package com.rc.retroweaver; import com.rc.retroweaver.runtime.*; import*; import java.util.*; import jace.parser.*; import jace.parser.method.*; import jace.parser.field.*; import jace.parser.constant.*; import jace.metaclass.*; import jace.autoproxy.*; /** * Reads through a class file searching for references to classes, methods, or fields, * which don't exist on the specified classpath. This is primarily useful when trying to * target one JDK while using the compiler for another. * * @author Toby Reyelts */ public class RefVerifier { List<String> classpath; String classfile; ClassFile file; ConstantPool pool; ClassSource classSource; Set<String> failedClasses; Listener listener; public static interface Listener { public void verifyStarted( String msg ); public void acceptWarning( String msg ); } private static final String nl = System.getProperty( "line.separator" ); private static Set<String> primitiveTypes = new HashSet<String>(); static { primitiveTypes.add( "java/lang/Boolean" ); primitiveTypes.add( "java/lang/Byte" ); primitiveTypes.add( "java/lang/Character" ); primitiveTypes.add( "java/lang/Short" ); primitiveTypes.add( "java/lang/Integer" ); primitiveTypes.add( "java/lang/Float" ); primitiveTypes.add( "java/lang/Long" ); primitiveTypes.add( "java/lang/Double" ); } public RefVerifier( List<String> classpath, Listener listener ) { this.classpath = classpath; classSource = new ClassSource( classpath ); this.listener = listener; } public void verify( String classfile ) throws IOException { failedClasses = new HashSet<String>(); this.classfile = classfile; file = new ClassFile( classfile ); pool = file.getConstantPool(); listener.verifyStarted( "Verifying " + classfile ); MetaClassFactory mcf = new MetaClassFactory(); // Search the constant pool looking for Class, MethodRef, InterfaceMethodRef, and FieldRef constants // This handles any class (including superclasses and interfaces), method, or field that has been referred to. nextConstant: for ( int i = 0; i < pool.getSize(); ++i ) { Constant c = pool.getConstant( i ); if ( c instanceof ClassConstant ) { String className = c.toString(); // System.out.println( "class name: " + className ); // Don't bother with primitives or arrays of primitives MetaClass metaClass = mcf.getMetaClass( className, false, false ); // System.out.println( "MetaClass: " + metaClass ); if ( metaClass instanceof ArrayMetaClass ) { metaClass = ( ( ArrayMetaClass ) metaClass ).getBaseClass(); // System.out.println( "Base MetaClass: " + metaClass ); className = metaClass.getFullyQualifiedName( "/" ); if ( metaClass.isPrimitive() ) { continue; } metaClass = mcf.getMetaClass( className, true, false ); // System.out.println( "Base MetaClass 2: " + metaClass ); className = metaClass.getFullyQualifiedName( "/" ); } boolean couldBeFound = true; InputStream input = null; try { classSource.openClass( className ); } catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e ) { couldBeFound = false; } finally { try { if ( input != null ) { input.close(); } } catch ( IOException e ) { } } if ( ! couldBeFound ) { failedClasses.add( className ); report( c ); continue; } } else if ( c instanceof MethodRefConstant || c instanceof InterfaceMethodRefConstant ) { TypeInfo t = getTypeInfo( ( TypedConstant ) c ); InputStream input = null; // Don't report a method error, about a class for which we've already shown an error if ( failedClasses.contains( t.ownerClass ) ) { continue; } String className = t.ownerClass; if ( mcf.getMetaClass( className, false, false ) instanceof ArrayMetaClass ) { // We just ignore methods called on arrays, because we know they must exist continue; } try { input = classSource.openClass( className ); ClassFile cf = new ClassFile( input ); Collection<ClassMethod> methods = cf.getMethods(); for ( ClassMethod m : methods ) { if ( m.getName().equals( ) && m.getDescriptor().equals( t.type ) ) { continue nextConstant; } } } catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e ) { report( c, "The parent class, " + className + ", could not be located." ); continue; } finally { try { if ( input != null ) { input.close(); } } catch ( IOException e ) { } } // For some reason, the compiler is specifying the method call to name() directly on the enum // subclass instead of on Enum. Frankly, I don't know whether this illegal or not. It's, at the least, // out of line with all of the rest of the compiler calls I've seen which all go directly to the subclass that // actually defines the method. For now, we're just going to glaze over this, but once we get an official // answer about what is allowed, I may have to add a lot more code to search through subclasses // as well as the current class. // if ( file.getSuperClassName().equals( Enum_.class.getName().replace( '.', '/' ) ) && "name" ) ) { continue; } // When Retroweaver fixes up autoboxing calls, it doesn't remove the MethodRef constants that // point to the 1.5 autoboxing from the constant pool. It doesn't hurt anything, but it does trigger // a false alarm here. It'd probably be nice to fix Retroweaver to actually remove/change those MethodRef // constants, but it's easier to just ignore the autoboxing methods here, for now. // if ( "valueOf" ) && primitiveTypes.contains( t.ownerClass ) ) { continue; } report( c, "Method not found in " + className ); } else if ( c instanceof FieldRefConstant ) { TypeInfo t = getTypeInfo( ( TypedConstant ) c ); InputStream input = null; // Don't report a field error, about a class for which we've already shown an error if ( failedClasses.contains( t.ownerClass ) ) { continue; } try { input = classSource.openClass( t.ownerClass ); ClassFile cf = new ClassFile( input ); Collection<ClassField> fields = cf.getFields(); for ( ClassField f : fields ) { if ( f.getName().equals( ) && f.getDescriptor().equals( t.type ) ) { continue nextConstant; } } } catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e ) { report( c, "The parent class, " + t.ownerClass + ", could not be located." ); continue; } finally { try { if ( input != null ) { input.close(); } } catch ( IOException e ) { } } report( c, "Field not found in " + t.ownerClass ); } } } private static class TypeInfo { String ownerClass; String name; String type; } public TypeInfo getTypeInfo( TypedConstant c ) { TypeInfo t = new TypeInfo(); t.ownerClass = pool.getConstantAt( c.getClassIndex() ).toString(); int index = c.getNameAndTypeIndex(); NameAndTypeConstant ntc = ( NameAndTypeConstant ) pool.getConstantAt( index ); = pool.getConstantAt( ntc.getNameIndex() ).toString(); t.type = pool.getConstantAt( ntc.getDescriptorIndex() ).toString(); return t; } private void report( Constant c ) { report( c, null ); } private void report( Constant c, String msg ) { if ( c instanceof ClassConstant ) { report( ( ClassConstant ) c, msg ); } else if ( c instanceof TypedConstant ) { report( ( TypedConstant ) c, msg ); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected constant type" ); } } private void report( ClassConstant c, String msg ) { String report = "While processing, " + classfile + ". Failed to find the class, " + c + ", on the class path"; if ( msg != null ) { report += ": " + msg; } listener.acceptWarning( report ); } private void report( TypedConstant c, String msg ) { TypeInfo t = getTypeInfo( c ); String type = c instanceof FieldRefConstant ? "field" : "method"; String report = "While processing, " + classfile + ". Failed to find the " + type + ", " + + "/" + t.type; if ( msg != null ) { report += ", " + msg; } listener.acceptWarning( report ); } public static String getUsage() { return "Usage: RefVerifier <options>" + nl + " Options: " + nl + " -class <path to class to verify> (required) " + nl + " -cp <classpath containing valid classes> (required)"; } public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { List<String> classpath = new ArrayList<String>(); String classfile = null; for ( int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i ) { String command = args[ i ]; ++i; if ( command.equals( "-class" ) ) { classfile = args[ i ]; } else if ( command.equals( "-cp" ) ) { String path = args[ i ]; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( path, File.pathSeparator ); while ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) { classpath.add( st.nextToken() ); } } else { System.out.println( "I don't understand the command: " + command ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( getUsage() ); return; } } if ( classfile == null ) { System.out.println( "Option \"-class\" is required." ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( getUsage() ); return; } RefVerifier vr = new RefVerifier( classpath, new Listener() { public void verifyStarted( String msg ) { System.out.println( "[RefVerifier] " + msg ); } public void acceptWarning( String msg ) { System.out.println( "[RefVerifier] " + msg ); } } ); vr.verify( classfile ); } }