/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.reduce; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ChecksumFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalDirAllocator; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.io.DataInputBuffer; import org.apache.hadoop.io.RawComparator; import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.CompressionCodec; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.IFile; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapOutputFile; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RawKeyValueIterator; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Counter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.IFile.Reader; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.IFile.Writer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger.Segment; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task.CombineOutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task.CombineValuesIterator; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.MRJobConfig; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.reduce.MapOutput.MapOutputComparator; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progress; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; @SuppressWarnings(value={"unchecked", "deprecation"}) @InterfaceAudience.Private @InterfaceStability.Unstable public class MergeManager<K, V> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MergeManager.class); /* Maximum percentage of the in-memory limit that a single shuffle can * consume*/ private static final float MAX_SINGLE_SHUFFLE_SEGMENT_FRACTION = 0.25f; private final TaskAttemptID reduceId; private final JobConf jobConf; private final FileSystem localFS; private final FileSystem rfs; private final LocalDirAllocator localDirAllocator; protected MapOutputFile mapOutputFile; Set<MapOutput<K, V>> inMemoryMergedMapOutputs = new TreeSet<MapOutput<K,V>>(new MapOutputComparator<K, V>()); private final IntermediateMemoryToMemoryMerger memToMemMerger; Set<MapOutput<K, V>> inMemoryMapOutputs = new TreeSet<MapOutput<K,V>>(new MapOutputComparator<K, V>()); private final InMemoryMerger inMemoryMerger; Set<Path> onDiskMapOutputs = new TreeSet<Path>(); private final OnDiskMerger onDiskMerger; private final long memoryLimit; private long usedMemory; private final long maxSingleShuffleLimit; private final int memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold; private final long mergeThreshold; private final int ioSortFactor; private final Reporter reporter; private final ExceptionReporter exceptionReporter; /** * Combiner class to run during in-memory merge, if defined. */ private final Class<? extends Reducer> combinerClass; /** * Resettable collector used for combine. */ private final CombineOutputCollector<K,V> combineCollector; private final Counters.Counter spilledRecordsCounter; private final Counters.Counter reduceCombineInputCounter; private final Counters.Counter mergedMapOutputsCounter; private final CompressionCodec codec; private final Progress mergePhase; public MergeManager(TaskAttemptID reduceId, JobConf jobConf, FileSystem localFS, LocalDirAllocator localDirAllocator, Reporter reporter, CompressionCodec codec, Class<? extends Reducer> combinerClass, CombineOutputCollector<K,V> combineCollector, Counters.Counter spilledRecordsCounter, Counters.Counter reduceCombineInputCounter, Counters.Counter mergedMapOutputsCounter, ExceptionReporter exceptionReporter, Progress mergePhase) { this.reduceId = reduceId; this.jobConf = jobConf; this.localDirAllocator = localDirAllocator; this.exceptionReporter = exceptionReporter; this.reporter = reporter; this.codec = codec; this.combinerClass = combinerClass; this.combineCollector = combineCollector; this.reduceCombineInputCounter = reduceCombineInputCounter; this.spilledRecordsCounter = spilledRecordsCounter; this.mergedMapOutputsCounter = mergedMapOutputsCounter; this.mapOutputFile = new MapOutputFile(); this.mapOutputFile.setConf(jobConf); this.localFS = localFS; this.rfs = ((LocalFileSystem)localFS).getRaw(); final float maxInMemCopyUse = jobConf.getFloat(MRJobConfig.SHUFFLE_INPUT_BUFFER_PERCENT, 0.90f); if (maxInMemCopyUse > 1.0 || maxInMemCopyUse < 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value for " + MRJobConfig.SHUFFLE_INPUT_BUFFER_PERCENT + ": " + maxInMemCopyUse); } // Allow unit tests to fix Runtime memory this.memoryLimit = (long)(jobConf.getLong(MRJobConfig.REDUCE_MEMORY_TOTAL_BYTES, Math.min(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(), Integer.MAX_VALUE)) * maxInMemCopyUse); this.ioSortFactor = jobConf.getInt(MRJobConfig.IO_SORT_FACTOR, 100); this.maxSingleShuffleLimit = (long)(memoryLimit * MAX_SINGLE_SHUFFLE_SEGMENT_FRACTION); this.memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold = jobConf.getInt(MRJobConfig.REDUCE_MEMTOMEM_THRESHOLD, ioSortFactor); this.mergeThreshold = (long)(this.memoryLimit * jobConf.getFloat(MRJobConfig.SHUFFLE_MERGE_EPRCENT, 0.90f)); LOG.info("MergerManager: memoryLimit=" + memoryLimit + ", " + "maxSingleShuffleLimit=" + maxSingleShuffleLimit + ", " + "mergeThreshold=" + mergeThreshold + ", " + "ioSortFactor=" + ioSortFactor + ", " + "memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold=" + memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold); boolean allowMemToMemMerge = jobConf.getBoolean(MRJobConfig.REDUCE_MEMTOMEM_ENABLED, false); if (allowMemToMemMerge) { this.memToMemMerger = new IntermediateMemoryToMemoryMerger(this, memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold); this.memToMemMerger.start(); } else { this.memToMemMerger = null; } this.inMemoryMerger = new InMemoryMerger(this); this.inMemoryMerger.start(); this.onDiskMerger = new OnDiskMerger(this); this.onDiskMerger.start(); this.mergePhase = mergePhase; } TaskAttemptID getReduceId() { return reduceId; } public void waitForInMemoryMerge() throws InterruptedException { inMemoryMerger.waitForMerge(); } private boolean canShuffleToMemory(long requestedSize) { return (requestedSize < maxSingleShuffleLimit); } final private MapOutput<K,V> stallShuffle = new MapOutput<K,V>(null); public synchronized MapOutput<K,V> reserve(TaskAttemptID mapId, long requestedSize, int fetcher ) throws IOException { if (!canShuffleToMemory(requestedSize)) { LOG.info(mapId + ": Shuffling to disk since " + requestedSize + " is greater than maxSingleShuffleLimit (" + maxSingleShuffleLimit + ")"); return new MapOutput<K,V>(mapId, this, requestedSize, jobConf, localDirAllocator, fetcher, true); } // Stall shuffle if we are above the memory limit // It is possible that all threads could just be stalling and not make // progress at all. This could happen when: // // requested size is causing the used memory to go above limit && // requested size < singleShuffleLimit && // current used size < mergeThreshold (merge will not get triggered) // // To avoid this from happening, we allow exactly one thread to go past // the memory limit. We check (usedMemory > memoryLimit) and not // (usedMemory + requestedSize > memoryLimit). When this thread is done // fetching, this will automatically trigger a merge thereby unlocking // all the stalled threads if (usedMemory > memoryLimit) { LOG.debug(mapId + ": Stalling shuffle since usedMemory (" + usedMemory + ") is greater than memoryLimit (" + memoryLimit + ")"); return stallShuffle; } // Allow the in-memory shuffle to progress LOG.debug(mapId + ": Proceeding with shuffle since usedMemory (" + usedMemory + ") is lesser than memoryLimit (" + memoryLimit + ")"); return unconditionalReserve(mapId, requestedSize, true); } /** * Unconditional Reserve is used by the Memory-to-Memory thread * @return */ private synchronized MapOutput<K, V> unconditionalReserve( TaskAttemptID mapId, long requestedSize, boolean primaryMapOutput) { usedMemory += requestedSize; return new MapOutput<K,V>(mapId, this, (int)requestedSize, primaryMapOutput); } synchronized void unreserve(long size) { usedMemory -= size; } public synchronized void closeInMemoryFile(MapOutput<K,V> mapOutput) { inMemoryMapOutputs.add(mapOutput); LOG.info("closeInMemoryFile -> map-output of size: " + mapOutput.getSize() + ", inMemoryMapOutputs.size() -> " + inMemoryMapOutputs.size()); synchronized (inMemoryMerger) { if (!inMemoryMerger.isInProgress() && usedMemory >= mergeThreshold) { LOG.info("Starting inMemoryMerger's merge since usedMemory=" + usedMemory + " > mergeThreshold=" + mergeThreshold); inMemoryMapOutputs.addAll(inMemoryMergedMapOutputs); inMemoryMergedMapOutputs.clear(); inMemoryMerger.startMerge(inMemoryMapOutputs); } } if (memToMemMerger != null) { synchronized (memToMemMerger) { if (!memToMemMerger.isInProgress() && inMemoryMapOutputs.size() >= memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold) { memToMemMerger.startMerge(inMemoryMapOutputs); } } } } public synchronized void closeInMemoryMergedFile(MapOutput<K,V> mapOutput) { inMemoryMergedMapOutputs.add(mapOutput); LOG.info("closeInMemoryMergedFile -> size: " + mapOutput.getSize() + ", inMemoryMergedMapOutputs.size() -> " + inMemoryMergedMapOutputs.size()); } public synchronized void closeOnDiskFile(Path file) { onDiskMapOutputs.add(file); synchronized (onDiskMerger) { if (!onDiskMerger.isInProgress() && onDiskMapOutputs.size() >= (2 * ioSortFactor - 1)) { onDiskMerger.startMerge(onDiskMapOutputs); } } } public RawKeyValueIterator close() throws Throwable { // Wait for on-going merges to complete if (memToMemMerger != null) { memToMemMerger.close(); } inMemoryMerger.close(); onDiskMerger.close(); List<MapOutput<K, V>> memory = new ArrayList<MapOutput<K, V>>(inMemoryMergedMapOutputs); memory.addAll(inMemoryMapOutputs); List<Path> disk = new ArrayList<Path>(onDiskMapOutputs); return finalMerge(jobConf, rfs, memory, disk); } private class IntermediateMemoryToMemoryMerger extends MergeThread<MapOutput<K, V>, K, V> { public IntermediateMemoryToMemoryMerger(MergeManager<K, V> manager, int mergeFactor) { super(manager, mergeFactor, exceptionReporter); setName("InMemoryMerger - Thread to do in-memory merge of in-memory " + "shuffled map-outputs"); setDaemon(true); } @Override public void merge(List<MapOutput<K, V>> inputs) throws IOException { if (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0) { return; } TaskAttemptID dummyMapId = inputs.get(0).getMapId(); List<Segment<K, V>> inMemorySegments = new ArrayList<Segment<K, V>>(); long mergeOutputSize = createInMemorySegments(inputs, inMemorySegments, 0); int noInMemorySegments = inMemorySegments.size(); MapOutput<K, V> mergedMapOutputs = unconditionalReserve(dummyMapId, mergeOutputSize, false); Writer<K, V> writer = new InMemoryWriter<K, V>(mergedMapOutputs.getArrayStream()); LOG.info("Initiating Memory-to-Memory merge with " + noInMemorySegments + " segments of total-size: " + mergeOutputSize); RawKeyValueIterator rIter = Merger.merge(jobConf, rfs, (Class<K>)jobConf.getMapOutputKeyClass(), (Class<V>)jobConf.getMapOutputValueClass(), inMemorySegments, inMemorySegments.size(), new Path(reduceId.toString()), (RawComparator<K>)jobConf.getOutputKeyComparator(), reporter, null, null, null); Merger.writeFile(rIter, writer, reporter, jobConf); writer.close(); LOG.info(reduceId + " Memory-to-Memory merge of the " + noInMemorySegments + " files in-memory complete."); // Note the output of the merge closeInMemoryMergedFile(mergedMapOutputs); } } private class InMemoryMerger extends MergeThread<MapOutput<K,V>, K,V> { public InMemoryMerger(MergeManager<K, V> manager) { super(manager, Integer.MAX_VALUE, exceptionReporter); setName ("InMemoryMerger - Thread to merge in-memory shuffled map-outputs"); setDaemon(true); } @Override public void merge(List<MapOutput<K,V>> inputs) throws IOException { if (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0) { return; } //name this output file same as the name of the first file that is //there in the current list of inmem files (this is guaranteed to //be absent on the disk currently. So we don't overwrite a prev. //created spill). Also we need to create the output file now since //it is not guaranteed that this file will be present after merge //is called (we delete empty files as soon as we see them //in the merge method) //figure out the mapId TaskAttemptID mapId = inputs.get(0).getMapId(); TaskID mapTaskId = mapId.getTaskID(); List<Segment<K, V>> inMemorySegments = new ArrayList<Segment<K, V>>(); long mergeOutputSize = createInMemorySegments(inputs, inMemorySegments,0); int noInMemorySegments = inMemorySegments.size(); Path outputPath = mapOutputFile.getInputFileForWrite(mapTaskId, mergeOutputSize).suffix( Task.MERGED_OUTPUT_PREFIX); Writer<K,V> writer = new Writer<K,V>(jobConf, rfs, outputPath, (Class<K>) jobConf.getMapOutputKeyClass(), (Class<V>) jobConf.getMapOutputValueClass(), codec, null); RawKeyValueIterator rIter = null; try { LOG.info("Initiating in-memory merge with " + noInMemorySegments + " segments..."); rIter = Merger.merge(jobConf, rfs, (Class<K>)jobConf.getMapOutputKeyClass(), (Class<V>)jobConf.getMapOutputValueClass(), inMemorySegments, inMemorySegments.size(), new Path(reduceId.toString()), (RawComparator<K>)jobConf.getOutputKeyComparator(), reporter, spilledRecordsCounter, null, null); if (null == combinerClass) { Merger.writeFile(rIter, writer, reporter, jobConf); } else { combineCollector.setWriter(writer); combineAndSpill(rIter, reduceCombineInputCounter); } writer.close(); LOG.info(reduceId + " Merge of the " + noInMemorySegments + " files in-memory complete." + " Local file is " + outputPath + " of size " + localFS.getFileStatus(outputPath).getLen()); } catch (IOException e) { //make sure that we delete the ondisk file that we created //earlier when we invoked cloneFileAttributes localFS.delete(outputPath, true); throw e; } // Note the output of the merge closeOnDiskFile(outputPath); } } private class OnDiskMerger extends MergeThread<Path,K,V> { public OnDiskMerger(MergeManager<K, V> manager) { super(manager, Integer.MAX_VALUE, exceptionReporter); setName("OnDiskMerger - Thread to merge on-disk map-outputs"); setDaemon(true); } @Override public void merge(List<Path> inputs) throws IOException { // sanity check if (inputs == null || inputs.isEmpty()) { LOG.info("No ondisk files to merge..."); return; } long approxOutputSize = 0; int bytesPerSum = jobConf.getInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512); LOG.info("OnDiskMerger: We have " + inputs.size() + " map outputs on disk. Triggering merge..."); // 1. Prepare the list of files to be merged. for (Path file : inputs) { approxOutputSize += localFS.getFileStatus(file).getLen(); } // add the checksum length approxOutputSize += ChecksumFileSystem.getChecksumLength(approxOutputSize, bytesPerSum); // 2. Start the on-disk merge process Path outputPath = localDirAllocator.getLocalPathForWrite(inputs.get(0).toString(), approxOutputSize, jobConf).suffix(Task.MERGED_OUTPUT_PREFIX); Writer<K,V> writer = new Writer<K,V>(jobConf, rfs, outputPath, (Class<K>) jobConf.getMapOutputKeyClass(), (Class<V>) jobConf.getMapOutputValueClass(), codec, null); RawKeyValueIterator iter = null; Path tmpDir = new Path(reduceId.toString()); try { iter = Merger.merge(jobConf, rfs, (Class<K>) jobConf.getMapOutputKeyClass(), (Class<V>) jobConf.getMapOutputValueClass(), codec, inputs.toArray(new Path[inputs.size()]), true, ioSortFactor, tmpDir, (RawComparator<K>) jobConf.getOutputKeyComparator(), reporter, spilledRecordsCounter, null, mergedMapOutputsCounter, null); Merger.writeFile(iter, writer, reporter, jobConf); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { localFS.delete(outputPath, true); throw e; } closeOnDiskFile(outputPath); LOG.info(reduceId + " Finished merging " + inputs.size() + " map output files on disk of total-size " + approxOutputSize + "." + " Local output file is " + outputPath + " of size " + localFS.getFileStatus(outputPath).getLen()); } } private void combineAndSpill( RawKeyValueIterator kvIter, Counters.Counter inCounter) throws IOException { JobConf job = jobConf; Reducer combiner = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(combinerClass, job); Class<K> keyClass = (Class<K>) job.getMapOutputKeyClass(); Class<V> valClass = (Class<V>) job.getMapOutputValueClass(); RawComparator<K> comparator = (RawComparator<K>)job.getOutputKeyComparator(); try { CombineValuesIterator values = new CombineValuesIterator( kvIter, comparator, keyClass, valClass, job, Reporter.NULL, inCounter); while (values.more()) { combiner.reduce(values.getKey(), values, combineCollector, Reporter.NULL); values.nextKey(); } } finally { combiner.close(); } } private long createInMemorySegments(List<MapOutput<K,V>> inMemoryMapOutputs, List<Segment<K, V>> inMemorySegments, long leaveBytes ) throws IOException { long totalSize = 0L; // We could use fullSize could come from the RamManager, but files can be // closed but not yet present in inMemoryMapOutputs long fullSize = 0L; for (MapOutput<K,V> mo : inMemoryMapOutputs) { fullSize += mo.getMemory().length; } while(fullSize > leaveBytes) { MapOutput<K,V> mo = inMemoryMapOutputs.remove(0); byte[] data = mo.getMemory(); long size = data.length; totalSize += size; fullSize -= size; Reader<K,V> reader = new InMemoryReader<K,V>(MergeManager.this, mo.getMapId(), data, 0, (int)size); inMemorySegments.add(new Segment<K,V>(reader, true, (mo.isPrimaryMapOutput() ? mergedMapOutputsCounter : null))); } return totalSize; } class RawKVIteratorReader extends IFile.Reader<K,V> { private final RawKeyValueIterator kvIter; public RawKVIteratorReader(RawKeyValueIterator kvIter, long size) throws IOException { super(null, null, size, null, spilledRecordsCounter); this.kvIter = kvIter; } public boolean nextRawKey(DataInputBuffer key) throws IOException { if (kvIter.next()) { final DataInputBuffer kb = kvIter.getKey(); final int kp = kb.getPosition(); final int klen = kb.getLength() - kp; key.reset(kb.getData(), kp, klen); bytesRead += klen; return true; } return false; } public void nextRawValue(DataInputBuffer value) throws IOException { final DataInputBuffer vb = kvIter.getValue(); final int vp = vb.getPosition(); final int vlen = vb.getLength() - vp; value.reset(vb.getData(), vp, vlen); bytesRead += vlen; } public long getPosition() throws IOException { return bytesRead; } public void close() throws IOException { kvIter.close(); } } private RawKeyValueIterator finalMerge(JobConf job, FileSystem fs, List<MapOutput<K,V>> inMemoryMapOutputs, List<Path> onDiskMapOutputs ) throws IOException { LOG.info("finalMerge called with " + inMemoryMapOutputs.size() + " in-memory map-outputs and " + onDiskMapOutputs.size() + " on-disk map-outputs"); final float maxRedPer = job.getFloat(MRJobConfig.REDUCE_INPUT_BUFFER_PERCENT, 0f); if (maxRedPer > 1.0 || maxRedPer < 0.0) { throw new IOException(MRJobConfig.REDUCE_INPUT_BUFFER_PERCENT + maxRedPer); } int maxInMemReduce = (int)Math.min( Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * maxRedPer, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // merge config params Class<K> keyClass = (Class<K>)job.getMapOutputKeyClass(); Class<V> valueClass = (Class<V>)job.getMapOutputValueClass(); boolean keepInputs = job.getKeepFailedTaskFiles(); final Path tmpDir = new Path(reduceId.toString()); final RawComparator<K> comparator = (RawComparator<K>)job.getOutputKeyComparator(); // segments required to vacate memory List<Segment<K,V>> memDiskSegments = new ArrayList<Segment<K,V>>(); long inMemToDiskBytes = 0; boolean mergePhaseFinished = false; if (inMemoryMapOutputs.size() > 0) { TaskID mapId = inMemoryMapOutputs.get(0).getMapId().getTaskID(); inMemToDiskBytes = createInMemorySegments(inMemoryMapOutputs, memDiskSegments, maxInMemReduce); final int numMemDiskSegments = memDiskSegments.size(); if (numMemDiskSegments > 0 && ioSortFactor > onDiskMapOutputs.size()) { // If we reach here, it implies that we have less than io.sort.factor // disk segments and this will be incremented by 1 (result of the // memory segments merge). Since this total would still be // <= io.sort.factor, we will not do any more intermediate merges, // the merge of all these disk segments would be directly fed to the // reduce method mergePhaseFinished = true; // must spill to disk, but can't retain in-mem for intermediate merge final Path outputPath = mapOutputFile.getInputFileForWrite(mapId, inMemToDiskBytes).suffix( Task.MERGED_OUTPUT_PREFIX); final RawKeyValueIterator rIter = Merger.merge(job, fs, keyClass, valueClass, memDiskSegments, numMemDiskSegments, tmpDir, comparator, reporter, spilledRecordsCounter, null, mergePhase); final Writer<K,V> writer = new Writer<K,V>(job, fs, outputPath, keyClass, valueClass, codec, null); try { Merger.writeFile(rIter, writer, reporter, job); // add to list of final disk outputs. onDiskMapOutputs.add(outputPath); } catch (IOException e) { if (null != outputPath) { try { fs.delete(outputPath, true); } catch (IOException ie) { // NOTHING } } throw e; } finally { if (null != writer) { writer.close(); } } LOG.info("Merged " + numMemDiskSegments + " segments, " + inMemToDiskBytes + " bytes to disk to satisfy " + "reduce memory limit"); inMemToDiskBytes = 0; memDiskSegments.clear(); } else if (inMemToDiskBytes != 0) { LOG.info("Keeping " + numMemDiskSegments + " segments, " + inMemToDiskBytes + " bytes in memory for " + "intermediate, on-disk merge"); } } // segments on disk List<Segment<K,V>> diskSegments = new ArrayList<Segment<K,V>>(); long onDiskBytes = inMemToDiskBytes; Path[] onDisk = onDiskMapOutputs.toArray(new Path[onDiskMapOutputs.size()]); for (Path file : onDisk) { onDiskBytes += fs.getFileStatus(file).getLen(); LOG.debug("Disk file: " + file + " Length is " + fs.getFileStatus(file).getLen()); diskSegments.add(new Segment<K, V>(job, fs, file, codec, keepInputs, (file.toString().endsWith( Task.MERGED_OUTPUT_PREFIX) ? null : mergedMapOutputsCounter) )); } LOG.info("Merging " + onDisk.length + " files, " + onDiskBytes + " bytes from disk"); Collections.sort(diskSegments, new Comparator<Segment<K,V>>() { public int compare(Segment<K, V> o1, Segment<K, V> o2) { if (o1.getLength() == o2.getLength()) { return 0; } return o1.getLength() < o2.getLength() ? -1 : 1; } }); // build final list of segments from merged backed by disk + in-mem List<Segment<K,V>> finalSegments = new ArrayList<Segment<K,V>>(); long inMemBytes = createInMemorySegments(inMemoryMapOutputs, finalSegments, 0); LOG.info("Merging " + finalSegments.size() + " segments, " + inMemBytes + " bytes from memory into reduce"); if (0 != onDiskBytes) { final int numInMemSegments = memDiskSegments.size(); diskSegments.addAll(0, memDiskSegments); memDiskSegments.clear(); // Pass mergePhase only if there is a going to be intermediate // merges. See comment where mergePhaseFinished is being set Progress thisPhase = (mergePhaseFinished) ? null : mergePhase; RawKeyValueIterator diskMerge = Merger.merge( job, fs, keyClass, valueClass, diskSegments, ioSortFactor, numInMemSegments, tmpDir, comparator, reporter, false, spilledRecordsCounter, null, thisPhase); diskSegments.clear(); if (0 == finalSegments.size()) { return diskMerge; } finalSegments.add(new Segment<K,V>( new RawKVIteratorReader(diskMerge, onDiskBytes), true)); } return Merger.merge(job, fs, keyClass, valueClass, finalSegments, finalSegments.size(), tmpDir, comparator, reporter, spilledRecordsCounter, null, null); } }