package kademlia; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import kademlia.exceptions.KadServerDownException; import kademlia.message.KademliaMessageFactory; import kademlia.message.Message; import kademlia.message.MessageFactory; import kademlia.node.Node; import kademlia.message.Receiver; /** * The server that handles sending and receiving messages between nodes on the Kad Network * * @author Joshua Kissoon * @created 20140215 */ public class KadServer { /* Maximum size of a Datagram Packet */ private static final int DATAGRAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024; // 64KB /* Basic Kad Objects */ private final transient KadConfiguration config; /* Server Objects */ private final DatagramSocket socket; private transient boolean isRunning; private final Map<Integer, Receiver> receivers; private final Timer timer; // Schedule future tasks private final Map<Integer, TimerTask> tasks; // Keep track of scheduled tasks private final Node localNode; /* Factories */ private final KademliaMessageFactory messageFactory; private final KadStatistician statistician; { isRunning = true; this.tasks = new HashMap<>(); this.receivers = new HashMap<>(); this.timer = new Timer(true); } /** * Initialize our KadServer * * @param udpPort The port to listen on * @param mFactory Factory used to create messages * @param localNode Local node on which this server runs on * @param config * @param statistician A statistician to manage the server statistics * * @throws */ public KadServer(int udpPort, KademliaMessageFactory mFactory, Node localNode, KadConfiguration config, KadStatistician statistician) throws SocketException { this.config = config; this.socket = new DatagramSocket(udpPort); this.localNode = localNode; this.messageFactory = mFactory; this.statistician = statistician; /* Start listening for incoming requests in a new thread */ this.startListener(); } /** * Starts the listener to listen for incoming messages */ private void startListener() { new Thread() { @Override public void run() { listen(); } }.start(); } /** * Sends a message * * @param msg The message to send * @param to The node to send the message to * @param recv The receiver to handle the response message * * @return Integer The communication ID of this message * * @throws IOException * @throws kademlia.exceptions.KadServerDownException */ public synchronized int sendMessage(Node to, Message msg, Receiver recv) throws IOException, KadServerDownException { if (!isRunning) { throw new KadServerDownException(this.localNode + " - Kad Server is not running."); } /* Generate a random communication ID */ int comm = new Random().nextInt(); /* If we have a receiver */ if (recv != null) { try { /* Setup the receiver to handle message response */ receivers.put(comm, recv); TimerTask task = new TimeoutTask(comm, recv); timer.schedule(task, this.config.responseTimeout()); tasks.put(comm, task); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { /* The timer is already cancelled so we cannot do anything here really */ } } /* Send the message */ sendMessage(to, msg, comm); return comm; } /** * Method called to reply to a message received * * @param to The Node to send the reply to * @param msg The reply message * @param comm The communication ID - the one received * * @throws */ public synchronized void reply(Node to, Message msg, int comm) throws IOException { if (!isRunning) { throw new IllegalStateException("Kad Server is not running."); } sendMessage(to, msg, comm); } /** * Internal sendMessage method called by the public sendMessage method after a communicationId is generated */ private void sendMessage(Node to, Message msg, int comm) throws IOException { /* Use a try-with resource to auto-close streams after usage */ try (ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(bout);) { /* Setup the message for transmission */ dout.writeInt(comm); dout.writeByte(msg.code()); msg.toStream(dout); dout.close(); byte[] data = bout.toByteArray(); if (data.length > DATAGRAM_BUFFER_SIZE) { throw new IOException("Message is too big"); } /* Everything is good, now create the packet and send it */ DatagramPacket pkt = new DatagramPacket(data, 0, data.length); pkt.setSocketAddress(to.getSocketAddress()); socket.send(pkt); /* Lets inform the statistician that we've sent some data */ this.statistician.sentData(data.length); } } /** * Listen for incoming messages in a separate thread */ private void listen() { try { while (isRunning) { try { /* Wait for a packet */ byte[] buffer = new byte[DATAGRAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); socket.receive(packet); /* Lets inform the statistician that we've received some data */ this.statistician.receivedData(packet.getLength()); if (this.config.isTesting()) { /** * Simulating network latency * We pause for 1 millisecond/100 bytes */ int pause = packet.getLength() / 100; try { Thread.sleep(pause); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } /* We've received a packet, now handle it */ try (ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(packet.getData(), packet.getOffset(), packet.getLength()); DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(bin);) { /* Read in the conversation Id to know which handler to handle this response */ int comm = din.readInt(); byte messCode = din.readByte(); Message msg = messageFactory.createMessage(messCode, din); din.close(); /* Get a receiver for this message */ Receiver receiver; if (this.receivers.containsKey(comm)) { /* If there is a reciever in the receivers to handle this */ synchronized (this) { receiver = this.receivers.remove(comm); TimerTask task = (TimerTask) tasks.remove(comm); if (task != null) { task.cancel(); } } } else { /* There is currently no receivers, try to get one */ receiver = messageFactory.createReceiver(messCode, this); } /* Invoke the receiver */ if (receiver != null) { receiver.receive(msg, comm); } } } catch (IOException e) { //this.isRunning = false; System.err.println("Server ran into a problem in listener method. Message: " + e.getMessage()); } } } finally { if (!socket.isClosed()) { socket.close(); } this.isRunning = false; } } /** * Remove a conversation receiver * * @param comm The id of this conversation */ private synchronized void unregister(int comm) { receivers.remove(comm); this.tasks.remove(comm); } /** * Stops listening and shuts down the server */ public synchronized void shutdown() { this.isRunning = false; this.socket.close(); timer.cancel(); } /** * Task that gets called by a separate thread if a timeout for a receiver occurs. * When a reply arrives this task must be canceled using the <code>cancel()</code> * method inherited from <code>TimerTask</code>. In this case the caller is * responsible for removing the task from the <code>tasks</code> map. * */ class TimeoutTask extends TimerTask { private final int comm; private final Receiver recv; public TimeoutTask(int comm, Receiver recv) { this.comm = comm; this.recv = recv; } @Override public void run() { if (!KadServer.this.isRunning) { return; } try { unregister(comm); recv.timeout(comm); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Cannot unregister a receiver. Message: " + e.getMessage()); } } } public void printReceivers() { for (Integer r : this.receivers.keySet()) { System.out.println("Receiver for comm: " + r + "; Receiver: " + this.receivers.get(r)); } } public boolean isRunning() { return this.isRunning; } }