package gool.recognizer.common; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import gool.ast.core.ClassDef; import gool.ast.core.Field; import gool.ast.core.Meth; import gool.ast.core.Modifier; import gool.ast.core.Package; import gool.ast.core.RecognizedDependency; import gool.ast.core.VarDeclaration; import gool.ast.type.*; import gool.generator.common.Platform; public class GoolLibraryClassAstBuilder { static private Platform OutputLang; static private ArrayList<String> AlreadyBuiltClassNames; static private ArrayList<ClassDef> AlreadyBuiltAsts; static public void init(Platform outputLang) { OutputLang = outputLang; AlreadyBuiltClassNames = new ArrayList<String>(); AlreadyBuiltAsts = new ArrayList<ClassDef>(); } /* * methods used by the GoolMatcher to build a ClassDef from a GoolClass */ static public ClassDef buildGoolClass(String goolClass) { if (AlreadyBuiltClassNames.contains(goolClass) /*|| !isGoolClass(goolClass)*/) return null; ClassDef GoolClassAST = new ClassDef(goolClass.substring(goolClass .lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); GoolClassAST.setIsGoolLibraryClass(true); GoolClassAST.setIsEnum(false); GoolClassAST.setIsInterface(false); GoolClassAST.addModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC); GoolClassAST.setPpackage(new Package(goolClass.substring(0, goolClass.lastIndexOf(".")))); GoolClassAST.setPlatform(OutputLang); ArrayList<String> goolClassDependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); if(new File(getPathOfDefinitionFile(goolClass)).exists()) try { InputStream ips = new FileInputStream( getPathOfDefinitionFile(goolClass)); InputStreamReader ipsr = new InputStreamReader(ips); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(ipsr); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = removeSpaces(line); if (!isCommentLine(line)) { if (line.startsWith("[field]")) { /* String fieldName = line.substring( line.lastIndexOf("]") + 1, line.indexOf(":")); String fieldTypeName = line .substring(line.indexOf(":") + 1); IType fieldType = typeNameToNode(fieldTypeName); GoolClassAST.addField(new Field(Modifier.PRIVATE, fieldName, fieldType)); */ } else { if (line.startsWith("[method]") || line.startsWith("[constructor]")) { // GoolMethodImplementation goolMethod = new // GoolMethodImplementation(goolClass, // line.substring(line.lastIndexOf("]")+1)); /* IType returnType; String methodName; if (line.startsWith("[constructor]")) { returnType = TypeNone.INSTANCE; methodName = "init"; } else { returnType = typeNameToNode(line.substring(line .indexOf(":") + 1)); methodName = line.substring( line.lastIndexOf("]") + 1, line.indexOf("(")); } GoolMethodImplementation goolMethod = new GoolMethodImplementation( returnType, Modifier.PUBLIC, methodName, goolClass, line.substring(line .lastIndexOf("]") + 1)); */ /* * List<String> parameterTypes = * Arrays.asList(line.substring * (line.indexOf("(")+1,line * .indexOf(")")).split(",")); for(String * parameterType : parameterTypes) * goolMethod.addParam */ //goolMethod.setClassDef(GoolClassAST); //GoolClassAST.addMethod(goolMethod); } else { if (line.startsWith("[dependency]")) { goolClassDependencies.add(line.substring(line .indexOf("]") + 1)); } } } } } br.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } AlreadyBuiltClassNames.add(goolClass); AlreadyBuiltAsts.add(GoolClassAST); for (String goolClassDependency : goolClassDependencies) { GoolClassAST.addDependency(new RecognizedDependency( goolClassDependency)); buildGoolClass(goolClassDependency); } return GoolClassAST; } /* * Converts a textual type into the corresponding GOOL AST type node. */ /* static private IType typeNameToNode(String typeName) { if (typeName.equals("TypeString")) return TypeString.INSTANCE; else { if (typeName.startsWith("*")) { return new TypeGoolLibraryClass(typeName.substring(1)); } else { return new TypeGoolClassToMatch(typeName); } } }*/ static private boolean isGoolClass(String goolClass) { return new File(getPathOfDefinitionFile(goolClass)).exists(); } /* * file access methods */ static private String getPathOfDefinitionFile(String goolClass) { String goolPackageName = goolClass.substring(0, goolClass.lastIndexOf(".")); goolPackageName = goolPackageName.replace('.', '/'); String goolShortClassName = goolClass.substring(goolClass .lastIndexOf(".") + 1); return "src/gool/library/" + goolPackageName + "/" + goolShortClassName; } static private String removeSpaces(String line) { for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { if (line.charAt(i) == ' ' || line.charAt(i) == '\t') { line = line.substring(0, i) + line.substring(i + 1); i -= 1; } } return line; } static private boolean isCommentLine(String line) { return line.startsWith("#"); } static public ArrayList<String> getBuiltClassNames() { return AlreadyBuiltClassNames; } static public ArrayList<ClassDef> getBuiltAsts() { return AlreadyBuiltAsts; } }