package org.codehaus.jackson.impl; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonProcessingException; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonToken; import org.codehaus.jackson.ObjectCodec; /** * This base class implements part of API that a JSON generator exposes * to applications, adds shared internal methods that sub-classes * can use and adds some abstract methods sub-classes must implement. */ public abstract class JsonGeneratorBase extends JsonGenerator { /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected ObjectCodec _objectCodec; /** * Bit flag composed of bits that indicate which * {@link org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator.Feature}s * are enabled. */ protected int _features; /** * Flag set to indicate that implicit conversion from number * to JSON String is needed (as per * {@link org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator.Feature#WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS}). */ protected boolean _cfgNumbersAsStrings; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // State //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Object that keeps track of the current contextual state * of the generator. */ protected JsonWriteContext _writeContext; /** * Flag that indicates whether generator is closed or not. Gets * set when it is closed by an explicit call * ({@link #close}). */ protected boolean _closed; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life-cycle //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected JsonGeneratorBase(int features, ObjectCodec codec) { super(); _features = features; _writeContext = JsonWriteContext.createRootContext(); _objectCodec = codec; _cfgNumbersAsStrings = isEnabled(Feature.WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public JsonGenerator enable(Feature f) { _features |= f.getMask(); if (f == Feature.WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS) { _cfgNumbersAsStrings = true; } return this; } @Override public JsonGenerator disable(Feature f) { _features &= ~f.getMask(); if (f == Feature.WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS) { _cfgNumbersAsStrings = false; } return this; } //public JsonGenerator configure(Feature f, boolean state) { } @Override public final boolean isEnabled(Feature f) { return (_features & f.getMask()) != 0; } public final JsonGenerator useDefaultPrettyPrinter() { return setPrettyPrinter(new DefaultPrettyPrinter()); } public final JsonGenerator setCodec(ObjectCodec oc) { _objectCodec = oc; return this; } public final ObjectCodec getCodec() { return _objectCodec; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API, accessors //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /** * Note: co-variant return type. */ public final JsonWriteContext getOutputContext() { return _writeContext; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API, write methods, structural //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ public final void writeStartArray() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { // Array is a value, need to verify it's allowed _verifyValueWrite("start an array"); _writeContext = _writeContext.createChildArrayContext(); if (_cfgPrettyPrinter != null) { _cfgPrettyPrinter.writeStartArray(this); } else { _writeStartArray(); } } protected abstract void _writeStartArray() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public final void writeEndArray() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (!_writeContext.inArray()) { _reportError("Current context not an ARRAY but "+_writeContext.getTypeDesc()); } if (_cfgPrettyPrinter != null) { _cfgPrettyPrinter.writeEndArray(this, _writeContext.getEntryCount()); } else { _writeEndArray(); } _writeContext = _writeContext.getParent(); } protected abstract void _writeEndArray() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public final void writeStartObject() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { _verifyValueWrite("start an object"); _writeContext = _writeContext.createChildObjectContext(); if (_cfgPrettyPrinter != null) { _cfgPrettyPrinter.writeStartObject(this); } else { _writeStartObject(); } } protected abstract void _writeStartObject() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public final void writeEndObject() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (!_writeContext.inObject()) { _reportError("Current context not an object but "+_writeContext.getTypeDesc()); } _writeContext = _writeContext.getParent(); if (_cfgPrettyPrinter != null) { _cfgPrettyPrinter.writeEndObject(this, _writeContext.getEntryCount()); } else { _writeEndObject(); } } protected abstract void _writeEndObject() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public final void writeFieldName(String name) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { // Object is a value, need to verify it's allowed int status = _writeContext.writeFieldName(name); if (status == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_VALUE) { _reportError("Can not write a field name, expecting a value"); } _writeFieldName(name, (status == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_OK_AFTER_COMMA)); } protected abstract void _writeFieldName(String name, boolean commaBefore) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API, write methods, textual //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ //public abstract void writeString(String text) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; //public abstract void writeString(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; //public abstract void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; //public abstract void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; //public abstract void writeBinary(byte[] data, int offset, int len, boolean includeLFs) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API, write methods, primitive //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ public abstract void writeNumber(int i) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public abstract void writeNumber(long l) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public abstract void writeNumber(double d) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public abstract void writeNumber(float f) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public abstract void writeNumber(BigDecimal dec) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public abstract void writeBoolean(boolean state) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; public abstract void writeNull() throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API, write methods, POJOs, trees //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ public void writeObject(Object value) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { if (value == null) { // important: call method that does check value write: writeNull(); } else { /* 02-Mar-2009, tatu: we are NOT to call _verifyValueWrite here, * because that will be done when codec actually serializes * contained POJO. If we did call it it would advance state * causing exception later on */ if (_objectCodec != null) { _objectCodec.writeValue(this, value); return; } _writeSimpleObject(value); } } public void writeTree(JsonNode rootNode) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { // As with 'writeObject()', we are not check if write would work if (rootNode == null) { writeNull(); } else { if (_objectCodec == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No ObjectCodec defined for the generator, can not serialize JsonNode-based trees"); } _objectCodec.writeTree(this, rootNode); } } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API, low-level output handling //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ public abstract void flush() throws IOException; public void close() throws IOException { _closed = true; } public boolean isClosed() { return _closed; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API, copy-through methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ public final void copyCurrentEvent(JsonParser jp) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { switch(jp.getCurrentToken()) { case START_OBJECT: writeStartObject(); break; case END_OBJECT: writeEndObject(); break; case START_ARRAY: writeStartArray(); break; case END_ARRAY: writeEndArray(); break; case FIELD_NAME: writeFieldName(jp.getCurrentName()); break; case VALUE_STRING: writeString(jp.getTextCharacters(), jp.getTextOffset(), jp.getTextLength()); break; case VALUE_NUMBER_INT: switch (jp.getNumberType()) { case INT: writeNumber(jp.getIntValue()); break; case BIG_INTEGER: writeNumber(jp.getBigIntegerValue()); break; default: writeNumber(jp.getLongValue()); } break; case VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT: switch (jp.getNumberType()) { case BIG_DECIMAL: writeNumber(jp.getDecimalValue()); break; case FLOAT: writeNumber(jp.getFloatValue()); break; default: writeNumber(jp.getDoubleValue()); } break; case VALUE_TRUE: writeBoolean(true); break; case VALUE_FALSE: writeBoolean(false); break; case VALUE_NULL: writeNull(); break; case VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT: writeObject(jp.getEmbeddedObject()); break; default: _cantHappen(); } } public final void copyCurrentStructure(JsonParser jp) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { JsonToken t = jp.getCurrentToken(); // Let's handle field-name separately first if (t == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) { writeFieldName(jp.getCurrentName()); t = jp.nextToken(); // fall-through to copy the associated value } switch (t) { case START_ARRAY: writeStartArray(); while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) { copyCurrentStructure(jp); } writeEndArray(); break; case START_OBJECT: writeStartObject(); while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { copyCurrentStructure(jp); } writeEndObject(); break; default: // others are simple: copyCurrentEvent(jp); } } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Package methods for this, sub-classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected abstract void _releaseBuffers(); protected abstract void _verifyValueWrite(String typeMsg) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException; protected void _reportError(String msg) throws JsonGenerationException { throw new JsonGenerationException(msg); } protected void _cantHappen() { throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: should never end up through this code path"); } /** * Helper method to try to call appropriate write method for given * untyped Object. At this point, no structural conversions should be done, * only simple basic types are to be coerced as necessary. * * @param value Non-null value to write */ protected void _writeSimpleObject(Object value) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { /* 31-Dec-2009, tatu: Actually, we could just handle some basic * types even without codec. This can improve interoperability, * and specifically help with TokenBuffer. */ if (value == null) { writeNull(); return; } if (value instanceof String) { writeString((String) value); return; } if (value instanceof Number) { Number n = (Number) value; if (n instanceof Integer) { writeNumber(n.intValue()); return; } else if (n instanceof Long) { writeNumber(n.longValue()); return; } else if (n instanceof Double) { writeNumber(n.doubleValue()); return; } else if (n instanceof Float) { writeNumber(n.floatValue()); return; } else if (n instanceof Short) { writeNumber(n.shortValue()); return; } else if (n instanceof Byte) { writeNumber(n.byteValue()); return; } else if (n instanceof BigInteger) { writeNumber((BigInteger) n); return; } else if (n instanceof BigDecimal) { writeNumber((BigDecimal) n); return; // then Atomic types } else if (n instanceof AtomicInteger) { writeNumber(((AtomicInteger) n).get()); return; } else if (n instanceof AtomicLong) { writeNumber(((AtomicLong) n).get()); return; } } else if (value instanceof byte[]) { writeBinary((byte[]) value); return; } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { writeBoolean(((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); return; } else if (value instanceof AtomicBoolean) { writeBoolean(((AtomicBoolean) value).get()); return; } throw new IllegalStateException("No ObjectCodec defined for the generator, can only serialize simple wrapper types (type passed " +value.getClass().getName()+")"); } }