package; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dspace.content.Item; import org.dspace.content.ItemIterator; import org.dspace.content.packager.PackageDisseminator; import org.dspace.content.packager.PackageIngester; import org.dspace.content.packager.PackageParameters; import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager; import org.dspace.core.Constants; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.core.PluginManager; import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson; import org.dspace.eperson.Group; import; import; import; class CallableExport implements Callable<Integer> { private EPerson eperson = null; private String email = null; private ArrayList<Integer> items; private boolean migrate; private final boolean imsDissemination = ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("ims.dissemination.enable"); private static final String ZIP_EXTENSION = ".zip"; /** log4j category */ private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CallableExport.class); /** * Constructor * * @param eperson * eperson requesting export **/ public CallableExport(EPerson eperson, ArrayList<Integer> items, Boolean migrate) { this.eperson = eperson; this.items = items; this.migrate = migrate; } /** * Constructor * * @param email * email address of user requesting export **/ public CallableExport(String email, ArrayList<Integer> items, Boolean migrate) { = email; this.items = items; this.migrate = migrate; } public Integer call() throws Exception { Context context = null; ItemIterator iitems = null; try { // create a new dspace context context = new Context(); // ignore auths context.setIgnoreAuthorization(true); iitems = new ItemIterator(context, items); // GWaller IssueID #579 26/1/11 Need to block export if user isn't authorized to view resource //NOTE: Creating a new ItemIterator so that the original iterator isn't altered (this is used later) ItemIterator tempIterator = new ItemIterator(context, items); Item itemToExport =; tempIterator.close(); boolean authorised = false; ItemLicence itemLicence = LicenceController.getItemLicence(itemToExport); if (itemLicence != null){ Group[] authorisedGroups = itemLicence.authorisedGroupsForViewing(); if (authorisedGroups.length == 0){ authorised = true; } else { // Check to see if the current user belongs to one of the groups // Make sure the user is set in the context context.setCurrentUser(eperson); // NOTE: if the user hasn't logged in ie its an anon export, they won't match any groups // Do we need to lookup the eperson based on an email? for (Group g: authorisedGroups){ if (Group.isMember(context, g.getID())){ authorised = true; break; } } } } else { // Couldn't find a licence on the item - allow the export as no licence prohibits it authorised = true; } if (!authorised){ throw new Exception("You are not authorised to export the resource due to the licence"); } String fileName = null; String downloadDir = null; if (eperson != null) { fileName = ItemExport.assembleFileName("item", eperson, new Date()); downloadDir = ItemExport.getExportDownloadDirectory(eperson.getID()); } if (email != null) { fileName = AnonItemExport.assembleFileName("item", email, new Date()); downloadDir = AnonItemExport.getExportDownloadDirectory(); } String workDir = ItemExport.getExportWorkDirectory() + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileName; File dnDir = new File(downloadDir); if (!dnDir.exists()) { dnDir.mkdirs(); } //If this flag is true, we will attempt to export the item as an IMS CP. Otherwise, export in the normal Dspace format. if (imsDissemination) { String imsZip = new StringBuilder(fileName).append(ZIP_EXTENSION).toString(); File imsContentPackage = new File(dnDir, imsZip); if (!imsContentPackage.exists()) { imsContentPackage.createNewFile(); log.debug("Created file for ims dissemination: " + imsZip); } //TODO: "IMS" shouldn't be hard coded here PackageDisseminator dip = (PackageDisseminator) PluginManager.getNamedPlugin(PackageDisseminator.class, "IMS"); PackageParameters params = new PackageParameters(); params.addProperty(Constants.METADATA_FORMAT_LABEL, Constants.SupportedDisseminationMetadataFormats.QDC.toString()); dip.disseminate(context,, params, new FileOutputStream(imsContentPackage)); } else { File wkDir = new File(workDir); if (!wkDir.exists()) { wkDir.mkdirs(); } // export the items using normal export method ItemExport.exportItem(context, iitems, workDir, 1, migrate); // now zip up the export directory created above, new StringBuilder(downloadDir).append(File.separator).append(fileName).append(ZIP_EXTENSION) .toString()); } // email message letting user know the file is ready for download if (eperson != null) ItemExport.emailSuccessMessage(context, eperson, fileName + ".zip"); if (email != null) AnonItemExport.emailSuccessMessage(context, email, fileName + ".zip"); // return to enforcing auths context.setIgnoreAuthorization(false); } catch (Exception e1) { ExceptionLogger.logException(log, e1); try { if (eperson != null) ItemExport.emailErrorMessage(eperson, e1.getMessage()); if (email != null) AnonItemExport.emailErrorMessage(email, e1.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { // wont throw here } throw new RuntimeException(e1); } finally { if (iitems != null) iitems.close(); // Make sure the database connection gets closed in all conditions. try { context.complete(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { context.abort(); } } return 1; } }