package gdsc.utils; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.PolynomialCurveFitter; import org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.WeightedObservedPoints; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression; import gdsc.UsageTracker; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.PlotWindow; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.plugin.filter.ExtendedPlugInFilter; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.text.TextWindow; import ij.util.Tools; /** * Analyses the ROI across a stack of exposures. Exposures must be set within the slice labels. */ public class IntensityAnalysis implements ExtendedPlugInFilter { final static String TITLE = "Intensity Analysis"; final int flags = DOES_8G + DOES_16 + NO_CHANGES + DOES_STACKS + PARALLELIZE_STACKS + FINAL_PROCESSING; private static int window = 4; private static int bitDepth = 16; private static boolean debug = false; private static TextWindow results; private int commonIndex; private ImagePlus imp; private PlugInFilterRunner pfr; private ImageStack stack; private float[] exposures; private float[] means; private float saturated; private Rectangle bounds; private boolean[] mask; private int n; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#setup(java.lang.String, ij.ImagePlus) */ public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { if ("final".equals(arg)) { showResults(); return DONE; } UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if (imp == null || imp.getStackSize() == 1) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Require an input stack"); return DONE; } Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null || !roi.isArea()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Require an area ROI"); return DONE; } // Get the stack and the slice labels stack = imp.getImageStack(); if (imp.getNDimensions() > 3) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Require a 3D stack (not a hyper-stack)"); return DONE; } // Try to determine the common prefix to the slice labels String master = stack.getSliceLabel(1); // Find the first index where the labels are different int index = 0; OUTER: while (index < master.length()) { final char c = master.charAt(index); for (int i = 2; i <= stack.getSize(); i++) { if (c != stack.getSliceLabel(i).charAt(index)) break OUTER; } index++; } if (index == master.length()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Unable to determine common prefix within slice labels"); return DONE; } commonIndex = index; return flags; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.ExtendedPlugInFilter#showDialog(ij.ImagePlus, java.lang.String, * ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilterRunner) */ public int showDialog(ImagePlus imp, String command, PlugInFilterRunner pfr) { this.imp = imp; this.pfr = pfr; bitDepth = Math.min(bitDepth, imp.getBitDepth()); // Get the user options GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage( "Calculate the normalised intensity within an ROI.\nImages should have a linear response with respect to exposure."); gd.addSlider("Window", 3, stack.getSize(), window); gd.addSlider("Bit_depth", 4, imp.getBitDepth(), bitDepth); gd.addCheckbox("Debug", debug); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return DONE; window = Math.abs((int) gd.getNextNumber()); bitDepth = Math.abs((int) gd.getNextNumber()); debug = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (debug) debug("Prefix = %s\n", stack.getSliceLabel(1).substring(0, commonIndex)); // Extract the exposure times from the labels exposures = new float[stack.getSize()]; for (int i = 1; i <= stack.getSize(); i++) { String label = stack.getSliceLabel(i); // Find the first digit int startIndex = commonIndex; while (startIndex < label.length()) { if (Character.isDigit(label.charAt(startIndex))) break; startIndex++; } if (startIndex == label.length()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Unable to determine exposure for slice label: " + label); return DONE; } // Move along until no more characters that could be a float value are found int endIndex = startIndex + 1; while (endIndex < label.length()) { switch (label.charAt(endIndex)) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'F': case 'x': case '+': case '-': endIndex++; continue; } break; } try { exposures[i - 1] = Float.parseFloat(label.substring(startIndex, endIndex)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Unable to determine exposure for slice label: " + label); return DONE; } } // Initialise for processing the ROI pixels Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); bounds = roi.getBounds(); ImageProcessor ip = roi.getMask(); if (ip != null) { mask = new boolean[ip.getPixelCount()]; n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) if (ip.get(i) != 0) { mask[i] = true; n++; } } else { n = bounds.width * bounds.height; } if (debug) debug("Exposures = %s ...\n", Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOf(exposures, Math.min(10, exposures.length)))); means = new float[exposures.length]; saturated = (float) (Math.pow(2, bitDepth) - 1); return flags; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#run(ij.process.ImageProcessor) */ public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { // Process each slice to find the mean of the pixels in the ROI final int slice = pfr.getSliceNumber() - 1; boolean sat = false; double sum = 0; if (mask != null) { for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < bounds.height; y++) { int index = (y + bounds.y) * ip.getWidth() + bounds.x; for (int x = 0; x < bounds.width; x++, i++, index++) { if (mask[i]) { if (ip.getf(index) >= saturated) sat = true; sum += ip.getf(index); } } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < bounds.height; y++) { int index = (y + bounds.y) * ip.getWidth() + bounds.x; for (int x = 0; x < bounds.width; x++, index++) { if (ip.getf(index) >= saturated) sat = true; sum += ip.getf(index); } } } // Use negative for means with saturated pixels means[slice] = ((sat) ? -1 : 1) * (float) (sum / n); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.ExtendedPlugInFilter#setNPasses(int) */ public void setNPasses(int nPasses) { } /** * Show a plot of the mean for each slice against exposure. Perform linear fit on a sliding window and draw the best * fit line on the plot. */ private void showResults() { int valid = 0; float[] means2 = new float[means.length]; float[] exposures2 = new float[means.length]; for (int i = 0; i < means.length; i++) { if (means[i] < 0) { debug("Saturated pixels in slice %d : %s", i + 1, stack.getShortSliceLabel(i + 1)); means[i] = -means[i]; } else { means2[valid] = means[i]; exposures2[valid] = exposures[i]; valid++; } } means2 = Arrays.copyOf(means2, valid); exposures2 = Arrays.copyOf(exposures2, valid); String title = TITLE; Plot plot = new Plot(title, "Exposure", "Mean"); double[] a = Tools.getMinMax(exposures); double[] b = Tools.getMinMax(means); // Add some space to the limits for plotting double ra = (a[1] - a[0]) * 0.05; double rb = (b[1] - b[0]) * 0.05; plot.setLimits(a[0] - ra, a[1] + ra, b[0] - rb, b[1] + rb); plot.setColor(; plot.addPoints(exposures, means, Plot.CIRCLE); PlotWindow pw = Utils.display(title, plot); // Report results to a table if (results == null || !results.isVisible()) { results = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Summary", "Image\tx\ty\tw\th\tN\tStart\tEnd\tE1\tE2\tSS\tIntercept\tGradient", "", 800, 300); results.setVisible(true); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) { Point p = results.getLocation(); p.x = pw.getX(); p.y = pw.getY() + pw.getHeight(); results.setLocation(p); } } // Initialise result output StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(imp.getTitle()); sb.append('\t').append(bounds.x); sb.append('\t').append(bounds.y); sb.append('\t').append(bounds.width); sb.append('\t').append(bounds.height); sb.append('\t').append(n); if (means2.length < window) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Not enough unsaturated samples for the fit window: " + means2.length + " < " + window); addNullFitResult(sb); } else { // Do a linear fit using a sliding window. Find the region with the best linear fit. double bestSS = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int bestStart = 0; double[] bestFit = null; for (int start = 0; start < means2.length; start++) { int end = start + window; if (end > means2.length) break; // Linear fit final WeightedObservedPoints obs = new WeightedObservedPoints(); final SimpleRegression r = new SimpleRegression(); // Extract the data for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { obs.add(exposures2[i], means2[i]); r.addData(exposures2[i], means2[i]); } if (r.getN() > 0) { // Do linear regression to get diffusion rate final double[] init = { r.getIntercept(), r.getSlope() }; // a + b x final PolynomialCurveFitter fitter = PolynomialCurveFitter.create(2).withStartPoint(init); final double[] fit =; final PolynomialFunction fitted = new PolynomialFunction(fit); // Score the fit double ss = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { final double residual = fitted.value(exposures2[i]) - means2[i]; ss += residual * residual; } debug("%d - %d = %f : y = %f + %f x t\n", start, end, ss, fit[0], fit[1]); // Store best fit if (ss < bestSS) { bestSS = ss; bestStart = start; bestFit = fit; } } } if (bestFit == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No valid linear fits"); addNullFitResult(sb); } else { plot.setColor(; final PolynomialFunction fitted = new PolynomialFunction(bestFit); double x1 = exposures2[bestStart]; double y1 = fitted.value(x1); double x2 = exposures2[bestStart + window - 1]; double y2 = fitted.value(x2); plot.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); pw = Utils.display(title, plot); sb.append('\t').append(bestStart + 1); sb.append('\t').append(bestStart + window); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(x1)); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(x2)); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(bestSS)); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(bestFit[0])); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(bestFit[1])); } } results.append(sb.toString()); } private void addNullFitResult(StringBuilder sb) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) sb.append('\t'); } private void debug(String format, Object... args) { if (debug) IJ.log(String.format(format, args)); } }