package com.paessler.prtg.util.concurrency; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; /** * CLASS: ThreadUtility - Thread utility functions * */ public abstract class ThreadUtility { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Print all Current Threads * @param ps PrintStream to print data to */ public static void printThreads(PrintStream ps) { ArrayList<Thread> vect = getAllThreads(); int i = 0; for( Thread t : vect) { ps.println("Thread[" + i + "] " + t.toString()); i++; } } // printThreads //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * returns a summary string with the thread name/id and stack dump of each active thread */ public static StringBuilder getAllStackDumps(StringBuilder sb) { Map<Thread,StackTraceElement[]> allThreads = Thread.getAllStackTraces(); for( Thread t : allThreads.keySet() ) { sb.append("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n"); sb.append("Thead t->" + t.getId() + " " + t.getName() + "\n"); StackTraceElement[] steArray = allThreads.get(t); for( StackTraceElement ste : steArray ) { sb.append("\t"); sb.append(ste.toString()); sb.append("\n"); } } return sb; }//method //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * returns a summary string with the thread name/id and stack dump of each active thread */ public static String getAllStackDumps() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); getAllStackDumps(sb); return sb.toString(); }//method //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Return all Current Threads as a vector * @return Vector Vector of Threads */ public static ArrayList<Thread> getAllThreads() { ThreadGroup tg = getRootThreadGroup(); int totthr = tg.activeCount(); Thread[] threadList = new Thread[totthr * 2]; totthr = tg.enumerate(threadList, true); ArrayList<Thread> retVal = new ArrayList<Thread>(); //Log.printDebug("Root="+tg.toString()+", Thead Count="+totthr); for (int i = 0; i < totthr; i++) { retVal.add(threadList[i]); } return retVal; } // getAllThreads //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set the name of the threads for readability */ public static void setThreadName(String name) { Thread thisthread = Thread.currentThread(); setThreadName(thisthread, name); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set the name of the threads for readability */ public static void setThreadName(Thread thisthread, String name) { String thname = thisthread.getName(); // System.out.println("setMsgHandlerThreadName() Changing Task name from =>" + thname); if (thname.startsWith("Thread")) { thname = thname.substring(6); } thname = name + thname; thisthread.setName(thname); // System.out.println("setMsgHandlerThreadName() Changed Task name to =>" + thisthread.getName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Sleep for a while * @param millis How lng to sleep * @reurn boolean If interrupted true, otherwise false. */ public static boolean sleep(long millis) { boolean retVal = false; if (millis > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { retVal = true; System.err.println("InterruptedException ->" + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } return retVal; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Print all Current Threads * @param ps PrintStream to print data to */ public static ThreadGroup getRootThreadGroup() { ThreadGroup retVal = null; ThreadGroup tmp = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); while (tmp != null) { retVal = tmp; tmp = retVal.getParent(); } return retVal; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * */ public static String getThreadIDString(Thread t, boolean printtname) { if (t == null) return "NULL THREAD"; String retVal = t.getId() +(printtname ? ":" + t.getName() : ""); return retVal; }//method //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * */ public static String getThreadIDString(Thread t) { return getThreadIDString(t, false); }//method public static String getThreadIDString(boolean printtname) { return getThreadIDString(Thread.currentThread(), printtname); }//method public static String getThreadIDString() { return getThreadIDString(Thread.currentThread(), false); }//method //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*public static void main(String[] arg) { }*/ }//class