package core.repositories.readme; import android.util.Base64; import com.alorma.github.sdk.bean.ReadmeInfo; import com.alorma.github.sdk.bean.dto.response.Content; import core.datasource.CloudDataSource; import core.datasource.RestWrapper; import core.datasource.SdkItem; import; import retrofit2.Call; import retrofit2.Response; import rx.Observable; public class ReadmeCloudDataSource extends CloudDataSource<ReadmeInfo, String> { private final ReadmeRetrofitWrapper restWrapper; public ReadmeCloudDataSource(ReadmeRetrofitWrapper restWrapper) { super(restWrapper); this.restWrapper = restWrapper; } @Override protected Observable<SdkItem<String>> execute(SdkItem<ReadmeInfo> request, RestWrapper service) { RepositoryReadmeService repositoryReadmeService = restWrapper.get(); ReadmeInfo readmeInfo = request.getK(); return Observable.defer(() -> { Call<Content> call; if (readmeInfo.getRepoInfo().branch == null) { call = repositoryReadmeService.readme(readmeInfo.getRepoInfo().owner, readmeInfo.getRepoInfo().name); } else { call = repositoryReadmeService.readme(readmeInfo.getRepoInfo().owner, readmeInfo.getRepoInfo().name, readmeInfo.getRepoInfo().branch); } try { Response<Content> contentResponse = call.execute(); if (contentResponse.isSuccessful()) { return Observable.just(contentResponse.body()); } else { return Observable.error(new Exception(contentResponse.errorBody().string())); } } catch (IOException e) { return Observable.error(e); } }).map(Content::getContent).flatMap(content -> Observable.fromCallable(() -> { byte[] data = Base64.decode(content, Base64.DEFAULT); return new String(data, "UTF-8"); })).map(s -> { if (readmeInfo.isTruncate()) { return trimString(s, 300, true); } else { return s; } }).map(SdkItem::new); } public static String trimString(String string, int length, boolean soft) { if (string == null || string.trim().isEmpty()) { return string; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string); if (sb.length() > length) { // -3 because we add 3 dots at the end. Returned string length has to be length including the dots. String substring = sb.substring(0, length); if (!soft) { return substring; } else { int endIndex = substring.lastIndexOf(" "); return sb.substring(0, endIndex); } } return string; } }