/** * GeDBIT.type.Table 2006.07.24 * * Copyright Information: * * Change Log: * 2006.07.24: Added, by Willard */ package GeDBIT.type; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import GeDBIT.dist.Metric; import GeDBIT.index.Index; import GeDBIT.index.VPIndex; import GeDBIT.index.algorithms.PartitionMethod; import GeDBIT.index.algorithms.PivotSelectionMethod; /** * Represents a set of data points in a database, including it's corresponding * metric and any indexes that have been built over it. * * @author Willard, Rui Mao */ public abstract class TableMR implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8791814013616626066L; protected String sourceFileName; protected int maxSize; protected String indexPrefix; protected Metric metric; protected Index index; int[] originalRowIDs; transient List<? extends IndexObject> data; private int tableLocation = -1; /** * Constructor * * @param fileName * the name of the source data file. * @param maxDataSize * the maximum number of data points to read from the file. * @param metric * the metric to use when comparing two datapoints or building an * index. */ TableMR(String fileName, String indexPrefix, int maxSize, Metric metric) { if (fileName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fileName cannot be null!"); if (maxSize <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "maxDataSize must be greater than zero!"); if (metric == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metric cannot be null!"); this.sourceFileName = fileName; this.indexPrefix = indexPrefix; this.maxSize = maxSize; this.metric = metric; } /** * @return the number of datapoints in the table. */ public int size() { if (index == null) return data.size(); else return index.size(); } /** * @return the name of the file used to construct this table. */ public String getSourceFileName() { return sourceFileName; } /** * @return the list of datapoints in this table. */ public List<? extends IndexObject> getData() { if (index == null) return data; else return index.getAllPoints(); } /** * @param rowID * @return */ public int getOriginalRowID(int rowID) { return originalRowIDs[rowID]; } /** * @return the index built over this table. */ public Index getIndex() { return index; } /** * @return the metric used when comparing two objects in this table. */ public Metric getMetric() { return metric; } /** * @param metric */ public void setMetric(Metric metric) { this.metric = metric; } // TODO /** * */ public void compressData() { // first sort the list according to the data points. Collections.sort(data); // then, make a list of the unique dataPoints. final int dataSize = data.size(); ArrayList<IndexObject> compressedData = new ArrayList<IndexObject>( dataSize); int[] rowIDs2 = new int[dataSize]; IndexObject dataPoint1 = data.get(0); int tempSize = 1; IndexObject dataPoint2; for (int i = 1; i < dataSize; i++) { dataPoint2 = (IndexObject) data.get(i); if (dataPoint1.equals(dataPoint2)) { tempSize++; } else { if (tempSize > 1) { for (int j = i - tempSize; j < i; j++) { int rowID = data.get(j).getRowID(); rowIDs2[j] = originalRowIDs[rowID]; } dataPoint1.setRowID(i - tempSize); dataPoint1.setRowIDLength(tempSize); } else { int rowID = data.get(i - 1).getRowID(); rowIDs2[i - 1] = originalRowIDs[rowID]; dataPoint1.setRowID(i - 1); } compressedData.add(dataPoint1); dataPoint1 = dataPoint2; tempSize = 1; } } if (tempSize > 1) { for (int i = dataSize - tempSize; i < dataSize; i++) { int rowID = data.get(i).getRowID(); rowIDs2[i] = originalRowIDs[rowID]; } dataPoint1.setRowID(dataSize - tempSize); dataPoint1.setRowIDLength(tempSize); } else { int rowID = data.get(dataSize - 1).getRowID(); rowIDs2[dataSize - 1] = originalRowIDs[rowID]; dataPoint1.setRowID(dataSize - 1); } compressedData.add(dataPoint1); compressedData.trimToSize(); // System.out.println("original size: " + dataSize + // " compressed data size: " + compressedData.size()); data = compressedData; originalRowIDs = rowIDs2; } /** * @param psm * @param numPivots * @param pm * @param singlePivotFanout * @param maxLeafSize * @param maxPathLength * @param bucket * @param debugLevel */ public void buildVPIndex(PivotSelectionMethod psm, int numPivots, PartitionMethod pm, int singlePivotFanout, int maxLeafSize, int maxPathLength, boolean bucket, Level debugLevel, String forPrint) { /* * TableManager tableManager = * TableManager.getTableManager(indexPrefix); tableLocation = * tableManager.getLocation(); tableManager.close(); */ double startTime, endTime, buildTime; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // indexFileName = createIndexFileName(psm, numPivots, pm, // singlePivotFanout, maxLeafSize, maxPathLength, bucket); // step 1: compress the data list if (bucket == true) { compressData(); if (metric instanceof GeDBIT.dist.CountedMetric) ((GeDBIT.dist.CountedMetric) metric).clear(); /* * temporary use to output distinct points for (int i=0; * i<data.size(); i++) { GeDBIT.type.DoubleVector v = * (GeDBIT.type.DoubleVector)data.get(i); for (int j=0; j<v.size(); * j++) System.out.print(v.getData()[j] + " "); * System.out.println(); } System.exit(1); */ } index = new VPIndex(indexPrefix, data, metric, psm, numPivots, pm, singlePivotFanout, maxLeafSize, maxPathLength, debugLevel); // System.out.println("Created index...\n"); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); buildTime = (endTime - startTime) / 1000.00; // System.out.println("Db size, building time(seconds), #distance calculation, #leaf, #internal, #node"); // System.out.println("Time to create index = " + buildTime + "...\n"); /* * tableManager = TableManager.getTableManager(indexPrefix); * tableManager.putTable(this, tableLocation); tableManager.close(); */ System.out.println(forPrint + data.size() + ", " + buildTime + ", " + ((GeDBIT.dist.CountedMetric) metric).getCounter() + ", " + ((VPIndex) index).numLeaf + ", " + ((VPIndex) index).numInternal + ", " + (((VPIndex) index).numLeaf + ((VPIndex) index).numInternal) + ", " + ((GeDBIT.index.AbstractIndex) index) .getStoredDistanceNumber()); } /** * @param psm * @param numPivots * @param pm * @param singlePivotFanout * @param maxLeafSize * @param maxPathLength * @param bucket * @return */ protected String createIndexFileName(PivotSelectionMethod psm, int numPivots, PartitionMethod pm, int singlePivotFanout, int maxLeafSize, int maxPathLength, boolean bucket) { String psmName; if (psm instanceof GeDBIT.index.algorithms.IncrementalSelection) psmName = "incremental"; else psmName = psm.toString(); StringBuffer myFileName = new StringBuffer(sourceFileName + "-" + psmName + "-" + numPivots + "-" + pm + "-" + singlePivotFanout + "-MLS-" + maxLeafSize + "-MPL-" + maxPathLength); if (maxSize > 0) { myFileName.append("-S-" + maxSize); } if (bucket == true) { myFileName.append("-b-"); } return myFileName.toString(); } /** * @return */ public int getTableLocation() { return tableLocation; } /** * @return */ public int getMaxSize() { return maxSize; } /** * @return */ public String getIndexPrefix() { return indexPrefix; } }