/** * Copyright (c) 2012 BMW Car IT and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.jnario.jnario.documentation; import org.jnario.jnario.documentation.InstallingJnarioSpec; import org.jnario.runner.ExampleGroupRunner; import org.jnario.runner.Named; import org.jnario.runner.Order; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; /** * The runtime library as well as a plug-in to run the compiler in a * Maven build can be be installed from [Maven Central](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cjnario). * The easiest way to get started is to use the Jnario maven archetype: * * mvn archetype:generate \ * -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jnario \ * -DarchetypeArtifactId=jnario-archetype \ * -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0 \ * -DgroupId=org.example \ * -DartifactId=myproject * * There is also an [example project](https://github.com/sebastianbenz/Jnario/tree/master/examples/org.jnario.maven.example) * demonstrating the usage of Jnario with Maven. */ @Named("Using Jnario with Maven") @RunWith(ExampleGroupRunner.class) @SuppressWarnings("all") public class InstallingJnarioUsingJnarioWithMavenSpec extends InstallingJnarioSpec { /** * The XML for the Jnario runtime library is: * * <dependency> * <groupId>org.jnario</groupId> * <artifactId>org.jnario.lib</artifactId> * <version>1.0.0</version> * <scope>test</scope> * </dependency> * * @filter(.*) */ @Test @Named("Jnario Runtime") @Order(1) public void _jnarioRuntime() throws Exception { /* "not yet implemented" */ } /** * You should also configure Surefire to execute specs and features: * * <plugin> * <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> * <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> * <version>2.12</version> * <configuration> * <includes> * <include>**\/*Spec*.java</include> * <include>**\/*Feature.java</include> * <include>**\/*Test.java</include> * <include>**\/*TestCase.java</include> * </includes> * </configuration> * </plugin> * </plugins> * * @filter(.*) */ @Test @Named("Executing specs") @Order(2) public void _executingSpecs() throws Exception { /* "not yet implemented" */ } /** * You can use the Jnario plugin to compile specs from Maven: * * <plugin> * <groupId>org.jnario</groupId> * <artifactId>jnario-maven-plugin</artifactId> * <version>1.0.0</version> * <executions> * <execution> * <goals> * <goal>testCompile</goal> * <goal>xtend-test-install-debug-info</goal> * </goals> * </execution> * </executions> * </plugin> * * @filter(.*) */ @Test @Named("Jnario Compiler") @Order(3) public void _jnarioCompiler() throws Exception { /* "not yet implemented" */ } /** * The outputDirectory can be specified to match the default of * the Eclipse plug-in (xtend-gen). You can also change the * configuration in Eclipse to match the Maven default (generated-sources). * To do so right-click on the project and select Properties or if you prefer * a global setting choose **Eclipse->Preferences**. In the category **Jnario/Compiler** enter * the directory name (see screenshot). It is interpreted as a relative * path to the parent of the source folder, which includes the to-be-compiled Xtend file. * * <p align="center"><img width="500px" src="/img/tutorial/project_compiler_settings.png" alt="Configuring project specific compiler settings."/></p> * * @filter(.*) */ @Test @Named("Configuring Eclipse") @Order(4) public void _configuringEclipse() throws Exception { /* "not yet implemented" */ } }