/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 "Neo Technology," * Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB [http://neotechnology.com] * * This file is part of Neo4j. * * Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.graphdht.hashgraph; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.neo4j.graphdb.*; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Traverser.Order; import org.neo4j.index.IndexService; import java.util.*; public class OptimizedMatrixTest { private GraphDatabaseService neo; private IndexService index; @Before public void connect() { neo = new OptimizedHashGraphDatabase( "optimized" ); } @After public void disconnect() { neo.shutdown(); } private static enum MatrixRelation implements RelationshipType { KNOWS, CODED_BY, LOVES } private static void defineMatrix( GraphDatabaseService neo) throws Exception { // Define nodes System.out.println("Before defining nodes"); Node mrAndersson, morpheus, trinity, cypher, agentSmith, theArchitect; mrAndersson = neo.createNode(); morpheus = neo.createNode(); trinity = neo.createNode(); cypher = neo.createNode(); agentSmith = neo.createNode(); theArchitect = neo.createNode(); // Define relationships //@SuppressWarnings( "unused" ) System.out.println("Before defining relationships"); Relationship aKm, aKt, mKt, mKc, cKs, sCa, tLa; System.out.println("Before defining matrix"); aKm = mrAndersson.createRelationshipTo( morpheus, MatrixRelation.KNOWS ); System.out.println("After mrAndersson -> morpheus"); aKt = mrAndersson.createRelationshipTo( trinity, MatrixRelation.KNOWS ); System.out.println("After mrAndersson -> trinity"); mKt = morpheus.createRelationshipTo( trinity, MatrixRelation.KNOWS ); System.out.println("After morpheus -> trinity"); mKc = morpheus.createRelationshipTo( cypher, MatrixRelation.KNOWS ); System.out.println("After morpheus -> cypher"); cKs = cypher.createRelationshipTo( agentSmith, MatrixRelation.KNOWS ); System.out.println("After cypher -> agentSmith"); sCa = agentSmith.createRelationshipTo( theArchitect, MatrixRelation.CODED_BY ); System.out.println("After agentSmith -> theArchitect"); tLa = trinity.createRelationshipTo( mrAndersson, MatrixRelation.LOVES ); // Define node properties System.out.println("Before defining properties"); mrAndersson.setProperty( "name", "Thomas Andersson" ); morpheus.setProperty( "name", "Morpheus" ); trinity.setProperty( "name", "Trinity" ); cypher.setProperty( "name", "Cypher" ); agentSmith.setProperty( "name", "Agent Smith" ); theArchitect.setProperty( "name", "The Architect" ); // Define relationship properties } private static void verifyFriendsOf( Node thomas ) throws Exception { Traverser traverser = thomas.traverse( Order.BREADTH_FIRST, StopEvaluator.END_OF_GRAPH, ReturnableEvaluator.ALL_BUT_START_NODE, MatrixRelation.KNOWS, Direction.OUTGOING ); Set<String> actual = new HashSet<String>(); for ( Node friend : traverser ) { Assert.assertTrue( "Same friend added twice.", actual .add( ( String ) friend.getProperty( "name" ) ) ); } Assert.assertEquals( "Thomas Anderssons friends are incorrect.", new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( "Trinity", "Morpheus", "Cypher", "Agent Smith" ) ), actual ); } @SuppressWarnings( "serial" ) private static void verifyHackersInNetworkOf( Node thomas ) throws Exception { Traverser traverser = thomas.traverse( Order.BREADTH_FIRST, StopEvaluator.END_OF_GRAPH, new ReturnableEvaluator() { public boolean isReturnableNode( TraversalPosition pos ) { return pos.notStartNode() && pos.lastRelationshipTraversed().isType( MatrixRelation.CODED_BY ); } }, MatrixRelation.CODED_BY, Direction.OUTGOING, MatrixRelation.KNOWS, Direction.OUTGOING ); Map<String, Integer> actual = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for ( Node hacker : traverser ) { Assert.assertNull( "Same hacker found twice.", actual.put( ( String ) hacker.getProperty( "name" ), traverser .currentPosition().depth() ) ); } Assert.assertEquals( "", new HashMap<String, Integer>() { { put( "The Architect", 4 ); } }, actual ); } private enum PlaceboVerifiction { REQUIRE_PROPER { @Override void of( String id, Transaction tx ) { Assert.assertFalse( "Transaction \"" + id + "\" is a placebo transaction.", tx.toString().startsWith( "Placebo" ) ); } }, REQUIRE_PLACEBO { @Override void of( String id, Transaction tx ) { Assert.assertTrue( "Transaction \"" + id + "\" is not a placebo transaction.", tx.toString() .startsWith( "Placebo" ) ); } }, EITHER { @Override void of( String id, Transaction tx ) { } }; abstract void of( String id, Transaction tx ); } private static void verifyTransaction( String id, Transaction tx, PlaceboVerifiction verifcation ) { Assert.assertNotNull( "Transaction \"" + id + "\" is null.", tx ); verifcation.of( id, tx ); } @Test public void testTheMatrix() throws Exception { //Transaction tx = neo.beginTx(); //verifyTransaction( "nr 1", tx, PlaceboVerifiction.REQUIRE_PROPER ); try { System.out.println("Before defining matrix"); defineMatrix( neo ); System.out.println("After defining matrix"); //tx.success(); } finally { //tx.finish(); } //tx = neo.beginTx(); //verifyTransaction( "nr 2", tx, PlaceboVerifiction.REQUIRE_PROPER ); try { Node thomasAndersson = null; //find Node wit "name" = "Thomas Andersson" Iterable<Node> nodes =neo.getAllNodes(); for(Node node: nodes){ if(node.getProperty("name") == "Thomas Andersson"){ thomasAndersson = node; break; } } System.out.println("Before verifying friends"); verifyFriendsOf( thomasAndersson ); System.out.println("Before verifying hackers"); verifyHackersInNetworkOf( thomasAndersson ); System.out.println("After verifying hackers"); //tx.success(); } finally { //tx.finish(); } } }