package org.apache.jxtadoop.hdfs.p2p; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryService; import net.jxta.exception.PeerGroupException; import net.jxta.peer.PeerID; import net.jxta.platform.NetworkManager; import net.jxta.protocol.PeerAdvertisement; import net.jxta.rendezvous.RendezVousService; import net.jxta.rendezvous.RendezvousEvent; import net.jxta.rendezvous.RendezvousListener; import net.jxta.socket.JxtaServerSocket; import net.jxta.socket.JxtaSocketAddress; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.jxtadoop.conf.Configuration; import; /** * The namenode peer is an extension of the Jxtadoop peer. <br> * It implements the methods from the RendezvousListener interface as well as overrides specific peer methods :<br> * <p>setupnetworking()<br> * <p>start()<br> * <br> * The method to return the RPC socket server is also implemented as this is required for the Hadoop RPC server.<br> * * * @author Franck Besnard <> * @version 1.0 * @since November, 2011 * */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes","unchecked"}) public class NamenodePeer extends Peer implements RendezvousListener { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NamenodePeer.class); /** * The jxta server socket on which the RPC server will liste,. */ private JxtaServerSocket jss; private RendezVousService rdv; /** * The listener array */ private List _dnlisteners = new ArrayList(); /** * Constructor with the peer name unique ID. This is important for the peer ID and key generation. * @param s The peer unique name */ public NamenodePeer(String s) { super(s); } /** * Constructor with the peer name unique ID and the configuration to be used. This is important for the peer ID and key generation. * @param s The peer unique name * @param c The configuration to be used */ public NamenodePeer(String s, Configuration c) { super(s,c); } /** * This method set up the jxta peer network configuration. * <br> The peer is configured as a Rendez-Vous and as a Relay. */ @Override public void setupNetworking() throws LoginException, IOException,, PeerGroupException { nm = new NetworkManager(NetworkManager.ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS_RELAY, UserGroupInformation.login(pc).getUserName()+"Namenode Peer",p2pdir.toURI()); nm.setConfigPersistent(false); nc = nm.getConfigurator(); //if (!nc.exists()) { nc.setTcpPort(Integer.parseInt(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.namenode.port", P2PConstants.RPCNAMENODEPORT))); nc.setTcpEnabled(true); nc.setTcpIncoming(true); nc.setTcpOutgoing(true); nc.setHttpEnabled(false); nc.setHttp2Enabled(false); nc.setTcpStartPort(-1); nc.setTcpEndPort(-1); nc.setTcpInterfaceAddress(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.rpc.relay").replaceAll("tcp://","").substring( 0, pc.get("hadoop.p2p.rpc.relay").replaceAll("tcp://","").indexOf(":")) ); nc.setTcpPublicAddress(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.rpc.relay").replaceAll("tcp://",""),true); nc.setUseMulticast(Boolean.getBoolean(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.use.multicast"))); nc.setPeerID(pid); nc.setName(P2PConstants.RPCNAMENODETAG+" - "+nc.getName()); nc.setKeyStoreLocation(KeyStoreFile.toURI()); nc.setPassword(p2ppass); //; /*} else { nc.setKeyStoreLocation(KeyStoreFile.toURI()); nc.setPassword(p2ppass); nc.load(); }*/ npg = nm.startNetwork(); rdv = npg.getRendezVousService(); rdv.addListener(this); while(!nm.isStarted()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } ds = npg.getDiscoveryService(); } /** * The start-up includes 2 steps.<br> * First, the pipe advertisement is published on the datanode cloud.<br> * Then the peer monitor thread is started to monitor the datanode cloud. */ @Override public void start() { try { publishPipeAdvertisement(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal("Cannot start the Namenode peer; Aborting"); LOG.error(e.getMessage()); //e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(); } Thread thread = new Thread( PeerMonitor(),"Peer Monitor Thread"); thread.start(); } /** * The datanode list is managed for the namenode using the connection events. */ public void rendezvousEvent(RendezvousEvent event) { synchronized(datanodepeers) { if ( event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.CLIENTCONNECT || event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.CLIENTRECONNECT) {"\tClient connected - PeerID : "+event.getPeerID()); datanodepeers.put((PeerID)event.getPeerID(),(PeerAdvertisement)null); LOG.debug("Total number of datanode in the cloud : "+datanodepeers.size()); } else if (event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.CLIENTDISCONNECT || event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.CLIENTFAILED) {"\tClient disconnected - PeerID : "+event.getPeerID()); if(datanodepeers.containsKey((PeerID)event.getPeerID())) datanodepeers.remove((PeerID)event.getPeerID()); LOG.debug("Total number of datanode in the cloud : "+datanodepeers.size()); } else { LOG.warn("Something weird happenned : "+event.getType() ); } } } /** * Published the pipe advertisement in the cloud and set the server socket object. * @throws IOException The publishing failed. */ protected void publishPipeAdvertisement () throws IOException { ds.publish(rpcPipeAdv); ds.remotePublish(rpcPipeAdv,DiscoveryService.NO_EXPIRATION); jssad = new JxtaSocketAddress(npg,rpcPipeAdv,npg.getPeerAdvertisement()); } /** * Returns the RPC socket address of the server * @return The RPC server socket address */ public JxtaServerSocket getRpcServerSocket() { return this.jss; } /** * Adding a new listener to the track list * * @param listener */ public synchronized void addP2PEventListener(P2PListener listener) { _dnlisteners.add(listener); } /** * Removing a new listener from the track list * * @param listener */ public synchronized void removeEventListener(P2PListener listener) { _dnlisteners.remove(listener); } /** * Triggering a disconnection event and notifying the subscribers * * @param event */ @Override public synchronized void fireEvent(DatanodeEvent event) { Iterator i = _dnlisteners.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { ((P2PListener); } } }