/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.exif; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class ExifParserTest extends ExifXmlDataTestCase { private static final String TAG = "ExifParserTest"; private ExifInterface mInterface; public ExifParserTest(int imgRes, int xmlRes) { super(imgRes, xmlRes); mInterface = new ExifInterface(); } public ExifParserTest(String imgPath, String xmlPath) { super(imgPath, xmlPath); mInterface = new ExifInterface(); } private List<Map<Short, List<String>>> mGroundTruth; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mGroundTruth = ExifXmlReader.readXml(getXmlParser()); } public void testParse() throws Exception { try { ExifParser parser = ExifParser.parse(getImageInputStream(), mInterface); int event = parser.next(); while (event != ExifParser.EVENT_END) { switch (event) { case ExifParser.EVENT_START_OF_IFD: break; case ExifParser.EVENT_NEW_TAG: ExifTag tag = parser.getTag(); if (!tag.hasValue()) { parser.registerForTagValue(tag); } else { checkTag(tag); } break; case ExifParser.EVENT_VALUE_OF_REGISTERED_TAG: tag = parser.getTag(); if (tag.getDataType() == ExifTag.TYPE_UNDEFINED) { byte[] buf = new byte[tag.getComponentCount()]; parser.read(buf); assertTrue(TAG, tag.setValue(buf)); } checkTag(tag); break; } event = parser.next(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(getImageTitle(), e); } } private void checkTag(ExifTag tag) { List<String> truth = mGroundTruth.get(tag.getIfd()).get(tag.getTagId()); if (truth == null) { fail(String.format("Unknown Tag %02x", tag.getTagId()) + ", " + getImageTitle()); } // No value from exiftool. if (truth.contains(null)) { return; } String dataString = Util.tagValueToString(tag).trim(); assertTrue(String.format("Tag %02x", tag.getTagId()) + ", " + getImageTitle() + ": " + dataString, truth.contains(dataString)); } private void parseOneIfd(int ifd, int options) throws Exception { try { Map<Short, List<String>> expectedResult = mGroundTruth.get(ifd); int numOfTag = 0; ExifParser parser = ExifParser.parse(getImageInputStream(), options, mInterface); int event = parser.next(); while (event != ExifParser.EVENT_END) { switch (event) { case ExifParser.EVENT_START_OF_IFD: assertEquals(getImageTitle(), ifd, parser.getCurrentIfd()); break; case ExifParser.EVENT_NEW_TAG: ExifTag tag = parser.getTag(); numOfTag++; if (tag.hasValue()) { checkTag(tag); } else { parser.registerForTagValue(tag); } break; case ExifParser.EVENT_VALUE_OF_REGISTERED_TAG: tag = parser.getTag(); if (tag.getDataType() == ExifTag.TYPE_UNDEFINED) { byte[] buf = new byte[tag.getComponentCount()]; parser.read(buf); tag.setValue(buf); } checkTag(tag); break; case ExifParser.EVENT_COMPRESSED_IMAGE: case ExifParser.EVENT_UNCOMPRESSED_STRIP: fail("Invalid Event type: " + event + ", " + getImageTitle()); break; } event = parser.next(); } assertEquals(getImageTitle(), ExifXmlReader.getTrueTagNumber(expectedResult), numOfTag); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(getImageTitle(), e); } } public void testOnlyExifIfd() throws Exception { parseOneIfd(IfdId.TYPE_IFD_EXIF, ExifParser.OPTION_IFD_EXIF); } public void testOnlyIfd0() throws Exception { parseOneIfd(IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0, ExifParser.OPTION_IFD_0); } public void testOnlyIfd1() throws Exception { parseOneIfd(IfdId.TYPE_IFD_1, ExifParser.OPTION_IFD_1); } public void testOnlyInteroperabilityIfd() throws Exception { parseOneIfd(IfdId.TYPE_IFD_INTEROPERABILITY, ExifParser.OPTION_IFD_INTEROPERABILITY); } public void testOnlyReadSomeTag() throws Exception { // Do not do this test if there is no model tag. if (mGroundTruth.get(IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0).get(ExifInterface.TAG_MODEL) == null) { return; } try { ExifParser parser = ExifParser.parse(getImageInputStream(), ExifParser.OPTION_IFD_0, mInterface); int event = parser.next(); boolean isTagFound = false; while (event != ExifParser.EVENT_END) { switch (event) { case ExifParser.EVENT_START_OF_IFD: assertEquals(getImageTitle(), IfdId.TYPE_IFD_0, parser.getCurrentIfd()); break; case ExifParser.EVENT_NEW_TAG: ExifTag tag = parser.getTag(); if (tag.getTagId() == ExifInterface.TAG_MODEL) { if (tag.hasValue()) { isTagFound = true; checkTag(tag); } else { parser.registerForTagValue(tag); } parser.skipRemainingTagsInCurrentIfd(); } break; case ExifParser.EVENT_VALUE_OF_REGISTERED_TAG: tag = parser.getTag(); assertEquals(getImageTitle(), ExifInterface.TAG_MODEL, tag.getTagId()); checkTag(tag); isTagFound = true; break; } event = parser.next(); } assertTrue(getImageTitle(), isTagFound); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(getImageTitle(), e); } } public void testReadThumbnail() throws Exception { try { ExifParser parser = ExifParser.parse(getImageInputStream(), ExifParser.OPTION_IFD_1 | ExifParser.OPTION_THUMBNAIL, mInterface); int event = parser.next(); Bitmap bmp = null; boolean mIsContainCompressedImage = false; while (event != ExifParser.EVENT_END) { switch (event) { case ExifParser.EVENT_NEW_TAG: ExifTag tag = parser.getTag(); if (tag.getTagId() == ExifInterface.TAG_COMPRESSION) { if (tag.getValueAt(0) == ExifInterface.Compression.JPEG) { mIsContainCompressedImage = true; } } break; case ExifParser.EVENT_COMPRESSED_IMAGE: int imageSize = parser.getCompressedImageSize(); byte buf[] = new byte[imageSize]; parser.read(buf); bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(buf, 0, imageSize); break; } event = parser.next(); } if (mIsContainCompressedImage) { assertNotNull(getImageTitle(), bmp); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(getImageTitle(), e); } } }