package nl.ipo.cds.nagios.parser; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class Lexer { private LexerContext lexerContext; private LineNumberReader reader; private LinkedList<Token> lookahead; private int line = 0; private int column = 0; private char currentCharacter = 0; private static Set<Character> punctuationCharacters = new HashSet<Character> (); private static Map<String, TokenType> punctuationTokenTypes = new HashMap<String, TokenType> (); // Construct lookup tables for fast processing of punctuation characters: static { for (TokenType tt: TokenType.getPunctuationTokenTypes ()) { final String punctuation = tt.getPunctuation (); punctuationTokenTypes.put (punctuation, tt); for (char c: punctuation.toCharArray()) { punctuationCharacters.add (c); } } } /** * Constructs a lexer using the given context that reads characters from the given reader. The reader will be wrapped * in a BufferedReader if it is not already an instance of BufferedReader. * * @param lexerContext * @param reader */ public Lexer (final LexerContext lexerContext, final Reader reader) { if (!(reader instanceof LineNumberReader)) { this.reader = new LineNumberReader (reader, 1024); } else { this.reader = (LineNumberReader)reader; } this.lookahead = new LinkedList<Token> (); } /** * Returns the next token in the stream. Always returns EOF tokens after the stream has been exhausted. * * @return The next token in the stream. * @throws LexerException */ public Token la () throws LexerException { return la (0); } /** * Performs a lookahead on the token stream by the given amount (0 <= la). Intermediate tokens are buffered. If the lookahead operation scans past * EOF, this method always returns an EOF token. * * @param la The amount of lookahead (>= 0). * @return The token at the given position in the stream. * @throws LexerException */ public Token la (int la) throws LexerException { if (la < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("lookahead must be positive"); } setLookaheadSize (la + 1); if (la == 0) { return lookahead.getFirst (); } else if (la == lookahead.size () - 1) { return lookahead.getLast (); } else { return lookahead.get (0); } } /** * Accepts and returns the next token in the stream. The token is removed from the lookahead buffer and can no longer * be accessed using the 'la' methods. * * @return The accepted token. * @throws LexerException */ public Token accept () throws LexerException { setLookaheadSize (1); return lookahead.poll (); } private void setLookaheadSize (int n) throws LexerException { while (lookahead.size () < n) { nextToken (); } } private void nextToken () throws LexerException { if (line == 0) { line = 1; currentCharacter = getNextChar (); } while (true) { char c = acceptChar (); // Skip whitespace: while (c > 0 && c <= ' ') { c = acceptChar (); } // Skip comments (single line): if (c == '#') { while (c > 0 && c != '\n') { c = acceptChar (); } continue; } // EOF: if (c == 0) { lookahead.addLast (new Token (lexerContext, TokenType.EOF, "<EOF>", line, column)); return; } // Punctuation tokens: if (punctuationCharacters.contains (c)) { String punctuation = new String (new char[] { c }); while (punctuationCharacters.contains (peekChar ())) { punctuation += acceptChar (); } if (!punctuationTokenTypes.containsKey (punctuation)) { throw new LexerException (lexerContext, line, column, String.format ("Invalid punctuation type: `%s`", punctuation)); } lookahead.addLast (new Token (lexerContext, punctuationTokenTypes.get (punctuation), punctuationTokenTypes.get (punctuation).getPunctuation (), line, column)); // Parse a value until end of line after an '=': if (lookahead.getLast ().getTokenType() == TokenType.ASSIGN) { final StringBuilder valueBuilder = new StringBuilder (); while (peekChar () > 0 && peekChar () != '#' && peekChar () != '\n') { valueBuilder.append (acceptChar ()); } lookahead.addLast (new Token (lexerContext, TokenType.VALUE, valueBuilder.toString ().trim (), line, column)); } return; } // Name tokens: if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_') { final StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder (); name.append (c); char next = peekChar (); while ((next >= 'a' && next <= 'z') || (next >= 'A' && next <= 'Z') || next == '_' || (next >= '0' && next <= '9')) { name.append (acceptChar ()); next = peekChar (); } lookahead.addLast (new Token (lexerContext, TokenType.NAME, name.toString (), line, column)); return; } throw new LexerException (lexerContext, line, column, String.format ("Invalid token starting with `%c`", c)); } } private char peekChar () throws LexerException { return currentCharacter; } private char acceptChar () throws LexerException { final char ch = currentCharacter; currentCharacter = getNextChar (); return ch; } private char getNextChar () throws LexerException { try { int ch = (); // Return 0 on EOF: if (ch < 0) { return 0; } if (ch == (int)'\n') { ++ line; column = 0; } ++ column; return (char)ch; } catch (IOException e) { throw new LexerException (lexerContext, line, column, "Error reading from datasource", e); } } }