package com.morristaedt.mirror.modules; import java.util.List; /** * Created by asm on 8/23/15. */ public class TrainScheduleModule { public int waitingSecondsForNextArrivalWithBufferSeconds(int bufferSeconds) { /* earliestArrivalAfterNowWithBufferSeconds(bufferSeconds) - (nowDaySeconds + bufferSeconds); */ return 0; } public int earliestArrivalAfterNowWithBufferSeconds(int bufferSeconds) { // earliestArrivalAfterDaySeconds(nowDaySeconds+bufferSeconds); return 0; } public int earliestArrivalAfterDaySeconds (int afterDaySecs) { /* nowSchedule.find { time: Int =>time >= afterDaySecs } match { case Some(time: Int)=>time case _ =>((60 * 60 * 24) + nowSchedule(0)) } */ return 0; } public int nowDaySeconds() { /* val calendar:Calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); val now:Long = calendar.getTimeInMillis(); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); ((now - calendar.getTimeInMillis())/1000L).toInt; */ return 0; } public int stringToDaySeconds(String daySecsString) { /* val elements = daySecsString.split(":") ( (elements(0).toInt * 60 * 60) + (elements(1).toInt * 60) + elements(2).toInt ) % (60 * 60 * 24) */ return 0; } public List<Integer> nowSchedule() { /* Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) match { case Calendar.SATURDAY => saturdaySchedule case Calendar.SUNDAY => sundaySchedule case _ => weekdaySchedule */ return null; } /** * Weekday schedule for the F train out of * station F21N. */ /* val weekdaySchedule:List[Int] = List( "02:30:30", "02:50:30", "03:10:30", "03:30:30", "03:50:30", "04:10:30", "04:30:30", "04:50:30", "05:10:00", "05:24:00", "05:38:00", "05:50:00", "06:02:00", "06:14:00", "06:24:00", "06:34:00", "06:44:00", "06:52:00", "06:59:00", "07:05:00", "07:11:00", "07:17:00", "07:23:00", "07:29:00", "07:34:00", "07:39:00", "07:44:00", "07:49:00", "07:53:00", "07:59:00", "08:03:30", "08:08:30", "08:13:30", "08:17:30", "08:21:30", "08:25:30", "08:29:30", "08:33:30", "08:37:30", "08:43:00", "08:48:30", "08:53:00", "08:58:00", "09:03:00", "09:08:00", "09:14:00", "09:20:00", "09:26:00", "09:32:00", "09:37:30", "09:44:00", "09:51:00", "09:58:00", "10:06:00", "10:14:00", "10:20:00", "10:29:00", "10:34:30", "10:42:00", "10:50:00", "10:59:00", "11:04:30", "11:11:30", "11:20:00", "11:27:30", "11:35:00", "11:42:00", "11:50:00", "11:57:30", "12:05:00", "12:12:00", "12:20:00", "12:27:30", "12:35:00", "12:42:00", "12:50:00", "12:57:30", "13:05:00", "13:12:00", "13:20:00", "13:27:30", "13:35:00", "13:42:00", "13:50:00", "13:57:30", "14:05:00", "14:12:00", "14:19:30", "14:25:30", "14:31:00", "14:37:00", "14:42:00", "14:49:00", "14:54:00", "15:01:00", "15:06:00", "15:12:00", "15:18:30", "15:25:00", "15:30:00", "15:37:00", "15:42:00", "15:48:30", "15:53:30", "15:58:30", "16:01:30", "16:08:00", "16:12:00", "16:18:00", "16:23:00", "16:25:30", "16:31:00", "16:34:00", "16:38:00", "16:41:00", "16:46:00", "16:50:00", "16:54:00", "16:57:30", "17:02:00", "17:06:00", "17:10:00", "17:14:00", "17:18:00", "17:22:00", "17:26:00", "17:31:00", "17:35:30", "17:40:30", "17:45:30", "17:51:30", "17:57:00", "18:01:30", "18:06:30", "18:11:00", "18:18:00", "18:22:00", "18:26:00", "18:33:00", "18:38:30", "18:44:00", "18:49:00", "18:53:00", "18:58:00", "19:04:00", "19:09:30", "19:14:00", "19:20:30", "19:25:00", "19:30:00", "19:36:00", "19:42:00", "19:48:00", "19:54:00", "20:00:00", "20:06:00", "20:12:00", "20:18:00", "20:24:00", "20:29:00", "20:36:00", "20:42:00", "20:48:00", "20:54:00", "21:02:00", "21:09:30", "21:17:00", "21:24:30", "21:32:00", "21:39:00", "21:44:30", "21:54:00", "22:04:00", "22:14:30", "22:24:30", "22:35:30", "22:47:30", "22:59:30", "23:11:30", "23:23:30", "23:35:30", "23:47:00", "23:59:00", "24:10:30", "24:22:30", "24:35:00", "24:50:30", "25:10:30", "25:30:30", "25:50:30", "26:10:30" ).map(stringToDaySeconds(_)).sortWith(_ < _) */ /** * Saturday schedule for the F train out of * station F21N. */ /* val saturdaySchedule:List[Int] = List( "02:30:30", "02:50:30", "03:10:30", "03:30:30", "03:50:30", "04:10:30", "04:30:30", "04:50:30", "05:10:30", "05:30:30", "05:50:30", "06:09:30", "06:27:00", "06:44:00", "06:59:30", "07:11:30", "07:24:30", "07:36:30", "07:48:30", "08:00:30", "08:12:30", "08:24:30", "08:35:30", "08:45:30", "08:55:30", "09:05:30", "09:15:30", "09:25:30", "09:35:30", "09:45:30", "09:55:30", "10:05:30", "10:15:30", "10:25:30", "10:35:30", "10:45:30", "10:55:30", "11:05:30", "11:15:30", "11:25:30", "11:35:30", "11:45:30", "11:55:30", "12:05:30", "12:15:30", "12:25:30", "12:35:30", "12:45:30", "12:55:30", "13:05:30", "13:15:30", "13:25:30", "13:35:30", "13:45:30", "13:55:30", "14:05:30", "14:15:30", "14:25:30", "14:35:30", "14:45:30", "14:55:30", "15:05:30", "15:15:30", "15:25:30", "15:35:30", "15:45:30", "15:55:30", "16:05:30", "16:15:30", "16:25:30", "16:35:30", "16:45:30", "16:55:30", "17:05:30", "17:15:30", "17:25:30", "17:35:30", "17:45:30", "17:55:30", "18:05:30", "18:15:30", "18:25:30", "18:35:30", "18:45:30", "18:55:30", "19:05:30", "19:15:30", "19:25:30", "19:35:30", "19:45:30", "19:55:30", "20:05:30", "20:15:30", "20:25:30", "20:35:30", "20:45:30", "20:55:30", "21:05:30", "21:16:00", "21:30:00", "21:41:30", "21:53:30", "22:05:30", "22:17:30", "22:29:30", "22:41:00", "22:53:00", "23:05:00", "23:17:00", "23:29:00", "23:41:00", "23:53:00", "24:05:00", "24:17:00", "24:30:30", "24:50:30", "25:10:30", "25:30:30", "25:50:30", "26:10:30" ).map(stringToDaySeconds(_)).sortWith(_ < _) */ /** * Sunday schedule for the F train out of * station F21N. */ /* val sundaySchedule:List[Int] = List( "02:30:30", "02:50:30", "03:10:30", "03:30:30", "03:50:30", "04:10:30", "04:30:30", "04:50:30", "05:10:30", "05:30:30", "05:50:30", "06:10:30", "06:30:30", "06:50:30", "07:10:30", "07:30:00", "07:49:00", "08:04:00", "08:19:30", "08:34:30", "08:49:30", "09:04:30", "09:16:30", "09:28:30", "09:40:30", "09:52:30", "10:04:30", "10:16:30", "10:28:30", "10:38:30", "10:48:30", "10:58:30", "11:08:30", "11:18:30", "11:28:30", "11:38:30", "11:48:30", "11:58:30", "12:08:30", "12:18:30", "12:28:30", "12:38:30", "12:48:30", "12:58:30", "13:08:30", "13:18:30", "13:28:30", "13:38:30", "13:48:30", "13:58:30", "14:08:30", "14:18:30", "14:28:30", "14:38:30", "14:48:30", "14:58:30", "15:08:30", "15:18:30", "15:28:30", "15:38:30", "15:48:30", "15:58:30", "16:08:30", "16:18:30", "16:28:30", "16:38:30", "16:48:30", "16:58:30", "17:08:30", "17:18:30", "17:28:30", "17:38:30", "17:48:30", "17:58:30", "18:08:30", "18:18:30", "18:28:30", "18:38:30", "18:48:30", "18:58:30", "19:08:30", "19:18:30", "19:28:30", "19:38:30", "19:48:30", "19:58:30", "20:08:30", "20:18:30", "20:29:30", "20:41:30", "20:53:30", "21:05:30", "21:17:30", "21:28:30", "21:40:30", "21:52:30", "22:04:30", "22:19:00", "22:34:00", "22:49:00", "23:04:00", "23:19:00", "23:34:00", "23:50:30", "24:10:30", "24:30:30", "24:50:30", "25:10:30", "25:30:30", "25:50:30", "26:10:30" ).map(stringToDaySeconds(_)).sortWith(_ < _) */ }