package org.gofleet.importer.teleatlas; /** * Copyright (C) 2012, Emergya ( * * @author <a href="">Moisés Arcos Santiago</a> * * This file is part of GoFleetLS * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As a special exception, if you link this library with other files to * produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the * executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; public class RestrictionReader { private static Map<Long, Integer> idMap; private static long value = 57240000000000l; /** * Method processRestrictions: write in a temporal file the restrictions in * a path * * @param pathManeuvers * : String with the shapefile maneuvers path * @param pathManeuversPath * : String with the shapefile maneuvers_path_index path * @param pathRestrictions * : String with the shapefile restrictions path * @param file * : String with the file path to write the result * */ public static void processRestrictions(String pathManeuvers, String pathManeuversPath, String pathRestrictions, File file, String min) { idMap = NodeReader.getIDMap(); ShpFiles shpFile = null; boolean useMemoryMapped = false; Row rdb = null; Map<String, String> attributes = null; DbaseFileReader dbfilereader = null; FileWriter fw = null; try { // Open file fw = new FileWriter(file); shpFile = new ShpFiles(pathManeuvers); dbfilereader = new DbaseFileReader(shpFile, useMemoryMapped, Charset.defaultCharset()); int i = 10; while (dbfilereader.hasNext()) { rdb = dbfilereader.readRow(); attributes = getAttributesManeuvers(rdb); // Attributes restrictions if (attributes.get("FEATTYP").equals("2103") && attributes.get("PROMANTYP").equals("0")) { long id = Long.valueOf(attributes.get("ID")); // Change the long value by an Integer value id = id - value; long junctIDTemp = Long.valueOf(attributes.get("JNCTID")); Integer junctID = idMap.get(junctIDTemp); // Get from way and to way from maneuvers path index table List<String> sequence = getSequence(id, pathManeuversPath); for (String restrictions : getRestriction(id, pathRestrictions)) { if (sequence.size() == 2) { long from = Long.valueOf(sequence.get(0)); long to = Long.valueOf(sequence.get(1)); long minvalue = Long.valueOf(min.toString()); long idRes = id - minvalue; String rest = writeRestriction(idRes, junctID, from, to, restrictions); fw.write(rest); fw.flush(); i++; } else { // Change node to via long from = Long.valueOf(sequence.get(0)); long to = Long .valueOf(sequence.get(sequence.size() - 1)); long minvalue = Long.valueOf(min.toString()); long idRes = minvalue + i; List<String> memberList = new LinkedList<String>(); for (int j = 1; j < sequence.size() - 1; j++) { memberList.add(String.valueOf(sequence.get(j))); } String rest = writeRestrictionVia(idRes, memberList, from, to, restrictions); fw.write(rest); fw.flush(); i++; } } } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { fw.close(); dbfilereader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Method getAttributesManeuvers: Method to get Maneuvers attributes from a * Maneuvers shape * * @param rdb * : Row with the content of a shapefile Maneuvers line * @return Map<String, String>: Map with attributes from the row and its * values */ private static Map<String, String> getAttributesManeuvers(Row rdb) { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { attributes.put("ID",; attributes.put("FEATTYP",; attributes.put("BIFTYP",; attributes.put("PROMANTYP",; attributes.put("JNCTID",; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return attributes; } /** * Method getAttributesManeuversPath: Method to get Maneuvers_Path_Index * attributes from a Maneuvers_Path_Index shape * * @param rdb * : Row with the content of a shapefile Maneuvers_Path_Index * line * @return Map<String, String>: Map with attributes from the row and its * values */ private static Map<String, String> getAttributesManeuversPath(Row rdb) { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { attributes.put("ID",; attributes.put("SEQNR",; attributes.put("TRPELID",; attributes.put("TRPELTYP",; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return attributes; } /** * Method getAttributesRestrictions: Method to get Restrictions attributes * from a Restrictions shape * * @param rdb * : Row with the content of a shapefile Restrictions line * @return Map<String, String>: Map with attributes from the row and its * values */ private static Map<String, String> getAttributesRestrictions(Row rdb) { Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { attributes.put("ID",; attributes.put("SEQNR",; attributes.put("FEATTYP",; attributes.put("RESTRTYP",; attributes.put("RESTRVAL",; attributes.put("VT",; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return attributes; } /** * Method writeRestriction: return a string with the XML text to write a * relation OSM * * @param idRestriction * : long with the id restriction value read from the shapefile * @param junctID * : long with the id node value read from the shapefile * @param from * : long with the id from node value read from the shapefile * @param to * : long with the id to node value read from the shapefile * @param tags * : String with the XML text to write every tag from the * shapefile read * @return String: Text with the XML content of a relation OSM */ private static String writeRestriction(long idRestriction, Integer junctID, long from, long to, String tags) { String relationHeader = "<relation changeset=\"1\" " + "uid=\"1\" " + "timestamp=\"2012-02-19T19:07:25Z\" " + "version=\"1\" " + "user=\"TeleAtlas2OSM\" " + "id=\"" + idRestriction + "\">\n"; String memberWayFrom = "<member type=\"way\" ref=\"" + from + "\" role=\"from\"/>\n"; String memberWayTo = "<member type=\"way\" ref=\"" + to + "\" role=\"to\"/>\n"; String memberNode = "<member type=\"node\" " + "ref=\"" + junctID + "\" " + "role=\"via\"/>\n"; String relationTail = "</relation>\n"; String tagType = "<tag k=\"type\" v=\"restriction\"/>\n"; return relationHeader + memberWayFrom + memberWayTo + memberNode + tagType + tags + relationTail; } private static String writeRestrictionVia(long idRes, List<String> memberList, long from, long to, String tags) { String relationHeader = "<relation changeset=\"0\" " + "uid=\"1\" " + "timestamp=\"2012-02-19T19:07:25Z\" " + "version=\"1\" " + "user=\"TeleAtlas2OSM\" " + "id=\"" + idRes + "\">\n"; String memberWayFrom = "<member type=\"way\" ref=\"" + from + "\" role=\"from\"/>\n"; String memberWayTo = "<member type=\"way\" ref=\"" + to + "\" role=\"to\"/>\n"; String memberNode = ""; for (String idVia : memberList) { memberNode += "<member type=\"way\" " + "ref=\"" + idVia + "\" " + "role=\"via\"/>\n"; } String relationTail = "</relation>\n"; String tagType = "<tag k=\"type\" v=\"restriction\"/>\n"; return relationHeader + memberWayFrom + memberWayTo + memberNode + tagType + tags + relationTail; } /** * Method writeTag: return a string with the XML text to write a Tag OSM * * @param rt * : String with the RESTTYP value * @param rv * : String with the RESTVAL value * @param vt * : String with the VT value * @return String: String qith XML text */ private static List<String> writeTag(String rt, String rv, String vt) { List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String[]> value = null; String tagRestriction = ""; String tagExcept = ""; if (rt.equals("6Z") || rt.equals("TR") || rt.equals("4B")) { } else { // Check all posibles cases if (rt.equals("")) { value = checkBlank(rv, vt); } else if (rt.equals("BP")) { value = checkBP(rv, vt); } else if (rt.equals("RB")) { value = checkRB(rv, vt); } else if (rt.equals("SR")) { value = checkSR(rv, vt); } else if (rt.equals("8I")) { value = check8I(rv, vt); } else if (rt.equals("DF") || rt.equals("6Q")) { value = checkDF6Q(rv, vt); } for (String[] val : value) { if (val[0] != "") { tagRestriction = "<tag k=\"restriction\" v =\"" + val[0] + "\"/>\n"; } if (val[1] != "") { tagExcept = "<tag k=\"except\" v=\"" + val[1] + "\"/>\n"; } list.add(tagRestriction + tagExcept); } } return list; } /** * Method checkVT: Method to check the VT value and return the string with * the equivalent OSM VT value * * @param valueIN * : String with the previous VT * @param vt * : String with the VT read from the shapefile * @return String: String with the OSM VT value */ private static String checkVT(String valueIN, String vt) { String res = ""; // check VT value if (vt.equals("-1")) { res = ""; } else if (vt.equals("0")) { // if it's not empty --> ; if (valueIN != "") { res = valueIN + ";bicycle"; } else { res = "bicycle"; } } else if (vt.equals("11") || vt.equals("12")) { // if it's not psv --> psv;bicycle if (valueIN != "") { if (valueIN != "psv") { res = "psv;bicycle"; } else { res = valueIN + ";bicycle"; } } else { res = "psv;bicycle"; } } else if (vt.equals("16") || vt.equals("17")) { // If it's not empty --> ; if (valueIN != "") { res = valueIN + ";motorcar;bicycle"; } else { res = "motorcar;bicycle"; } } else if (vt.equals("24")) { if (valueIN != "") { if (valueIN != "psv") { res = "psv;motorcar"; } else { res = valueIN + ";motorcar"; } } else { res = "psv;motorcar"; } } return res; } /** * Method checkBlank: Method to check if the RESTVALUE is blank, if is blank * the OSM RESTVAL value should be 'no_straight_on'. * * @param rv * : String with the RESTVALUE value read from the shapefile * @param vt * : String with the VT value read from the shapefile * @return String[]: String Array with the restriction tag value and the * except tag value */ private static List<String[]> checkBlank(String rv, String vt) { List<String[]> list = new LinkedList<String[]>(); String value[] = new String[2]; value[0] = "no_straight_on"; value[1] = ""; // Check VT value value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); return list; } /** * Method checkBlank: Method to check if the RESTVALUE is DF or 6Q * * @param rv * : String with the RESTVALUE value read from the shapefile * @param vt * : String with the VT value read from the shapefile * @return String[]: String Array with the restriction tag value and the * except tag value */ private static List<String[]> checkDF6Q(String rv, String vt) { List<String[]> list = new LinkedList<String[]>(); String value[] = new String[2]; // Check RESTRVAL value if (rv.equals("2")) { value[0] = "no_entry"; value[1] = ""; // Check VT value value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); } else if (rv.equals("3")) { value[0] = "no_exit"; value[1] = ""; // Check VT value value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); } else if (rv.equals("4")) { value[0] = "no_entry"; value[1] = ""; // Check VT value value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); value = new String[2]; value[0] = "no_exit"; value[1] = ""; // Check VT value value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); } return list; } /** * Method checkBlank: Method to check if the RESTVALUE is 8I * * @param rv * : String with the RESTVALUE value read from the shapefile * @param vt * : String with the VT value read from the shapefile * @return String[]: String Array with the restriction tag value and the * except tag value */ private static List<String[]> check8I(String rv, String vt) { List<String[]> list = new LinkedList<String[]>(); String value[] = new String[2]; // Check RESTRVAL value if (rv.equals("0")) { value[0] = "no_straight_on "; value[1] = ""; } else if (rv.equals("1")) { value[0] = "only_straight_on"; value[1] = ""; } // Check VT value value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); return list; } /** * Method checkBlank: Method to check if the RESTVALUE is SR * * @param rv * : String with the RESTVALUE value read from the shapefile * @param vt * : String with the VT value read from the shapefile * @return String[]: String Array with the restriction tag value and the * except tag value */ private static List<String[]> checkSR(String rv, String vt) { List<String[]> list = new LinkedList<String[]>(); String value[] = new String[2]; value[0] = "no_entry"; value[1] = "psv"; // Check VT value value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); return list; } /** * Method checkBlank: Method to check if the RESTVALUE is RB * * @param rv * : String with the RESTVALUE value read from the shapefile * @param vt * : String with the VT value read from the shapefile * @return String[]: String Array with the restriction tag value and the * except tag value */ private static List<String[]> checkRB(String rv, String vt) { List<String[]> list = new LinkedList<String[]>(); String value[] = new String[2]; // Check RESTRVAL value if (rv.equals("1") || rv.equals("3")) { value[0] = "no_entry"; value[1] = "psv"; } else if (rv.equals("2")) { value[0] = "no_entry"; value[1] = ""; } // Check VT value value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); return list; } /** * Method checkBlank: Method to check if the RESTVALUE is BP * * @param rv * : String with the RESTVALUE value read from the shapefile * @param vt * : String with the VT value read from the shapefile * @return String[]: String Array with the restriction tag value and the * except tag value */ private static List<String[]> checkBP(String rv, String vt) { List<String[]> list = new LinkedList<String[]>(); String value[] = new String[2]; // Check RESTRVAL value if (rv.equals("11") || rv.equals("13") || rv.equals("23")) { value[0] = "no_entry"; value[1] = "psv"; } else if (rv.equals("1") || rv.equals("2") || rv.equals("12") || rv.equals("22")) { value[0] = "no_entry"; value[1] = ""; } value[1] = checkVT(value[1], vt); list.add(value); return list; } /** * Method getSequence: Method to get the sequence of TRPLIDs in order o * obtain the source and target way * * @param id * : long with the id restriction value to compare with the * ManeuversPath id * @param path * : String with the Maneuvers_Path_Index path * @return List<String>: List with the ids from source and target ways */ private static List<String> getSequence(long id, String path) { List<String> trpelid = new LinkedList<String>(); ShpFiles shpFile = null; boolean useMemoryMapped = false; Row rdb = null; DbaseFileReader dbfilereader = null; Map<String, String> attributes = null; try { shpFile = new ShpFiles(path); dbfilereader = new DbaseFileReader(shpFile, useMemoryMapped, Charset.defaultCharset()); while (dbfilereader.hasNext()) { rdb = dbfilereader.readRow(); attributes = getAttributesManeuversPath(rdb); long idMP = Long.valueOf(attributes.get("ID")); if (id == idMP) { trpelid.add(attributes.get("TRPELID")); } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { dbfilereader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return trpelid; } /** * Method getRestriction: Method to get a XML text with the equivalent OSM * tag value * * @param id * : long with the id restriction value to compare with the * ManeuversPath id * @param path * : String with the Restrictions path * @return */ private static List<String> getRestriction(long id, String path) { List<String> rest = new LinkedList<String>(); ShpFiles shpFile = null; boolean useMemoryMapped = false; DbaseFileReader dbfilereader = null; Row rdb = null; Map<String, String> attributes = null; try { shpFile = new ShpFiles(path); dbfilereader = new DbaseFileReader(shpFile, useMemoryMapped, Charset.defaultCharset()); while (dbfilereader.hasNext()) { rdb = dbfilereader.readRow(); attributes = getAttributesRestrictions(rdb); long idMP = Long.valueOf(attributes.get("ID")); String feattyp = attributes.get("FEATTYP"); if (id == idMP) { // Restriction to process if (feattyp.equals("2101") || feattyp.equals("2102") || feattyp.equals("2103")) { String resttyp = attributes.get("RESTRTYP"); String restval = attributes.get("RESTRVAL"); String vt = attributes.get("VT"); rest.addAll(writeTag(resttyp, restval, vt)); } } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { dbfilereader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return rest; } }