/* See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Esri Inc. licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.esri.gpt.catalog.schema; import com.esri.gpt.framework.util.Val; import com.esri.gpt.framework.xml.DomUtil; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.UIInput; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * Select one menu input component with an "Other" option for inputing text. * <p/> * The drop down choices are based upon the codes defined for the parameter. * <p/> * The component is configured from a node with a schema configuration * XML document. */ public class InputSelectWithOther extends InputSelectOneMenu { // class variables ============================================================= // instance variables ========================================================== private String _otherCodeKey = ""; private InputText _otherComponent; // constructors ================================================================ /** Default constructor. */ public InputSelectWithOther() { this(null); } /** * Construct by duplicating an existing object. * @param objectToDuplicate the object to duplicate */ public InputSelectWithOther(InputSelectWithOther objectToDuplicate) { super(objectToDuplicate); if (objectToDuplicate == null) { setOtherComponent(new InputText()); } else { setOtherCodeKey(objectToDuplicate.getOtherCodeKey()); setOtherComponent(objectToDuplicate.getOtherComponent().duplicate()); setFacesId(objectToDuplicate.getFacesId()); } } // properties ================================================================== /** * Sets the Faces ID for the component. * <br/> The '.' character will be replaced with the '.' character. * @param id Faces ID */ @Override public void setFacesId(String id) { super.setFacesId(id); if (getOtherComponent() != null) { getOtherComponent().setFacesId(getFacesId()+"_other"); } } /** * Gets the code key associated with the "Other" option. * @return the key */ public String getOtherCodeKey() { return _otherCodeKey; } /** * Sets the code key associated with the "Other" option. * @param key the key */ public void setOtherCodeKey(String key) { _otherCodeKey = Val.chkStr(key); } /** * Gets the component for inputting "Other" text. * @return the InputText component associated with the "Other" option */ public InputText getOtherComponent() { return _otherComponent; } /** * Sets the component for inputting "Other" text. * @param otherComponent the InputText component associated with the "Other" option */ public void setOtherComponent(InputText otherComponent) { _otherComponent = otherComponent; if (_otherComponent == null) _otherComponent = new InputText(); } // methods ===================================================================== /** * Configures the object based upon a node loaded from a * schema configuration XML. * <br/>The super.configure method should be invoked prior to any * sub-class configuration. * <p/> * The following attributes are configured: * <br/>otherCodeKey * <p/> * The InputText component associated with the "Other" option is also configured * from this node. * @param context the configuration context * @param node the configuration node * @param attributes the attributes of the configuration node */ @Override public void configure(CfgContext context, Node node, NamedNodeMap attributes) { super.configure(context,node,attributes); setOtherCodeKey(DomUtil.getAttributeValue(attributes,"otherCodeKey")); getOtherComponent().configure(context,node,attributes); } /** * Produces a deep clone of the object. * <br/>The duplication constructor is invoked. * <br/>return new InputSelectWithOther(this); */ @Override public InputSelectWithOther duplicate() { return new InputSelectWithOther(this); } /** * Appends property information for the component to a StringBuffer. * <br/>The method is intended to support "FINEST" logging. * <br/>super.echo should be invoked prior appending any local information. * @param sb the StringBuffer to use when appending information */ @Override public void echo(StringBuffer sb) { super.echo(sb); sb.append(" otherCodeKey=\"").append(getOtherCodeKey()).append("\""); sb.append("\n").append(getOtherComponent()); } /** * Makes a Faces HtmlSelectOneMenu and an HtmlInputText (for "Other" option) * components for a parameter. * <p/> * The menu items are based upon the defined codes for the parameter. * @param context the UI context * @param section the parent section * @param parameter the associated parameter * @return the UI component */ @Override public UIComponent makeInputComponent(UiContext context, Section section, Parameter parameter) { // determine values String sValue = parameter.getContent().getSingleValue().getValue(); String sMenuValue = sValue; String sTextValue = ""; boolean bIsOther = false; if (!parameter.getContent().getCodes().containsKey(sValue)) { bIsOther = true; } else if (sValue.equalsIgnoreCase(getOtherCodeKey())) { bIsOther = true; } if (bIsOther) { sMenuValue = getOtherCodeKey(); sTextValue = sValue; } // make the input text for the "Other" option InputText other = getOtherComponent(); HtmlInputText text = new HtmlInputText(); text.setId(other.getFacesId()); text.setMaxlength(other.getMaxlength()); text.setSize(other.getSize()); text.setDisabled(!getEditable()); text.setValue(sTextValue); if (!bIsOther) { text.setStyle("visibility:hidden;"); } // make the script for the onchange event StringBuffer sbOnchange = new StringBuffer(); sbOnchange.append("mdeToggleVisibility(this,"); sbOnchange.append("'").append(other.getFacesId()).append("',"); sbOnchange.append("this.options[this.selectedIndex].value=="); sbOnchange.append("'").append(getOtherCodeKey()).append("')"); // make the select one menu parameter.getContent().getSingleValue().setValue(sMenuValue); UIComponent menu = makeSelectOneMenu(context,section,parameter,sbOnchange.toString()); parameter.getContent().getSingleValue().setValue(sValue); // group the components HtmlPanelGroup panel = new HtmlPanelGroup(); panel.getChildren().add(menu); panel.getChildren().add(makeNBSP()); panel.getChildren().add(text); return panel; } /** * Triggered on the save event from the metadata editor. * <p/> * On this event, either HtmlSelectOneMenu input value or the HtmlInputText * value is propagated to the parameter's singleValue (depending on the * whether or not the user has selected the "Other" option). * @param context the UI context * @param editorForm the Faces HtmlForm for the metadata editor * @param parameter the associated parameter * @throws SchemaException if an associated Faces UIComponent cannot be located */ @Override public void unBind(UiContext context, UIComponent editorForm, Parameter parameter) throws SchemaException { UIInput menu = findInputComponent(context,editorForm); UIInput text = getOtherComponent().findInputComponent(context,editorForm); String sMenuValue = getInputValue(menu); String sTextValue = Val.chkStr(getInputValue(text)); text.setValue(sTextValue); if (sMenuValue.equalsIgnoreCase(getOtherCodeKey())) { parameter.getContent().getSingleValue().setValue(sTextValue); if (text instanceof HtmlInputText) { ((HtmlInputText)text).setStyle("visibility:visible;"); } } else { parameter.getContent().getSingleValue().setValue(sMenuValue); if (text instanceof HtmlInputText) { ((HtmlInputText)text).setStyle("visibility:hidden;"); } } } }