package se.ginkou.banking; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.webharvest.definition.ScraperConfiguration; import org.webharvest.runtime.Scraper; import org.webharvest.runtime.ScraperContext; import org.webharvest.runtime.variables.Variable; import se.ginkou.Account; import se.ginkou.Transaction; /** * @author Frans Tegelmark */ public class XmlParser { private String xml; // the .xml file with login and scraping rules private String[] keys; //login credentials /** * Creates a XmlParser with sufficient data for execution with run(). * @param xmlFile The .xml file that will be executed with web-harvest. * @param keys Array of Strings for credentials. How the Strings are used depends on the .xml file entirely. */ public XmlParser(String xmlFile, String[] keys) { this.xml = xmlFile; this.keys = keys; } /** * Executes the .xml * The keys are provided to the .xml script, named "key_#" with value keys[#] * where # is the argument number (starting with 0). * (Actual behaviour depending on the .xml file) * @return null if provided with non-functional keys, else a List of Transactions. */ public List<Transaction> run(){ ArrayList<Transaction> transactions = new ArrayList<Transaction>(); ScraperConfiguration config; try { config = new ScraperConfiguration(xml); Scraper scraper = new Scraper(config, "."); //scraper.getHttpClientManager().setHttpProxy("localhost", 8888); //for debugging with fiddler2 for(int i = 0; i<keys.length; ++i) scraper.addVariableToContext("key_"+i, keys[i]); scraper.execute(); // takes variable created during execution ScraperContext context = scraper.getContext(); String accessGranted = ((Variable) context.get("accessGranted")).toString(); if(!accessGranted.equals("true")) return null; Variable account, date, notice, amount; int q = 1; while((account = (Variable) context.get("account."+q)) != null){ int i=1; while ((date = (Variable) context.get("date."+q+"."+i)) != null && (notice = (Variable) context.get("notice."+q+"."+i)) != null && (amount = (Variable) context.get("amount."+q+"."+i)) != null){ transactions.add(new Transaction( new Account(Long.parseLong(account.toString().replaceAll("[\\-\\s]", "")), ""), DateTime.parse(date.toString().trim(), DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyMMdd")), notice.toString(), Double.parseDouble(amount.toString().replace(".", "").replace(",", ".")))); i++; } ++q; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return transactions; } /** * Demo. * @param args Not used. */ public static void main(String[] args) { String[] s = {"1992","hemligt"}; XmlParser parser = new XmlParser("rules/SWED.xml", s); List<Transaction> trans =; if(trans==null){ System.err.println("trans==null"); return; } for(Transaction t: trans) System.out.println(t); System.out.println(trans.size()); } }