package org.thanlwinsoft.languagetest.eclipse.print; import java.util.Date; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.printing.Printer; import org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData; import org.thanlwinsoft.languagetest.language.test.UniversalLanguage; import org.thanlwinsoft.schemas.languagetest.module.LangType; import org.thanlwinsoft.schemas.languagetest.module.TestItemType; import; public class PrintTestItems { PrinterData printData = null; Printer printer = null; TestItemType [] items = null; boolean printImages = false; LangType [] langs = null; final static float MARGIN_X = 1.0f;//inches final static float MARGIN_Y = 1.0f;//inches final static float COL_BORDER = 0.5f; final static float ROW_SPACE = 0.1f; //final int NATIVE = 0; //final int FOREIGN = 1; final int IMAGE = 2; final int COLUMNS = 3; String title = ""; Rectangle pageArea = null; int yOffset = 0; int rowSpace = 0; int [] widths = null; int [] xOffsets = null; Font [] fonts = null; TextLayout []layout = null; TextLayout footerLeft; TextLayout footerCentre; TextLayout footerRight; GC gc = null; boolean printPage = false; public PrintTestItems(PrinterData pd, String title, TestItemType [] items, LangType leftLang, LangType rightLang) { this.title = title; this.printData = pd; this.printer = new Printer(pd); this.items = items; this.langs = new LangType[] { leftLang, rightLang }; } public boolean doPrint(IProgressMonitor monitor) { boolean ok = true; Point dpi = printer.getDPI(); Rectangle physicalArea = printer.getBounds(); Rectangle printArea = printer.getClientArea(); int xMargin = (int)(dpi.x * MARGIN_X); int yMargin = (int)(dpi.y * MARGIN_Y); footerLeft = new TextLayout(printer); footerLeft.setAlignment(SWT.LEFT); footerLeft.setFont(printer.getSystemFont()); footerLeft.setText(title); footerRight = new TextLayout(printer); footerRight.setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT); footerRight.setFont(printer.getSystemFont()); footerCentre = new TextLayout(printer); footerCentre.setAlignment(SWT.CENTER); footerCentre.setFont(printer.getSystemFont()); String today = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM).format(new Date()); footerCentre.setText(today); int minX = Math.max(printArea.x, xMargin); int minY = Math.max(printArea.y, yMargin); int maxX = Math.min(printArea.x + printArea.width, physicalArea.width - xMargin); int maxY = Math.min(printArea.y + printArea.height, physicalArea.height - yMargin); int footerHeight = footerLeft.getAscent() + footerLeft.getDescent(); pageArea = new Rectangle(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY - footerHeight); if (2 * footerLeft.getBounds().width + footerCentre.getBounds().width > pageArea.width) { if (footerLeft.getBounds().width + footerCentre.getBounds().width < pageArea.width) { // add date after name footerCentre.setText(""); footerLeft.setText(title + " " + today); } else { // drop the date footerCentre.setText(""); } } final int colBorder = (int)(dpi.x * COL_BORDER); rowSpace = (int)(dpi.y * ROW_SPACE); yOffset = pageArea.y; int colWidth = (pageArea.width - colBorder)/ 2; if (printImages) colWidth = (pageArea.width - 2 * colBorder)/ 3; widths = new int [] { colWidth, colWidth, colWidth}; xOffsets = new int [] { pageArea.x, pageArea.x + widths[0] + colBorder, pageArea.x + widths[1] + widths[0] + 2 * colBorder}; monitor.beginTask("Print test items", items.length); // setup the fonts FontData [] fd = new FontData[2]; fonts = new Font[2]; layout = new TextLayout[2]; for (int i = 0; i < IMAGE; i++) { String fontName = langs[i].getFont(); if (fontName == null) fontName = "Default"; int fontSize = 12; int fontStyle = SWT.NORMAL; if (langs[i].isSetFontSize()) fontSize = langs[0].getFontSize().intValue(); if (langs[i].isSetFontStyle()) fontStyle = langs[0].getFontStyle().intValue(); fd[i] = new FontData(fontName, fontSize, fontStyle); fonts[i] = new Font(printer, fd[i]); layout[i] = new TextLayout(printer); layout[i].setFont(fonts[i]); layout[i].setWidth(widths[i]); } printer.startJob("Printing: " + title); gc = new GC(printer); gc.setLineStyle(SWT.LINE_SOLID); int page = 1; printPage = isPrintable(page); if (printPage) ok &= printer.startPage(); yOffset = pageArea.y; drawHeader(); // loop over the rows for (int row = 0; ok && row < items.length; row++) { int rowHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS; i++) { if (i == IMAGE) { } else { String text = ""; for (int j = 0; j < items[i].sizeOfNativeLangArray(); j++) { if (items[row].getNativeLangArray(j).getLang().equals(langs[i].getLang())) { text = items[row].getNativeLangArray(j).getStringValue(); } } for (int j = 0; j < items[i].sizeOfForeignLangArray(); j++) { if (items[row].getForeignLangArray(j).getLang().equals(langs[i].getLang())) { text = items[row].getForeignLangArray(j).getStringValue(); } } layout[i].setText(text); Rectangle textBounds = layout[i].getBounds(); rowHeight = Math.max(rowHeight, textBounds.height); } } // there isn't room, so draw it on the next page if ((yOffset + rowHeight + rowSpace) > (pageArea.y + pageArea.height)) { if (printPage) { drawFooter(page); printer.endPage(); } yOffset = pageArea.y; printPage = isPrintable(++page); if (printPage) ok &= printer.startPage(); drawHeader(); } if (printPage) { for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS; i++) { if (i != IMAGE) { layout[i].draw(gc, xOffsets[i], yOffset); } } // draw a line underneath gc.setLineWidth(0); gc.drawLine(pageArea.x, yOffset + rowHeight + (rowSpace/2), pageArea.x + pageArea.width, yOffset + rowHeight + (rowSpace/2)); } yOffset += rowHeight + rowSpace; monitor.worked(1); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } } if (printPage) { drawFooter(page); printer.endPage(); } printer.endJob(); monitor.done(); return true; } void drawHeader() { int rowHeight = 0; TextLayout headerLayout = new TextLayout(printer); FontData defaultFD = printer.getSystemFont().getFontData()[0]; FontData headerFontData = new FontData(defaultFD.getName(), defaultFD.getHeight(), SWT.BOLD); Font font = new Font(printer, headerFontData); headerLayout.setFont(font); for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS; i++) { if (i == IMAGE) { } else { headerLayout.setWidth(widths[i]); UniversalLanguage ul = new UniversalLanguage(langs[i].getLang()); ul = new UniversalLanguage(ul.getLanguageCode()); headerLayout.setText(ul.getDescription()); if (printPage) headerLayout.draw(gc, xOffsets[i], yOffset); rowHeight = Math.max(rowHeight, headerLayout.getBounds().height); } } yOffset += rowHeight + rowSpace; // draw a line underneath if (printPage) { gc.setLineWidth(2); gc.drawLine(pageArea.x, yOffset - (rowSpace/2), pageArea.x + pageArea.width, yOffset- (rowSpace/2)); } } void drawFooter(int page) { footerLeft.draw(gc, pageArea.x, pageArea.y + pageArea.height); footerCentre.draw(gc, pageArea.x + (pageArea.width - footerCentre.getBounds().width)/2, pageArea.y + pageArea.height); footerRight.setText(Integer.toString(page)); footerRight.draw(gc, pageArea.x + pageArea.width - footerRight.getBounds().width, pageArea.y + pageArea.height); } boolean isPrintable(int page) { if (printData.scope == PrinterData.ALL_PAGES) return true; if (printData.scope == PrinterData.PAGE_RANGE) { if (page >= printData.startPage && page <= printData.endPage) return true; return false; } // TBD selection return true; } }