package com.gnod.geekr.tool.fetcher; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.os.Message; import com.gnod.geekr.model.StatusModel; import com.gnod.geekr.tool.converter.WeiboConverter; import; import; import; public class FavoriteFetcher extends BaseFetcher{ /** * 获取收藏的微博 */ public void fetchFavorities(final int count, final int page, final FetchCompleteListener listener) { if(listener == null ) throw new NullPointerException("Fetch Listener can not be null"); FetchHandler<StatusModel> handler = new FetchHandler<StatusModel>(listener) { @Override public void callAPI(Oauth2AccessToken oa, RequestListener listener) { FavoritesAPI favoritesAPI = new FavoritesAPI(oa); favoritesAPI.favorites(count, page, listener); } @Override public void convertData(String arg0, ArrayList<StatusModel> list, Message msg) throws JSONException{ JSONObject root = new JSONObject(arg0); JSONArray statusArray = root.optJSONArray("favorites"); if(statusArray == null || statusArray.length() == 0){ msg.arg1 = FETCH_EMPTY; msg.obj = list; return; } for(int i = 0; i < statusArray.length(); i++ ) { JSONObject fav = statusArray.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject status = fav.getJSONObject("status"); StatusModel itemModel = new StatusModel(); WeiboConverter.convertStatusToModel(status, itemModel); if(itemModel != null ) { list.add(itemModel); } } if( page == 1) { msg.arg1 = FETCH_SUCCEED_NEWS; } else { msg.arg1 = FETCH_SUCCEED_MORE; } msg.obj = list; } }; handler.fetch(); } /** * 取消收藏一条微博 * */ public void destroy(final String id, FetchCompleteListener listener) { if(listener == null ) throw new NullPointerException("Fetch Listener can not be null"); FetchHandler<StatusModel> handler = new FetchHandler<StatusModel>(listener) { @Override public void callAPI(Oauth2AccessToken oa, RequestListener listener) { FavoritesAPI favoritesAPI = new FavoritesAPI(oa); favoritesAPI.destroy(Long.parseLong(id), listener); } @Override public void convertData(String arg0, ArrayList<StatusModel> list, Message msg) throws JSONException{ msg.arg1 = FETCH_SUCCEED_NEWS; } }; handler.fetch(); } }