package com.esri; import ch.hsr.geohash.BoundingBox; import ch.hsr.geohash.GeoHash; import ch.hsr.geohash.queries.GeoHashBoundingBoxQuery; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** */ public class SearchHBase extends SearchAbstract { public static final String KEY_SCAN_CACHING = "com.esri.scanCaching"; private float m_buffer; private int m_scanCaching; private HTable m_table; @Override public void setup( final Configuration configuration, final List<ColumnInterface> columnList) throws IOException { m_table = new HTable(configuration, configuration.get(GeoEnrichmentJob.KEY_TABLE)); m_buffer = configuration.getFloat(GeoEnrichmentJob.KEY_BUFFER, 0.5F); m_scanCaching = configuration.getInt(KEY_SCAN_CACHING, 50); } @Override public boolean search( final double lon, final double lat, final List<ColumnInterface> columnList) throws IOException { resetColumns(columnList); // Dummy implementation - should use buffer and then get envelope final BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox( Math.max(-90, lat - m_buffer), Math.min(90, lat + m_buffer), Math.max(-180, lon - m_buffer), Math.min(180, lon + m_buffer)); final GeoHashBoundingBoxQuery geoHashBoundingBoxQuery = new GeoHashBoundingBoxQuery(boundingBox); final List<GeoHash> searchHashes = geoHashBoundingBoxQuery.getSearchHashes(); for (final GeoHash geoHash : searchHashes) { doScan(geoHash, lon, lat, boundingBox, columnList); } return m_found; } private void doScan( final GeoHash start, final double origLon, final double origLat, final BoundingBox boundingBox, final List<ColumnInterface> columnList) throws IOException { final Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes(start.longValue())); scan.setStopRow(Bytes.toBytes(; scan.setMaxVersions(1); scan.setCaching(m_scanCaching); scan.setFilter(new BoundingBoxFilter(boundingBox)); for (final ColumnInterface column : columnList) { scan.addColumn(column.getFamilyAsBytes(), column.getQualifierAsBytes()); } final ResultScanner scanner = m_table.getScanner(scan); try { for (final Result result : scanner) { final ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getRow()); final DataInput dataInput = new DataInputStream(byteArrayInputStream); final long bits = dataInput.readLong(); final double resultLon = dataInput.readDouble(); final double resultLat = dataInput.readDouble(); // Dummy implementation of geo distance - should use's_formulae final double deltaLon = resultLon - origLon; final double deltaLat = resultLat - origLat; final double distance = Math.sqrt(deltaLon * deltaLon + deltaLat * deltaLat); final double weight = 1.0 - Math.min(m_buffer, distance) / m_buffer; if (weight > 0.0) { m_found = true; for (final ColumnInterface column : columnList) { final double value = column.toDouble(result.getValue(column.getFamilyAsBytes(), column.getQualifierAsBytes())); column.addWeight(weight * value); } } } } finally { scanner.close(); } } @Override public void cleanup(final Configuration configuration) throws IOException { if (m_table != null) { m_table.close(); } } }