don't really want to force them to go to the browser. if ("text/html".equals(mimeType)){ mimeType = null; } } else { Log.e(TAG, "asked to show media for "+ castMediaUri + " but there was nothing to show"); return; } final Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setDataAndType(media, mimeType); if (mimeType != null && mimeType.startsWith("video/")){ context.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, ContentUris.withAppendedId(castMediaUri, c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(CastMedia._ID))))); }else{ // setting the MIME type for URLs doesn't work. try { context.startActivity(i); }catch (final ActivityNotFoundException e){ // try it again, but without a mime type. if (mimeType != null){ i.setDataAndType(media, null); } try { context.startActivity(i); }catch (final ActivityNotFoundException e2){ Toast.makeText(context, R.string.error_cast_media_no_activities, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } } } public static Uri getThumbnail(Cursor c, int thumbCol, int thumbLocalCol){ Uri thumbnail; if (! c.isNull(thumbLocalCol)){ thumbnail = Uri.parse(c.getString(thumbLocalCol)); }else if (! c.isNull(thumbCol)){ thumbnail = Uri.parse(c.getString(thumbCol)); }else{ thumbnail = null; } return thumbnail; } /** * Guesses the mime type from the URL * * @param url * @return the inferred mime type based on the file extension or null if it can't determine one */ public static String guessMimeTypeFromUrl(String url){ // this was improved in Gingerbread // // so we have some pre-defined types here so we can make sure to return SOMETHING. String mimeType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(url); if (mimeType != null){ return mimeType; } if (url.endsWith(".jpg") || url.endsWith(".jpeg")){ mimeType = "image/jpeg"; }else if (url.endsWith(".3gp")){ mimeType = "video/3gpp"; }else if (url.endsWith(".mp4") || url.endsWith(".mpeg4")){ mimeType = "video/mp4"; }else if (url.endsWith(".png")){ mimeType = "image/png"; } return mimeType; } public final static ItemSyncMap SYNC_MAP = new ItemSyncMap(); public static class ItemSyncMap extends JsonSyncableItem.ItemSyncMap { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8477549708016150941L; public ItemSyncMap() { super(); put(_TITLE, new SyncFieldMap("title", SyncFieldMap.STRING, SyncFieldMap.FLAG_OPTIONAL)); put(_DESCRIPTION, new SyncFieldMap("description", SyncFieldMap.STRING, SyncFieldMap.FLAG_OPTIONAL)); put(_LANGUAGE, new SyncFieldMap("language", SyncFieldMap.STRING)); put(_AUTHOR, new SyncChildField(_AUTHOR, "author", "display_name", SyncFieldMap.STRING, SyncFieldMap.FLAG_OPTIONAL)); put(_AUTHOR_URI, new SyncChildField(_AUTHOR_URI, "author", "uri", SyncFieldMap.STRING, SyncFieldMap.FLAG_OPTIONAL)); put("_resources", new SyncCustom("resources", SyncCustom.SYNC_FROM|SyncCustom.FLAG_OPTIONAL) { @Override public Object toJSON(Context context, Uri localItem, Cursor c, String lProp) throws JSONException, NetworkProtocolException, IOException { return null; } @Override public ContentValues fromJSON(Context context, Uri localItem, JSONObject item, String lProp) throws JSONException, NetworkProtocolException, IOException { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); final JSONObject jo = item.getJSONObject(remoteKey); if (jo.has("primary")){ final JSONObject primary = jo.getJSONObject("primary"); cv.put(_MIME_TYPE, primary.getString("mime_type")); cv.put(_MEDIA_URL, primary.getString("url")); } if (jo.has("medium")){ final JSONObject screenshot = jo.getJSONObject("medium"); cv.put(_THUMBNAIL, screenshot.getString("url")); }else if (jo.has("screenshot")){ final JSONObject screenshot = jo.getJSONObject("screenshot"); cv.put(_THUMBNAIL, screenshot.getString("url")); } return cv; } }); // no MIME type is passed with a link media type, so we need to add one in. put("_content_type", new SyncCustom("content_type", SyncItem.SYNC_BOTH) { @Override public Object toJSON(Context context, Uri localItem, Cursor c, String lProp) throws JSONException, NetworkProtocolException, IOException { String mimeType = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(_MIME_TYPE)); final String localUri = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(_LOCAL_URI)); if (mimeType == null && localUri != null){ mimeType = guessMimeTypeFromUrl(localUri); if (mimeType != null){ Log.d(TAG, "guessed MIME type from uri: " + localUri + ": " + mimeType); } } if (mimeType == null){ return null; } if (mimeType.startsWith("video/")){ return "videomedia"; }else if (mimeType.startsWith("image/")){ return "imagemedia"; }else{ return null; } } @Override public ContentValues fromJSON(Context context, Uri localItem, JSONObject item, String lProp) throws JSONException, NetworkProtocolException, IOException { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); final String content_type = item.getString(remoteKey); if ("linkedmedia".equals(content_type)){ cv.put(_MIME_TYPE, MIMETYPE_HTML); } return cv; } }); // the media URL can come from either the flattened "url" attribute or the expanded "resources" structure above. put(_MEDIA_URL, new SyncFieldMap("url", SyncFieldMap.STRING, SyncFieldMap.SYNC_FROM|SyncItem.FLAG_OPTIONAL)); put(_MIME_TYPE, new SyncFieldMap("mime_type", SyncFieldMap.STRING, SyncItem.FLAG_OPTIONAL)); put(_DURATION, new SyncFieldMap("duration", SyncFieldMap.DURATION, SyncItem.FLAG_OPTIONAL)); put(_THUMBNAIL, new SyncFieldMap("preview_image", SyncFieldMap.STRING, SyncFieldMap.SYNC_FROM|SyncItem.FLAG_OPTIONAL)); } @Override public void onPostSyncItem(Context context, Uri uri, JSONObject item, boolean updated) throws SyncException, IOException { super.onPostSyncItem(context, uri, item, updated); if (uri != null){ Log.d(TAG, "Starting media sync for " + uri); context.startService(new Intent(MediaSync.ACTION_SYNC_RESOURCES, uri)); } } } }