package info.interactivesystems.gamificationengine.dao; import info.interactivesystems.gamificationengine.entities.task.Task; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; @Named @Stateless public class TaskDAO { @PersistenceContext(unitName = PersistenceUnit.PROJECT) private EntityManager em; /** * Stores a new task in the data base. * * @param task * The task which should be stored in the data base. * @return The generated id of the task. */ public int insertTask(Task task) { em.persist(task); em.flush(); return task.getId(); } /** * Gets the task by its id. * * @param id * The id of the requested task. * @param apiKey * The API key of the organisation to which the task belongs to. * @return The {@link Task} which is associated with the passed id and API key. */ public Task getTask(int id, String apiKey) { Query query = em.createQuery("select t from Task t where t.belongsTo.apiKey=:apiKey and", Task.class); List list = QueryUtils.configureQuery(query, id, apiKey); if (list.isEmpty()) { return null; } return ((Task) list.get(0)); } /** * Gets all tasks which are associated with the passed API key. * * @param apiKey * The API key of the organisation to which the tasks belong to. * @return A {@link List} of {@link Task}s with all tasks which are associated with the passed * API key. */ public List<Task> getTasks(String apiKey) { Query query = em.createQuery("select t from Task t join t.belongsTo a where a.apiKey=:apiKey"); query.setParameter("apiKey", apiKey); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Get all tasks whose ids are passed. * * @param ids * The ids of the tasks that should be returned. * @param apiKey * The API key of the organisation to which the tasks belong to. * @return A List of Tasks with all tasks that are associated with the passed ids and API key. */ public List<Task> getTasksWithId(List<Integer> ids, String apiKey) { Query query = em.createQuery("select t from Task t where t.belongsTo.apiKey=:apiKey and in (:ids)", Task.class); query.setParameter("apiKey", apiKey); query.setParameter("ids", ids); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Removes a task from the data base. * * @param id * The id of the task which should be deleted. * @param apiKey * The API key of the organisation to which the task belongs to. * @return The {@link Task} that is associated with the passed id and API key. */ public Task deleteTask(int id, String apiKey) { Task task = getTask(id, apiKey); if(task != null){ em.remove(task); } return task; } /** * Returns all tasks that haven't been done for at least one time, yet. * * @param apiKey * The API key of the organisation to which these tasks belong to. * @return A List of Tasks which are not done and associated with the passed API key. */ public List<Task> getTasksToDo(String apiKey) { Query query = em.createQuery("select t from Task t where t.belongsTo.apiKey=:apiKey and not exists (select fT from FinishedTask fT where", Task.class); query.setParameter("apiKey", apiKey); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Returns all tasks that are tradeable and haven't been done for at least one time, yet. * * @param apiKey * The API key of the organisation to which these tasks belong to. * @return A List of Tasks which are tradeable, not done and associated with the passed API key. */ public List<Task> getTradeableTasksToDo(String apiKey) { Query query = em.createQuery("select t from Task t where t.belongsTo.apiKey=:apiKey and t.tradeable=true and not exists (select fT from FinishedTask fT where", Task.class); query.setParameter("apiKey", apiKey); return query.getResultList(); } }