package com.pitchedapps.butler.iconrequest; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.Html; import com.pitchedapps.butler.R; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.pitchedapps.butler.iconrequest.logs.IRLog; import com.pitchedapps.butler.iconrequest.logs.IRLogTree; import com.pitchedapps.butler.iconrequest.utils.ComponentInfoUtil; import com.pitchedapps.butler.iconrequest.utils.EventBusUtils; import com.pitchedapps.butler.iconrequest.utils.FileUtil; import com.pitchedapps.butler.iconrequest.utils.IRUtils; import com.pitchedapps.butler.iconrequest.utils.ZipUtil; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import timber.log.Timber; /** * Created by Allan Wang on 2016-08-20. */ public final class IconRequest { @IntDef({STATE_NORMAL, STATE_LIMITED, STATE_TIME_LIMITED}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface State { } public static final int STATE_NORMAL = 0; public static final int STATE_LIMITED = 1; public static final int STATE_TIME_LIMITED = 2; public static final int INTENT_CODE = 99; @State private int state = STATE_NORMAL; private Builder mBuilder; private ArrayList<App> mApps; private ArrayList<App> mSelectedApps; private static final String KEY_SAVED_TIME_MILLIS = "saved_time_millis"; private static final String MAX_APPS = "apps_to_request"; private static IconRequest mRequest; private IconRequest() { mSelectedApps = new ArrayList<>(); } private IconRequest(@NonNull Builder builder) { this(); mBuilder = builder; mRequest = this; if (mBuilder.mDebugMode) { Timber.plant(new IRLogTree()); } } public static class Builder implements Parcelable { protected transient Context mContext; protected File mSaveDir = null; protected int mFilterId = -1; protected String mAppName = "Default App"; protected String mEmail = null; protected String mSubject = "Icon Request"; protected String mHeader = "These apps aren't themed. Thanks in advance"; protected String mFooter = null; protected int mMaxCount = 0; protected long mTimeLimit = -1; protected boolean mIsLoading = false; protected boolean mHasMaxCount = false; protected boolean mNoneSelectsAll = false; protected boolean mIncludeDeviceInfo = true; protected boolean mComments = true; protected boolean mGenerateAppFilterXml = true; protected boolean mGenerateAppMapXml = true; protected boolean mGenerateThemeResourcesXml = true; protected boolean mGenerateAppFilterJson = false; protected boolean mErrorOnInvalidAppFilterDrawable = true; protected boolean mDebugMode = false; protected SharedPreferences mPrefs = null; protected RequestsCallback mCallback = null; protected EventState mLoadingState = EventState.DISABLED, mLoadedState = EventState.STICKIED, mSelectionState = EventState.DISABLED, mRequestState = EventState.DISABLED; public Builder() { } public Builder(@NonNull Context context) { mContext = context; mSaveDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "IconRequest"); } public Builder filterXmlId(@XmlRes int resId) { mFilterId = resId; return this; } public Builder filterOff() { mFilterId = -1; return this; } public Builder saveDir(@NonNull File file) { mSaveDir = file; return this; } public Builder toEmail(@NonNull String email) { mEmail = email; return this; } public Builder withAppName(@Nullable String appName, @Nullable Object... args) { if (args != null && appName != null) appName = String.format(appName, args); mAppName = appName; return this; } public Builder withSubject(@Nullable String subject, @Nullable Object... args) { if (args != null && subject != null) subject = String.format(subject, args); mSubject = subject; return this; } public Builder withHeader(@Nullable String header, @Nullable Object... args) { if (args != null && header != null) header = String.format(header, args); mHeader = header; return this; } public Builder withFooter(@Nullable String footer, @Nullable Object... args) { if (args != null && footer != null) footer = String.format(footer, args); mFooter = footer; return this; } public Builder maxSelectionCount(@IntRange(from = 0) int count) { mMaxCount = count; mHasMaxCount = mMaxCount > 0; return this; } public Builder withTimeLimit(int minutes, SharedPreferences prefs) { mTimeLimit = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(minutes); mPrefs = prefs != null ? prefs : mContext.getSharedPreferences("ButlerPrefs", Context .MODE_PRIVATE); return this; } public Builder withComments(boolean b) { mComments = b; return this; } public Builder noSelectionSelectsAll(boolean b) { mNoneSelectsAll = b; return this; } public Builder includeDeviceInfo(boolean include) { mIncludeDeviceInfo = include; return this; } public Builder generateAppFilterXml(boolean generate) { mGenerateAppFilterXml = generate; return this; } public Builder generateAppMapXml(boolean generate) { mGenerateAppMapXml = generate; return this; } public Builder generateThemeResourcesXml(boolean generate) { mGenerateThemeResourcesXml = generate; return this; } public Builder generateAppFilterJson(boolean generate) { mGenerateAppFilterJson = generate; return this; } public Builder errorOnInvalidFilterDrawable(boolean error) { mErrorOnInvalidAppFilterDrawable = error; return this; } public Builder debugMode(boolean debug) { mDebugMode = debug; return this; } public Builder loadingEvents(EventState state) { mLoadingState = state; return this; } public Builder loadedEvents(EventState state) { mLoadedState = state; return this; } public Builder selectionEvents(EventState state) { mSelectionState = state; return this; } public Builder requestEvents(EventState state) { mRequestState = state; return this; } public Builder setCallback(RequestsCallback callback) { mCallback = callback; return this; } public IconRequest build() { return new IconRequest(this); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeSerializable(mSaveDir); dest.writeInt(mFilterId); dest.writeString(mAppName); dest.writeString(mEmail); dest.writeString(mSubject); dest.writeString(mHeader); dest.writeString(mFooter); dest.writeInt(mMaxCount); dest.writeLong(mTimeLimit); dest.writeByte((byte) (mIsLoading ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mHasMaxCount ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mNoneSelectsAll ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mIncludeDeviceInfo ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mComments ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mGenerateAppFilterXml ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mGenerateAppMapXml ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mGenerateThemeResourcesXml ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mGenerateAppFilterJson ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mErrorOnInvalidAppFilterDrawable ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) (mDebugMode ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeInt(mLoadingState == null ? -1 : mLoadingState.ordinal()); dest.writeInt(mLoadedState == null ? -1 : mLoadedState.ordinal()); dest.writeInt(mSelectionState == null ? -1 : mSelectionState.ordinal()); dest.writeInt(mRequestState == null ? -1 : mRequestState.ordinal()); } protected Builder(Parcel in) { mSaveDir = (File) in.readSerializable(); mFilterId = in.readInt(); mAppName = in.readString(); mEmail = in.readString(); mSubject = in.readString(); mHeader = in.readString(); mFooter = in.readString(); mMaxCount = in.readInt(); mTimeLimit = in.readLong(); mIsLoading = in.readByte() != 0; mHasMaxCount = in.readByte() != 0; mNoneSelectsAll = in.readByte() != 0; mIncludeDeviceInfo = in.readByte() != 0; mComments = in.readByte() != 0; mGenerateAppFilterXml = in.readByte() != 0; mGenerateAppMapXml = in.readByte() != 0; mGenerateThemeResourcesXml = in.readByte() != 0; mGenerateAppFilterJson = in.readByte() != 0; mErrorOnInvalidAppFilterDrawable = in.readByte() != 0; mDebugMode = in.readByte() != 0; int tmpMLoadingState = in.readInt(); mLoadingState = tmpMLoadingState == -1 ? null : EventState.values()[tmpMLoadingState]; int tmpMLoadedState = in.readInt(); mLoadedState = tmpMLoadedState == -1 ? null : EventState.values()[tmpMLoadedState]; int tmpMSelectionState = in.readInt(); mSelectionState = tmpMSelectionState == -1 ? null : EventState.values() [tmpMSelectionState]; int tmpMRequestState = in.readInt(); mRequestState = tmpMRequestState == -1 ? null : EventState.values()[tmpMRequestState]; } public static final Creator<Builder> CREATOR = new Creator<Builder>() { @Override public Builder createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new Builder(in); } @Override public Builder[] newArray(int size) { return new Builder[size]; } }; } public static Builder start(Context context) { return new Builder(context); } public static IconRequest get() { return mRequest; } private StringBuilder mInvalidDrawables; @CallSuper @CheckResult @Nullable private HashSet<String> loadFilterApps() { IRUtils.startTimer("LFAXML"); final HashSet<String> defined = new HashSet<>(); if (mBuilder.mFilterId == -1) { //TODO add this IRUtils.stopTimer("LFAXML"); return defined; } XmlResourceParser parser = null; try { parser = mBuilder.mContext.getResources().getXml(mBuilder.mFilterId); int eventType = parser.getEventType(); while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { String mAppCode; switch (eventType) { case XmlPullParser.START_TAG: final String tagName = parser.getName(); if (tagName.equals("item")) { try { // Read package and activity name String component = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "component"); if (!(component.startsWith(":"))) { mAppCode = component.substring(14, component.length() - 1); //wrapped in ComponentInfo{[Component]} TODO add checker? //TODO check for valid drawable // Add new info to our ArrayList and reset the object. defined.add(mAppCode); } } catch (Exception e) { IRLog.d("Error adding parsed appfilter item! Due to Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } break; } eventType =; } } catch (XmlPullParserException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (parser != null) parser.close(); } IRUtils.stopTimer("LFAXML"); return defined; } // @CheckResult // @Nullable // private HashSet<String> loadFilterApps2() { // IRUtils.startTimer("LFAReader"); // final HashSet<String> defined = new HashSet<>(); // if (IRUtils.isEmpty(mBuilder.mFilterName)) { // IRUtils.stopTimer("LFAReader"); // return defined; // } // // InputStream is; // try { // final AssetManager am = mBuilder.mContext.getAssets(); // IRLog.d("Loading your appfilter, opening: %s", mBuilder.mFilterName); // is =; // } catch (final Throwable e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // mBuilder.mIsLoading = false; // AppLoadedEvent(null, new Exception("Failed to open your // filter: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e)), mBuilder.mLoadedState); // IRUtils.stopTimer("LFAReader"); // return null; // } // // BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); // try { // final String itemEndStr = "/>"; // final String componentStartStr = "component=\"ComponentInfo"; // final String drawableStartStr = "drawable=\""; // final String endStr = "\""; // final String commentStart = "<!--"; // final String commentEnd = "-->"; // // String component = null; // String drawable = null; // // String line; // boolean inComment = false; // // while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { // final String trimmedLine = line.trim(); // if (!inComment && trimmedLine.startsWith(commentStart)) { // inComment = true; // } // if (inComment && trimmedLine.endsWith(commentEnd)) { // inComment = false; // continue; // } // // if (inComment) continue; // int start; // int end; // // start = line.indexOf(componentStartStr); // if (start != -1) { // start += componentStartStr.length(); // end = line.indexOf(endStr, start); // String ci = line.substring(start, end); // if (ci.startsWith("{")) // ci = ci.substring(1); // if (ci.endsWith("}")) // ci = ci.substring(0, ci.length() - 1); // component = ci; // } // // start = line.indexOf(drawableStartStr); // if (start != -1) { // start += drawableStartStr.length(); // end = line.indexOf(endStr, start); // drawable = line.substring(start, end); // } // // start = line.indexOf(itemEndStr); // if (start != -1 && (component != null || drawable != null)) { // IRLog.d("Found: %s (%s)", component, drawable); // if (drawable == null || drawable.trim().isEmpty()) { // IRLog.d("WARNING: Drawable shouldn't be null."); // if (mBuilder.mErrorOnInvalidAppFilterDrawable) { // if (mInvalidDrawables == null) // mInvalidDrawables = new StringBuilder(); // if (mInvalidDrawables.length() > 0) mInvalidDrawables.append("\n"); // mInvalidDrawables.append(String.format("Drawable for %s was null or // empty.\n", component)); // } // } else if (mBuilder.mContext != null) { // final Resources r = mBuilder.mContext.getResources(); // int identifier; // try { // identifier = r.getIdentifier(drawable, "drawable", mBuilder // .mContext.getPackageName()); // } catch (Throwable t) { // identifier = 0; // } // if (identifier == 0) { // IRLog.d("WARNING: Drawable %s (for %s) doesn't match up with a // resource.", drawable, component); // if (mBuilder.mErrorOnInvalidAppFilterDrawable) { // if (mInvalidDrawables == null) // mInvalidDrawables = new StringBuilder(); // if (mInvalidDrawables.length() > 0) mInvalidDrawables.append // ("\n"); // mInvalidDrawables.append(String.format("Drawable %s (for %s) // doesn't match up with a resource.\n", drawable, component)); // } // } // } // defined.add(component); // } // } // // if (mInvalidDrawables != null && mInvalidDrawables.length() > 0 && // mBuilder.mErrorOnInvalidAppFilterDrawable) { // mBuilder.mIsLoading = false; // AppLoadedEvent(null, new Exception(mInvalidDrawables // .toString())), mBuilder.mLoadedState); // mInvalidDrawables.setLength(0); // mInvalidDrawables.trimToSize(); // mInvalidDrawables = null; // } // IRLog.d("Found %d total app(s) in your appfilter.", defined.size()); // } catch (final Throwable e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // mBuilder.mIsLoading = false; // AppLoadedEvent(null, new Exception("Failed to read your // filter: " + e.getMessage(), e)), mBuilder.mLoadedState); // // IRUtils.stopTimer("LFAReader"); // return null; // } finally { // FileUtil.closeQuietely(reader); // FileUtil.closeQuietely(is); // } // IRUtils.stopTimer("LFAReader"); // return defined; // } public int getMaxSelectable() { return mBuilder.mMaxCount; } public void loadApps() { mBuilder.mIsLoading = true; AppLoadingEvent(-2), mBuilder.mLoadingState); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mBuilder.mDebugMode) IRUtils.startTimer("IR_debug_auto"); final HashSet<String> filter = loadFilterApps(); if (filter == null) return; IRLog.d("Loading unthemed installed apps..."); mApps = ComponentInfoUtil.getInstalledApps(mBuilder.mContext, filter, mBuilder .mLoadingState); if (mBuilder.mDebugMode) IRUtils.stopTimer("IR_debug_auto"); mBuilder.mIsLoading = false; AppLoadedEvent(mApps, null), mBuilder.mLoadedState); } }).start(); } public void loadHighResIcons() { if (mApps == null) { IRLog.d("High res load failed; app list is empty"); return; } new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { IRLog.d("Getting high res icons for all apps..."); for (App app : mApps) { app.getHighResIcon(mBuilder.mContext); } IRLog.d("High res icon retrieval finished..."); } }).start(); } @SuppressWarnings("MalformedFormatString") private String getBody() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!IRUtils.isEmpty(mBuilder.mHeader)) { sb.append(mBuilder.mHeader.replace("\n", "<br/>")); sb.append("<br/><br/>"); } for (int i = 0; i < mSelectedApps.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append("<br/><br/>"); final App app = mSelectedApps.get(i); sb.append(String.format("Name: <b>%s</b><br/>", app.getName())); sb.append(String.format("Code: <b>%s</b><br/>", app.getCode())); sb.append(String.format("Link:" + ".com/store/apps/details?id=%s<br/>", app.getPackage())); } if (mBuilder.mIncludeDeviceInfo) { sb.append("<br/><br/><br/>OS Version: ").append(System.getProperty("os.version")) .append("(").append(Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL).append(")"); sb.append("<br/>OS API Level: ").append(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT); sb.append("<br/>Device: ").append(Build.MODEL); sb.append("<br/>Manufacturer: ").append(Build.MANUFACTURER); sb.append("<br/>Model (and Product): ").append(Build.DEVICE).append(" (").append (Build.PRODUCT).append(")"); PackageInfo appInfo; try { appInfo = mBuilder.mContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(mBuilder.mContext .getPackageName(), 0); sb.append("<br/>App Version Name: ").append(appInfo.versionName); sb.append("<br/>App Version Code: ").append(appInfo.versionCode); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { sb.append("<br/>There was an error getting application version."); } if (mBuilder.mFooter != null) { sb.append("<br/>"); sb.append(mBuilder.mFooter.replace("\n", "<br/>")); } } else { sb.append("<br/><br/>"); sb.append(mBuilder.mFooter.replace("\n", "<br/>")); } return sb.toString(); } public boolean selectApp(@NonNull App app) { if (!mSelectedApps.contains(app)) { mSelectedApps.add(app); AppSelectionEvent(mSelectedApps.size()), mBuilder .mSelectionState); return true; } return false; } public boolean unselectApp(@NonNull App app) { final boolean result = mSelectedApps.remove(app); if (result) AppSelectionEvent(mSelectedApps.size()), mBuilder .mSelectionState); return result; } public boolean toggleAppSelected(@NonNull App app) { final boolean result; if (isAppSelected(app)) { result = unselectApp(app); } else { int state = getRequestState(false); if (state != STATE_NORMAL) { if (mBuilder.mCallback != null) { mBuilder.mCallback.onRequestLimited(mBuilder.mContext, state, getRequestsLeft (), getMillisToFinish()); } return false; } else { result = selectApp(app); } } return result; } public boolean isAppSelected(@NonNull App app) { return mSelectedApps.contains(app); } public boolean selectAllApps() { if (mApps == null) return false; boolean changed = false; for (App app : mApps) { if (!mSelectedApps.contains(app)) { if (getRequestState(false) == STATE_NORMAL) { changed = true; mSelectedApps.add(app); } } } if (changed) AppSelectionEvent(mSelectedApps.size()), mBuilder .mSelectionState); if ((getRequestState(false) != STATE_NORMAL) && (mBuilder.mCallback != null)) mBuilder.mCallback.onRequestLimited(mBuilder.mContext, state, getRequestsLeft(), getMillisToFinish()); return changed; } public boolean unselectAllApps() { if (mSelectedApps == null || mSelectedApps.size() == 0) return false; mSelectedApps.clear(); AppSelectionEvent(0), mBuilder.mSelectionState); return true; } public boolean isNotEmpty() { return getApps() != null && getApps().size() > 0; } public boolean isLoading() { return mBuilder.mIsLoading; } @Nullable public ArrayList<App> getApps() { return mApps; } @NonNull public ArrayList<App> getSelectedApps() { if (mSelectedApps == null) mSelectedApps = new ArrayList<>(); return mSelectedApps; } @WorkerThread private void postError(@NonNull final String msg, @Nullable final Exception baseError) { IRLog.e(msg, baseError); RequestEvent(false, false, new Exception(msg, baseError)), mBuilder.mRequestState); } public void send(final OnRequestProgress onRequestProgress) { IRLog.d("Preparing your request to send..."); RequestEvent(true, false, null), mBuilder.mRequestState); boolean requestError = false; if (mApps == null) { requestError = true; postError("No apps were loaded from this device.", null); } else if (IRUtils.isEmpty(mBuilder.mEmail)) { requestError = true; postError("The recipient email for the request cannot be empty.", null); } else if (getSelectedApps().size() <= 0) { if (mBuilder.mNoneSelectsAll) { mSelectedApps = mApps; requestError = false; } else { requestError = true; if (mBuilder.mCallback != null) mBuilder.mCallback.onRequestEmpty(mBuilder.mContext); postError("No apps have been selected for sending in the request.", null); } } else if (IRUtils.isEmpty(mBuilder.mSubject)) { mBuilder.mSubject = "Icon Request"; requestError = false; } if (requestError) { if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doOnError(); return; } @State int currentState = getRequestState(true); if (currentState == STATE_NORMAL) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @SuppressWarnings({"ResultOfMethodCallIgnored", "deprecation"}) @Override public void run() { if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doWhenStarted(); final ArrayList<File> filesToZip = new ArrayList<>(); FileUtil.wipe(mBuilder.mSaveDir); mBuilder.mSaveDir.mkdirs(); // Save app icons IRLog.d("Saving icons..."); ArrayList<String> appNames = new ArrayList<>(); String prevName = ""; int count = 1; for (App app : mSelectedApps) { String iconName = app.getName(); if (prevName.equalsIgnoreCase(iconName)) { iconName += "_" + String.valueOf(count); count += 1; } else { count = 1; } final Drawable drawable = app.getHighResIcon(mBuilder.mContext); if (!(drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable)) continue; final BitmapDrawable bDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) drawable; final Bitmap icon = bDrawable.getBitmap(); final File file = new File(mBuilder.mSaveDir, String.format("%s.png", IRUtils.drawableName(iconName))); appNames.add(iconName); filesToZip.add(file); try { FileUtil.writeIcon(file, icon); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); postError("Failed to save icon\'" + iconName + "\'due to error: " + e.getMessage(), e); if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doOnError(); return; } prevName = iconName; } // Create request files IRLog.d("Creating request files..."); StringBuilder xmlSb = null; StringBuilder amSb = null; StringBuilder trSb = null; StringBuilder jsonSb = null; if (mBuilder.mGenerateAppFilterXml) { xmlSb = new StringBuilder("<resources>\n" + "\t<iconback img1=\"iconback\"/>\n" + "\t<iconmask img1=\"iconmask\"/>\n" + "\t<iconupon img1=\"iconupon\"/>\n" + "\t<scale factor=\"1.0\"/>"); } if (mBuilder.mGenerateAppMapXml) { amSb = new StringBuilder("<appmap>"); } if (mBuilder.mGenerateThemeResourcesXml) { trSb = new StringBuilder("<Theme version=\"1\">\n" + "\t<Label value=\"" + mBuilder.mAppName + "\"/>\n" + "\t<Wallpaper image=\"wallpaper_01\"/>\n" + "\t<LockScreenWallpaper image=\"wallpaper_02\"/>\n" + "\t<ThemePreview image=\"preview1\"/>\n" + "\t<ThemePreviewWork image=\"preview1\"/>\n" + "\t<ThemePreviewMenu image=\"preview1\"/>\n" + "\t<DockMenuAppIcon selector=\"drawer\"/>"); } if (mBuilder.mGenerateAppFilterJson) { jsonSb = new StringBuilder("{\n" + "\t\"components\": ["); } int index = 0; int n = 1; appNames.clear(); for (App app : mSelectedApps) { final String name = app.getName(); String iconName = name; if (appNames.contains(iconName)) { iconName += String.valueOf(n); n += 1; } final String drawableName = IRUtils.drawableName(iconName); if (xmlSb != null) { xmlSb.append("\n\n"); if (mBuilder.mComments) { xmlSb.append("\t<!-- ") .append(name) .append(" -->\n"); } xmlSb.append(String.format("\t<item\n" + "\t\tcomponent=\"ComponentInfo{%s}\"\n" + "\t\tdrawable=\"%s\"/>", app.getCode(), drawableName)); } if (amSb != null) { amSb.append("\n\n"); if (mBuilder.mComments) { amSb.append("\t<!-- ") .append(name) .append(" -->\n"); } amSb.append(String.format("\t<item\n" + "\t\tclass=\"%s\"\n" + "\t\tname=\"%s\"/>", app.getCode().split("/")[1], drawableName)); } if (trSb != null) { trSb.append("\n\n"); if (mBuilder.mComments) { trSb.append("\t<!-- ") .append(name) .append(" -->\n"); } trSb.append(String.format("\t<AppIcon\n" + "\t\tname=\"%s\"\n" + "\t\timage=\"%s\"/>", app.getCode(), drawableName)); } if (jsonSb != null) { if (index > 0) jsonSb.append(","); jsonSb.append("\n {\n") .append(String.format("\t\t\t\"%s\": \"%s\",\n", "name", name)) .append(String.format("\t\t\t\"%s\": \"%s\",\n", "pkg", app .getPackage())) .append(String.format("\t\t\t\"%s\": \"%s\",\n", "componentInfo", app.getCode())) .append(String.format("\t\t\t\"%s\": \"%s\"\n", "drawable", drawableName)) .append("\t\t}"); } index++; appNames.add(iconName); } final String date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss", Locale.getDefault()) .format (new Date()); if (xmlSb != null) { xmlSb.append("\n\n</resources>"); final File newAppFilter = new File(mBuilder.mSaveDir, String.format ("appfilter_%s.xml", date)); filesToZip.add(newAppFilter); try { FileUtil.writeAll(newAppFilter, xmlSb.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); postError("Failed to write your request appfilter.xml file: " + e .getMessage(), e); if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doOnError(); return; } } if (amSb != null) { amSb.append("\n\n</appmap>"); final File newAppFilter = new File(mBuilder.mSaveDir, String.format ("appmap_%s.xml", date)); filesToZip.add(newAppFilter); try { FileUtil.writeAll(newAppFilter, amSb.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); postError("Failed to write your request appmap.xml file: " + e.getMessage(), e); if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doOnError(); return; } } if (trSb != null) { trSb.append("\n\n</Theme>"); final File newAppFilter = new File(mBuilder.mSaveDir, String.format ("theme_resources_%s.xml", date)); filesToZip.add(newAppFilter); try { FileUtil.writeAll(newAppFilter, trSb.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); postError("Failed to write your request theme_resources.xml file: " + e.getMessage(), e); if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doOnError(); return; } } if (jsonSb != null) { jsonSb.append("\n ]\n}"); final File newAppFilter = new File(mBuilder.mSaveDir, String.format ("appfilter_%s.json", date)); filesToZip.add(newAppFilter); try { FileUtil.writeAll(newAppFilter, jsonSb.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); postError("Failed to write your request appfilter.json file: " + e.getMessage(), e); if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doOnError(); return; } } if (filesToZip.size() == 0) { postError("There are no files to put into the ZIP archive.", null); if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doOnError(); return; } // Zip everything into an archive IRLog.d("Creating ZIP..."); final File zipFile = new File(mBuilder.mSaveDir, String.format("", date)); try {, filesToZip.toArray(new File[filesToZip.size()])); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); postError("Failed to create the request ZIP file: " + e.getMessage(), e); if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doOnError(); return; } // Cleanup files IRLog.d("Cleaning up files..."); final File[] files = mBuilder.mSaveDir.listFiles(); for (File fi : files) { if (!fi.isDirectory() && (fi.getName().endsWith(".png") || fi.getName() .endsWith(".xml"))) { fi.delete(); } } // post(new Runnable() { // @Override // public void run() { // Send email intent IRLog.d("Launching intent!"); final Uri zipUri = Uri.fromFile(zipFile); final Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND) .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{mBuilder.mEmail}) .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, mBuilder.mSubject) .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, Html.fromHtml(getBody())) .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, zipUri) .setType("application/zip"); int amount = (getRequestsLeft() - getSelectedApps().size()); IRLog.d("Request: Allowing " + amount + " more requests."); saveRequestsLeft(amount < 0 ? 0 : amount); if (getRequestsLeft() == 0) saveRequestMoment(); if (onRequestProgress != null) onRequestProgress.doWhenReady(); if (mBuilder.mContext instanceof Activity) { ((Activity) mBuilder.mContext).startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser( emailIntent, mBuilder.mContext.getString(R.string.send_using)), INTENT_CODE); } else { mBuilder.mContext.startActivity(Intent.createChooser( emailIntent, mBuilder.mContext.getString(R.string.send_using))); } RequestEvent(false, true, null), mBuilder.mRequestState); } }) .start(); } else { if (mBuilder.mCallback != null) mBuilder.mCallback.onRequestLimited(mBuilder.mContext, currentState, getRequestsLeft(), getMillisToFinish()); } } @State private int getRequestState(boolean toSend) { if ((mBuilder.mMaxCount <= 0) || (mBuilder.mTimeLimit <= 0)) return STATE_NORMAL; int sum = toSend ? 0 : 1; IRLog.d("Selected apps: " + getSelectedApps().size() + " - Requests left: " + getRequestsLeft()); if ((getSelectedApps().size() + sum) > getRequestsLeft()) { if (getMillisToFinish() > 0) { IRLog.d("RequestState: Limited by time"); IRLog.d("RequestState: Millis to finish: " + getMillisToFinish() + " - Request " + "limit: " + mBuilder.mTimeLimit); return STATE_TIME_LIMITED; } else if (getRequestsLeft() == 0) { saveRequestsLeft(-1); IRLog.d("RequestState: Restarting requests left."); return STATE_NORMAL; } IRLog.d("RequestState: Limited by requests - Requests left: " + getRequestsLeft()); return STATE_LIMITED; } else { if (getMillisToFinish() > 0) { IRLog.d("RequestState: Limited by time"); IRLog.d("RequestState: Millis to finish: " + getMillisToFinish() + " - Request " + "limit: " + mBuilder.mTimeLimit); return STATE_TIME_LIMITED; } } return STATE_NORMAL; } private void saveRequestMoment() { mBuilder.mPrefs.edit().putLong(KEY_SAVED_TIME_MILLIS, IRUtils.getCurrentTimeInMillis()) .apply(); } @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") private long getMillisToFinish() { long savedTime = mBuilder.mPrefs.getLong(KEY_SAVED_TIME_MILLIS, -1); if (savedTime == -1) return -1; long elapsedTime = IRUtils.getCurrentTimeInMillis() - savedTime; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss"); IRLog.d("Timer: [Last request was on: " + sdf.format(savedTime) + "] - [Right" + " now is: " + sdf.format(new Date(IRUtils.getCurrentTimeInMillis())) + "] - " + "[Time Left: ~" + ((mBuilder.mTimeLimit - elapsedTime) / 1000) + " secs.]"); return mBuilder.mTimeLimit - elapsedTime - 500; } private int getRequestsLeft() { int requestsLeft = mBuilder.mPrefs.getInt(MAX_APPS, -1); if (requestsLeft > -1) { return requestsLeft; } else { saveRequestsLeft(mBuilder.mMaxCount); return mBuilder.mPrefs.getInt(MAX_APPS, mBuilder.mMaxCount); } } private void saveRequestsLeft(int requestsLeft) { mBuilder.mPrefs.edit().putInt(MAX_APPS, requestsLeft).apply(); } public static void saveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { if (mRequest == null || outState == null) return; outState.putParcelable("butler_builder", mRequest.mBuilder); outState.putParcelableArrayList("apps", mRequest.mApps); outState.putParcelableArrayList("selected_apps", mRequest.mSelectedApps); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Nullable public static IconRequest restoreInstanceState(Context context, Bundle inState) { if (inState == null || !inState.containsKey("butler_builder")) return null; mRequest = new IconRequest(); mRequest.mBuilder = inState.getParcelable("butler_builder"); if (mRequest.mBuilder != null) { mRequest.mBuilder.mContext = context; } if (inState.containsKey("apps")) mRequest.mApps = inState.getParcelableArrayList("apps"); if (inState.containsKey("selected_apps")) mRequest.mSelectedApps = inState.getParcelableArrayList("selected_apps"); if (mRequest.mApps == null) mRequest.mApps = new ArrayList<>(); if (mRequest.mSelectedApps == null) mRequest.mSelectedApps = new ArrayList<>(); else if (mRequest.mSelectedApps.size() > 0 && mRequest.mBuilder != null) AppSelectionEvent(mRequest.mSelectedApps.size()), mRequest .mBuilder.mRequestState); return mRequest; } public static void cleanup() { if (mRequest == null) return; if (mRequest.mBuilder != null) { mRequest.mBuilder.mContext = null; mRequest.mBuilder = null; } if (mRequest.mApps != null) { mRequest.mApps.clear(); mRequest.mApps = null; } if (mRequest.mSelectedApps != null) { mRequest.mSelectedApps.clear(); mRequest.mSelectedApps = null; } IRUtils.clearTimers(); mRequest = null; } }