/* * @(#) $(JCGO)/goclsp/vm/java/io/VMFile.java -- * VM specific native file access API implementation. ** * Project: JCGO (http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/) * Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Ivan Maidanski <ivmai@ivmaisoft.com> * All rights reserved. ** * Class specification origin: GNU Classpath v0.93 vm/reference */ /* * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. ** * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License (GPL) for more details. ** * Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is * making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and * conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole * combination. ** * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you * permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an * executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent * modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under * terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked * independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that * module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from * or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend * this exception to your version of the library, but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ package java.io; import gnu.java.nio.VMAccessorGnuJavaNio; import gnu.java.nio.VMChannel; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; final class VMFile /* hard-coded class name */ { static final boolean IS_CASE_SENSITIVE = isCaseSensitive0() != 0; static final boolean IS_DOS_8_3 = isLongNameSupported0() == 0; private static final boolean IS_UNIX_FS = isUniRootFileSys0() != 0; private static final boolean IS_DOTFILE_HIDDEN = isDotFileHidden0() != 0; private static final char FILE_SEP = (char) getFilePathSepChar0(0); private static final char PATH_SEP = (char) getFilePathSepChar0(1); private static final int DIR_DATASIZE_ISFIND = dirDataSizeAndIsFind0(); private static final Object DIR_OP_LOCK = dirOpNeedsSync0() != 0 ? new Object() : null; private static final String[] driveDirCache = new String[IS_UNIX_FS ? 1 : 'Z' - 'A' + 2]; private static final String DOS_UNIX_DRIVE_PREFIX = getDosUnixDrivePrefix0().replace('/', FILE_SEP); private static final String LIBNAME_PREFIX = getLibNamePrefixSuffix0(0); private static final String LIBNAME_SUFFIX = getLibNamePrefixSuffix0(1); private static int defaultDrive; private VMFile() {} static long lastModified(String path) { return getLastModified0(normVolumeColon(path)); } static boolean setReadOnly(String path) { return setReadOnly0(normVolumeColon(path)) >= 0; } static boolean create(String path) throws IOException { VMChannel ch = VMAccessorGnuJavaNio.createUnlessExistsVMChannel(new File(path)); if (ch == null) return false; try { ch.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} return true; } static String[] list(String path) { int dirDSize = DIR_DATASIZE_ISFIND; if (dirDSize < 0) dirDSize = -dirDSize; byte[] dirdata = new byte[dirDSize]; path = normVolumeColon(path); String[] names; if (DIR_OP_LOCK != null) { synchronized (DIR_OP_LOCK) { names = listInner(path, dirdata); } } else names = listInner(path, dirdata); return names; } static boolean renameTo(String srcpath, String destpath) { return rename0(srcpath, destpath) >= 0; } static native long length(String path); static boolean exists(String path) { return path.equals(".") || isRegFileOrDir0(normVolumeColon(path)) >= 0; } static boolean delete(String path) { return delete0(path) >= 0; } static boolean setLastModified(String path, long time) { return setLastModified0(time, normVolumeColon(path)) >= 0; } static boolean mkdir(String path) { return mkdir0(path) >= 0; } static long getTotalSpace(String path) { /* not implemented */ return 0L; } static long getFreeSpace(String path) { /* not implemented */ return 0L; } static long getUsableSpace(String path) { /* not implemented */ return 0L; } static boolean setReadable(String path, boolean readable, boolean ownerOnly) { /* not implemented */ return false; } static boolean setWritable(String path, boolean writable, boolean ownerOnly) { /* not implemented */ return false; } static boolean setExecutable(String path, boolean executable, boolean ownerOnly) { /* not implemented */ return false; } static boolean isFile(String path) { return isRegFileOrDir0(path) == 1; } static boolean canWrite(String path) { return access0(path, 0, 1, 0) >= 0; } static boolean canWriteDirectory(String path) { return canWrite(normVolumeColon(path)); } static boolean canWriteDirectory(File dir) { return canWriteDirectory(dir.getPath()); /* File testFile = null; try { testFile = File.createTempFile(IS_DOS_8_3 ? "tst" : "test-dir-write", null, dir); } catch (IOException e) {} if (testFile != null) { String path = testFile.getPath(); if (delete(path)) return true; System.err.println("Cannot remove temporary file: " + path); } return false; */ } static boolean canRead(String path) { return access0(normVolumeColon(path), 1, 0, 0) >= 0; } static boolean canExecute(String path) { return access0(normVolumeColon(path), 0, 0, 1) >= 0; } static boolean isDirectory(String path) { return path.equals(".") || isRegFileOrDir0(normVolumeColon(path)) == 2; } static File[] listRoots() { File[] roots; if (IS_UNIX_FS) roots = new File[] { new File(String.valueOf(FILE_SEP)) }; else { int mask = getDrivesMask0(); roots = new File['Z' - 'A' + 1]; int count = 0; if (mask != -1) { int drive = 0; while (mask != 0) { drive++; if ((mask & 1) != 0) roots[count++] = new File(drivePathPrefix(drive) + String.valueOf(FILE_SEP)); mask >>>= 1; } } else { String path = getVolumeRoot0(0); if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { int index = 0; do { if (!path.equals(".")) { if (roots.length <= count) { File[] newRoots = new File[(count >> 1) + count + 1]; System.arraycopy(roots, 0, newRoots, 0, count); roots = newRoots; } roots[count++] = new File(path.charAt(path.length() - 1) == ':' ? path + String.valueOf(FILE_SEP) : path); } path = getVolumeRoot0(++index); } while (path != null && path.length() > 0); } else { int drive = 0; do { String driveColon = drivePathPrefix(++drive); int res = checkVolumeRoot0(driveColon + "."); if (res > 0 || (res != 0 && getDriveCurDir(drive, false) != null)) roots[count++] = new File(driveColon + String.valueOf(FILE_SEP)); } while (drive <= 'Z' - 'A'); } } if (roots.length > count) { File[] newRoots = new File[count]; System.arraycopy(roots, 0, newRoots, 0, count); roots = newRoots; } } return roots; } static boolean isHidden(String path) { if (IS_DOTFILE_HIDDEN) { String name = getName(path); int len = name.length(); if (len > 0) { if (name.charAt(0) != '.') return false; if (len > 2 || (len == 2 && name.charAt(1) != '.')) return true; } if ((path = makeAbsPath(path)) == null) return false; name = getName(collapsePathDots(path)); return (len = name.length()) > 1 && name.charAt(0) == '.' && (len > 2 || name.charAt(1) != '.'); } path = normVolumeColon(path); int res = isHidden0(path); int dirDSize; if (res < 0 && (dirDSize = DIR_DATASIZE_ISFIND) > 0) { byte[] dirdata = new byte[dirDSize]; String filename = realPath0(path, new int[1]); if (filename != path && filename != null) path = normPlatformPath(filename); if (DIR_OP_LOCK != null) { synchronized (DIR_OP_LOCK) { res = isHiddenInner(path, dirdata); } } else res = isHiddenInner(path, dirdata); } return res > 0; } static String getName(String path) { int prefixLen = pathPrefixLength(path); int pos = path.lastIndexOf(FILE_SEP); return path.substring(pos >= prefixLen ? pos + 1 : prefixLen); } static String getAbsolutePath(String path) { String absPath = makeAbsPath(path); return absPath != null ? absPath : path; } static boolean isAbsolute(String path) { int prefixLen = pathPrefixLength(path); return prefixLen > 0 && (IS_UNIX_FS || (prefixLen > 2 && path.charAt(prefixLen - 1) != ':')); } static URL toURL(File file) throws MalformedURLException { String path = file.getPath(); String normPath = makeAbsPath(path); normPath = (normPath != null ? normPath : path).replace(FILE_SEP, '/'); int len = normPath.length(); if (len > 0) { if (normPath.charAt(len - 1) != '/' && isDirectory(path)) normPath = normPath + "/"; if (normPath.charAt(0) == '/') { if (len > 1 && normPath.charAt(1) == '/') normPath = ("/" + "/") + normPath; } else normPath = "/" + normPath; } return new URL("file:" + normPath); } static String toCanonicalForm(String path) throws IOException { int drive; if (!IS_UNIX_FS && path.length() == 2 && path.charAt(1) == ':' && (drive = driveIndexOf(path.charAt(0))) > 0) return getDriveCurDir(drive, true); path = makeAbsPath(realPath((new File(path)).getPath())); if (path == null) throw new IOException(); return canonPathCase(collapsePathDots(path)); } static final long currentTime(boolean isNano) { /* used by VM classes only */ return currentTime0(isNano ? 1 : 0); } static final String getFileSeparator() { /* used by VM classes only */ return String.valueOf(FILE_SEP); } static final String getPathSeparator() { /* used by VM classes only */ return String.valueOf(PATH_SEP); } static final String pathParentOf(String path) { /* used by VM classes only */ int prefixLen = pathPrefixLength(path); if (path.length() == prefixLen) return null; int pos = path.lastIndexOf(FILE_SEP); if (pos <= prefixLen) pos = prefixLen; return pos > 0 ? path.substring(0, pos) : null; } static final String makeAbsPath(String path) { /* used by VM classes only */ int prefixLen = pathPrefixLength(path); String curDir; if (prefixLen > 0) { if (IS_UNIX_FS) return path; if (prefixLen > 2) return path.charAt(prefixLen - 1) == ':' ? path.substring(0, prefixLen) + String.valueOf(FILE_SEP) + path.substring(prefixLen) : path; if (prefixLen == 1) return (curDir = getCurDir()) != null && (prefixLen = pathPrefixLength(curDir)) > 0 ? pathAppendName(curDir.substring(0, prefixLen > 3 ? prefixLen - 1 : prefixLen), path.substring(1)) : null; curDir = getDriveCurDir(driveIndexOf(path.charAt(0)), true); path = path.substring(2); } else { curDir = getCurDir(); if (path.equals(".")) return curDir; } return curDir != null ? pathAppendName(curDir, path.length() > 1 && path.charAt(0) == '.' && path.charAt(1) == FILE_SEP ? path.substring(2) : path) : null; } static final String collapsePathDots(String path) { /* used by VM classes only */ int ofs = pathPrefixLength(path); int skip = 0; for (int pos = path.length(); pos > ofs; pos--) { int next = pos; pos = path.lastIndexOf(FILE_SEP, next - 1) + 1; if (pos <= ofs) pos = ofs; if (next - 1 == pos && path.charAt(pos) == '.') { if (path.length() == next) { if (pos <= ofs) { if (pos > 0) path = path.substring(0, pos); break; } next--; } path = path.substring(0, next - 1) + path.substring(next + 1); } else { if (next - 1 > pos && path.charAt(pos) == '.' && path.charAt(pos + 1) == '.') { int i = pos + 2; if (!IS_UNIX_FS) while (i < next && path.charAt(i) == '.') i++; if (i == next) skip += next - pos; } if (skip > 0) { int i = pos; skip--; if (path.length() == next) { next--; if (pos <= ofs) { if (pos <= 0) { path = "."; i = 1; } } else i--; } path = path.substring(0, i) + path.substring(next + 1); } } } return path; } static final String canonPathCase(String path) throws IOException { /* used by VM classes only */ if (!IS_CASE_SENSITIVE) { int prefixLen = pathPrefixLength(path); String name = path.substring(0, prefixLen); String canonName = VMAccessorJavaLang.toUpperCaseLatinVMSystem(name); if (canonName != name) path = canonName + path.substring(prefixLen); int pos = prefixLen; char sep = FILE_SEP; int dirDSize = DIR_DATASIZE_ISFIND; byte[] dirdata = new byte[dirDSize >= 0 ? dirDSize : -dirDSize]; Object lockObj = DIR_OP_LOCK; while (path.length() > pos) { int next = path.indexOf(sep, pos); if (next < 0) next = path.length(); int i = pos; while (i < next && path.charAt(i) == '.') i++; if (i < next) { String curPath = path.substring(0, next); name = path.substring(pos, next); if (dirDSize > 0) { if (pos > prefixLen) { canonName = path.substring(0, pos - 1); int[] resArr = new int[1]; String filename = realPath0(canonName, resArr); VMAccessorGnuJavaNio.checkIOResCodeVMChannel(resArr[0]); if (filename != canonName && filename != null) curPath = pathAppendName(normPlatformPath(filename), name); } if (lockObj != null) { synchronized (lockObj) { canonName = canonPathCaseMatch(curPath, dirdata); } } else canonName = canonPathCaseMatch(curPath, dirdata); if (canonName == null || name.indexOf('*', 0) >= 0 || name.indexOf('?', 0) >= 0) break; } else { long[] devInodeArr = new long[2]; devInodeArr[0] = -1L; int res = getLnkDevInode0(curPath, devInodeArr); if (res < 0 && isIOErrorNoEntity0(res) != 0) break; VMAccessorGnuJavaNio.checkIOResCodeVMChannel(res); if (devInodeArr[0] == -1L || devInodeArr[1] == 0L) break; curPath = path.substring(0, pos > prefixLen ? pos - 1 : pos); if (lockObj != null) { synchronized (lockObj) { canonName = canonPathCaseFind(curPath, dirdata, name); } } else canonName = canonPathCaseFind(curPath, dirdata, name); if (canonName == null) break; if (canonName.length() == 0) { if (lockObj != null) { synchronized (lockObj) { canonName = canonPathCaseScan(curPath, dirdata, devInodeArr); } } else canonName = canonPathCaseScan(curPath, dirdata, devInodeArr); if (canonName == null || canonName.length() == 0) break; } } if (!canonName.equals(name)) { path = path.substring(0, pos) + canonName + path.substring(next); next = canonName.length() + pos; } } pos = next + 1; } } return path; } static final String normPlatformPath(String path) { /* used by VM classes only */ int len = path.length(); if (len == 0) return "."; String normPath = normPlatformPath0(path); if (normPath != null && normPath.length() > 0) { char ch; if (!IS_UNIX_FS && (ch = normPath.charAt(0)) >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' && normPath.length() > 1 && normPath.charAt(1) == ':') normPath = String.valueOf((char) (ch - ('a' - 'A'))) + normPath.substring(1); return normPath; } char sep = FILE_SEP; if (IS_UNIX_FS) { path = path.replace('\\', sep); if (len > 1) { int drive; if (path.charAt(1) == ':' && (drive = driveIndexOf(path.charAt(0))) > 0) { path = drive == defaultDrive ? (len > 2 ? path.substring(2) : ".") : DOS_UNIX_DRIVE_PREFIX + String.valueOf((char) (drive + ('a' - 1))) + (len != 2 && path.charAt(2) != sep ? String.valueOf(sep) : "") + path.substring(2); len = path.length(); } if (path.charAt(len - 1) == sep && len > 1) path = path.substring(0, len - 1); } } else { if (len > 2 && path.charAt(0) == '/') { if (path.charAt(2) == ':' && driveIndexOf(path.charAt(1)) > 0) { path = path.substring(1); if (len == 3) path += String.valueOf(sep); len = path.length(); } else { String prefix = DOS_UNIX_DRIVE_PREFIX; int pos = prefix.length() + 1; char ch; if (pos <= len && path.startsWith(prefix) && (ch = path.charAt(pos - 1)) >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' && (len == pos || path.charAt(pos) == '/')) { path = path.substring(pos - 1, pos) + ":" + (len != pos ? path.substring(pos) : String.valueOf(sep)); len = path.length(); } } } path = path.replace('/', sep); if (len > 1) { char ch; if (path.charAt(1) == ':' && (ch = path.charAt(0)) >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') path = String.valueOf((char) (ch - ('a' - 'A'))) + path.substring(1); if (path.charAt(len - 1) == sep && (len > 3 || (path.charAt(1) != ':' && path.charAt(len - 2) != sep))) path = path.substring(0, len - 1); } } return path; } static final String normPlatformListOfPaths(String pathlist) { /* used by VM classes only */ char sep = pathListPlatformSep(pathlist); int pos = 0; String properPathSep = sep != PATH_SEP ? String.valueOf(PATH_SEP) : null; do { int next = pathlist.indexOf(sep, pos); if (next < 0) next = pathlist.length(); else if (properPathSep != null) pathlist = pathlist.substring(0, next) + properPathSep + pathlist.substring(next + 1); String path = pathlist.substring(pos, next); String normPath = normPlatformPath(path); if (path != normPath) { pathlist = pathlist.substring(0, pos) + normPath + pathlist.substring(next); next = normPath.length() + pos; } pos = next + 1; } while (pathlist.length() >= pos); return pathlist; } static final String normVolumeColon(String path) { /* used by VM classes only */ int len = path.length(); return len > 1 ? (path.charAt(len - 1) == ':' && pathPrefixLength(path) == len ? path + "." : path) : len > 0 ? path : "."; } static final String mapLibraryName(String libname) { /* used by VM classes only */ if (libname == null) throw new NullPointerException(); String prefix = LIBNAME_PREFIX; String suffix = LIBNAME_SUFFIX; String mappedName = mapLibraryName0((prefix != null ? prefix : "") + libname + (suffix != null ? suffix : "")); return mappedName != null ? mappedName : ""; } static final String getenvPlatform(String name) { /* used by VM classes only */ String value = getenv0(name); if (value != null && value.length() == 0) value = null; return value; } static final String getLineSeparator() { /* used by VM classes only */ String newline = getLineSeparator0(); return newline != null && newline.length() > 0 ? newline : "\n"; } private static char pathListPlatformSep(String pathlist) { char ch; int val = pathListPlatformSep0(pathlist); return val > 0 ? (char) val : (pathlist.length() > 2 && pathlist.charAt(1) == ':' && driveIndexOf(pathlist.charAt(0)) > 0 && ((ch = pathlist.charAt(2)) == '/' || ch == '\\')) || pathlist.indexOf(';', 0) >= 0 || (pathlist.indexOf('\\', 0) > 0 && (val = pathlist.indexOf(':', 0)) > 1 && pathlist.indexOf(':', val + 1) < 0) ? ';' : (ch = PATH_SEP) == ';' || (ch != ':' && pathlist.indexOf(':', 0) >= 0) ? ':' : ch; } private static String pathAppendName(String path, String name) { int len = path.length(); return len > 0 ? (name.length() > 0 ? (path.charAt(len - 1) != FILE_SEP ? path + String.valueOf(FILE_SEP) + name : path + name) : path) : name; } private static String[] listInner(String path, byte[] dirdata) { String filename = path; if (DIR_DATASIZE_ISFIND > 0) { filename = realPath0(path, new int[1]); filename = pathAppendName(filename != path && filename != null ? normPlatformPath(filename) : path, "*.*"); } filename = dirOpenReadFirst0(dirdata, filename); if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) { /* if (DIR_DATASIZE_ISFIND > 0 && isRegFileOrDir0(path) == 2) return new String[0]; */ return null; } String[] names; int count; try { names = new String[1]; count = 0; do { if (!filename.equals(".") && !filename.equals("..")) { if (names.length <= count) { String[] newNames = new String[(count >> 1) + count + 32]; System.arraycopy(names, 0, newNames, 0, count); names = newNames; } names[count++] = filename; } filename = dirReadNext0(dirdata); } while (filename != null && filename.length() > 0); } finally { dirClose0(dirdata); } if (names.length > count) { String[] newNames = new String[count]; System.arraycopy(names, 0, newNames, 0, count); names = newNames; } return names; } private static int isHiddenInner(String path, byte[] dirdata) { int res = -1; String filename = dirOpenReadFirst0(dirdata, path); if (filename != null && filename.length() > 0) { try { res = dirIsHiddenFound0(dirdata); filename = dirReadNext0(dirdata); if (filename != null && filename.length() > 0) { res = 0; do { filename = dirReadNext0(dirdata); } while (filename != null && filename.length() > 0); } } finally { dirClose0(dirdata); } if (res > 0) { filename = getName(path); if (filename.indexOf('*', 0) >= 0 || filename.indexOf('?', 0) >= 0) res = 0; } } return res; } private static String canonPathCaseMatch(String curPath, byte[] dirdata) throws IOException { String canonName = dirOpenReadFirst0(dirdata, curPath); if (canonName != null && canonName.length() > 0) { try { String filename = dirReadNext0(dirdata); if (filename != null && filename.length() > 0) { canonName = null; do { filename = dirReadNext0(dirdata); } while (filename != null && filename.length() > 0); } } finally { dirClose0(dirdata); } } else { int res = access0(curPath, 0, 0, 0); if (res < 0 && isIOErrorNoEntity0(res) == 0) VMAccessorGnuJavaNio.checkIOResCodeVMChannel(res); canonName = null; } return canonName; } private static String canonPathCaseFind(String curPath, byte[] dirdata, String name) { String canonName = dirOpenReadFirst0(dirdata, curPath); if (canonName != null) { if (canonName.length() > 0) { try { do { if (canonName.equals(name)) break; canonName = dirReadNext0(dirdata); } while (canonName != null && canonName.length() > 0); } finally { dirClose0(dirdata); } if (canonName == null) canonName = ""; } else canonName = null; } return canonName; } private static String canonPathCaseScan(String curPath, byte[] dirdata, long[] devInodeArr) throws IOException { String canonName = dirOpenReadFirst0(dirdata, curPath); if (canonName != null && canonName.length() > 0) { try { long stDev = devInodeArr[0]; long stIno = devInodeArr[1]; int compared = 0; do { if (!canonName.equals(".") && !canonName.equals("..")) { devInodeArr[0] = -1L; int res = getLnkDevInode0(pathAppendName(curPath, canonName), devInodeArr); if (res >= 0) { if (devInodeArr[0] == stDev && devInodeArr[1] == stIno) { if (compared > 0) break; String filename = dirReadNext0(dirdata); if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) break; devInodeArr[0] = -1L; if (getLnkDevInode0(pathAppendName(curPath, filename), devInodeArr) >= 0 && devInodeArr[0] == stDev && devInodeArr[1] == stIno) canonName = null; break; } compared++; } else if (isIOErrorNoEntity0(res) == 0) VMAccessorGnuJavaNio.checkIOResCodeVMChannel(res); } canonName = dirReadNext0(dirdata); } while (canonName != null && canonName.length() > 0); } finally { dirClose0(dirdata); } } return canonName; } static final String realPath(String path) throws IOException { /* used by VM classes only */ path = normVolumeColon(path); int[] resArr = new int[1]; String filename = realPath0(path, resArr); int res = resArr[0]; if (res >= 0) return filename != path && filename != null ? normPlatformPath(filename) : path; if (isIOErrorNoEntity0(res) == 0) VMAccessorGnuJavaNio.checkIOResCodeVMChannel(res); int prefixLen = pathPrefixLength(path); int pos = path.length(); do { if (pos == prefixLen) VMAccessorGnuJavaNio.checkIOResCodeVMChannel(res); pos = path.lastIndexOf(FILE_SEP, pos - 1); if (pos <= prefixLen) pos = prefixLen; filename = realPath0(path.substring(0, pos), resArr); res = resArr[0]; } while (res < 0 && isIOErrorNoEntity0(res) != 0); VMAccessorGnuJavaNio.checkIOResCodeVMChannel(res); return filename != null ? pathAppendName(normPlatformPath(filename), path.substring(pos + 1)) : path; } private static int pathPrefixLength(String path) { int pos = 0; int len = path.length(); if (len > 0) { char sep = FILE_SEP; if (IS_UNIX_FS) { if (path.charAt(0) == sep) pos = 1; } else { if (path.charAt(0) == sep) { pos = 1; if (len != 1 && path.charAt(1) == sep) { while (++pos < len) if (path.charAt(pos) == sep) break; if (pos < len) { while (++pos < len) if (path.charAt(pos) == sep) break; if (pos < len) pos++; } } } else { pos = path.indexOf(':', 0) + 1; if (pos > 1) { int i; if (path.lastIndexOf('.', pos - 2) >= 0 || ((i = path.lastIndexOf(sep, pos - 2)) > 0 && path.lastIndexOf(sep, i - 1) >= 0)) pos = 0; else { if (pos < len) { if (path.charAt(pos) == sep) pos++; else if (pos > 2 && path.indexOf(':', pos) < 0 && path.indexOf(sep, pos + 1) < 0) pos = 0; } } } } } } return pos; } private static int driveIndexOf(char ch) { if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') return ch - ('A' - 1); if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') return ch - ('a' - 1); return -1; } private static String drivePathPrefix(int drive) { return drive > 0 && drive <= 'Z' - 'A' + 1 ? String.valueOf((char) (drive + ('A' - 1))) + ":" : null; } private static String getCurDir() { String path = driveDirCache[0]; if (path == null) { path = getDriveCurDir0(0); if (path == null || path.length() == 0) return null; if (IS_UNIX_FS && path.length() > 2 && path.charAt(1) == ':' && path.charAt(2) == FILE_SEP) defaultDrive = driveIndexOf(path.charAt(0)); path = normPlatformPath(path); driveDirCache[0] = path; int drive; if (driveDirCache.length > 1 && path.length() > 2 && path.charAt(1) == ':' && (drive = driveIndexOf(path.charAt(0))) > 0 && path.charAt(2) == FILE_SEP) driveDirCache[drive] = path; } return path; } private static String getDriveCurDir(int drive, boolean useCache) { String path = null; if (drive > 0 && driveDirCache.length > drive && (!useCache || (path = driveDirCache[drive]) == null)) { path = getDriveCurDir0(drive); if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { path = normPlatformPath(path); if (path.charAt(0) == FILE_SEP) path = drivePathPrefix(drive) + path; } else { String drivePrefix = drivePathPrefix(drive) + "."; String filename = realPath0(drivePrefix, new int[1]); if ((filename == drivePrefix || filename == null || (path = normPlatformPath(filename)).length() <= 2 || driveIndexOf(path.charAt(0)) != drive || path.charAt(1) != ':' || path.charAt(2) != FILE_SEP) && ((path = getVolumeCurDir0(drivePrefix)) == null || (path = normPlatformPath(path)).length() <= 2 || driveIndexOf(path.charAt(0)) != drive || path.charAt(1) != ':' || path.charAt(2) != FILE_SEP)) return null; } if (driveDirCache[drive] == null) driveDirCache[drive] = path; } return path; } private static native long currentTime0(int isNano); private static native int isCaseSensitive0(); private static native int isLongNameSupported0(); private static native int isUniRootFileSys0(); private static native int isDotFileHidden0(); private static native int getFilePathSepChar0(int isPath); private static native String getLineSeparator0(); private static native String getDosUnixDrivePrefix0(); private static native String getLibNamePrefixSuffix0(int isSuffix); private static native String mapLibraryName0(String libname); private static native String getenv0(String name); private static native int rename0(String path, String destpath); private static native int delete0(String path); private static native int mkdir0(String path); private static native int access0(String path, int chkRead, int chkWrite, int chkExec); private static native int isRegFileOrDir0(String path); private static native long getLastModified0(String path); private static native int setLastModified0(long mtime, String path); private static native int setReadOnly0(String path); private static native int isIOErrorNoEntity0(int res); private static native String realPath0(String path, int[] resArr); private static native int getDrivesMask0(); private static native String getVolumeRoot0(int index); private static native int checkVolumeRoot0(String path); private static native String getDriveCurDir0(int drive); private static native String getVolumeCurDir0(String path); private static native String normPlatformPath0(String path); private static native int pathListPlatformSep0(String pathlist); private static native int isHidden0(String path); private static native int getLnkDevInode0(String path, long[] devInodeArr); private static native int dirOpNeedsSync0(); private static native int dirDataSizeAndIsFind0(); private static native String dirOpenReadFirst0(byte[] dirdata, String path); private static native String dirReadNext0(byte[] dirdata); private static native int dirIsHiddenFound0(byte[] dirdata); private static native int dirClose0(byte[] dirdata); }