package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.addressbook; import javax.jws.WebService; /** * JAX-WS service implementation that uses and implicit SEI rather than an explicit SEI. An * implicit SEI means that there is no @WebService.endpointInterface element specified. This means * that all public methods on the service implementation comprise an implicit SEI. */ // Simply adding the @WebService annotation makes this a JAX-WS service implementation. @WebService public class AddressBookImpl { public String addEntry(String firstName, String lastName, String phone, String street, String city, String state) { System.out.println("AddressBookImpl.addEntry"); AddressBookEntry entry = new AddressBookEntry(); entry.setFirstName(firstName); entry.setLastName(lastName); entry.setPhone(phone); entry.setStreet(street); entry.setCity(city); entry.setState(state); return "AddEntry Completed!"; } public AddressBookEntry findByLastName(String lastName) { System.out.println("AddressBookImpl.findByLastName"); AddressBookEntry entry = new AddressBookEntry(); entry.setFirstName("firstName"); entry.setLastName("lastName"); entry.setPhone("phone"); entry.setStreet("street"); entry.setCity("city"); entry.setState("state"); System.out.println("AddressBookImpl.findByLastName returning " + entry); return entry; } }