package samples.misc; import com.sun.javafx.collections.annotations.ReturnsUnmodifiableCollection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import javafx.application.Platform; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.PROPERTY) public class Person { private static ObservableList<Person> testList; private static final boolean DEBUG = true; private static boolean liveUpdate = false; // private static Integer MAX_HISTORY = 100; public static Integer MAX_HISTORY = 10; private static long userIDCounter = 1; public static ObservableList<Person> getTestList() { return testList; } static { testList = FXCollections.observableArrayList( new Person("Jenny", "Bond", false, 23.64), new Person("Billy", "James", true, -12.11), new Person("Timmy", "Gordon", false, 45), new Person("Aiden", "Simpson", false, 0), new Person("Jacob", "Grant", true, -92.21), new Person("Jackson", "Matthews", false, 0), new Person("Ethan", "Beck", false, 48.12), new Person("Sophia", "Potts", true, 38.22), new Person("Isabella", "Bair", false, 823.43), new Person("Olivia", "Fowler", false, -201.23), new Person("Jayden", "Walker", true, 49.54), new Person("Emma", "Wong", false, -3.49), new Person("Chloe", "Samuelsson", false, 0.76), new Person("Logan", "Grieve", true, 49.22), new Person("Caden", "Sato", false, 90.56), new Person("Lilly", "Chin", false, -0.06), new Person("Madison", "Barbashov", true, 89.76), new Person("Ryan", "Beatty", false, 123.50), new Person("Hailey", "Giles", false, 90.56), new Person("Molly", "Vos", true, -87.12), new Person("Nolan", "Antonio", false, 992.12), new Person("Bryce", "Marinacci", false, 1832.29), new Person("Maria", "Mayhew", true, -782.12), new Person("Lauren", "Holt", false, 291.21), new Person("Jenny", "Bond", false, 23.64), new Person("Billy", "James", true, -12.11), new Person("Timmy", "Gordon", false, 45), new Person("Aiden", "Simpson", false, 0), new Person("Jacob", "Grant", true, -92.21), new Person("Jackson", "Matthews", false, 0), new Person("Ethan", "Beck", false, 48.12), new Person("Sophia", "Potts", true, 38.22), new Person("Isabella", "Bair", false, 823.43), new Person("Olivia", "Fowler", false, -201.23), new Person("Jayden", "Walker", true, 49.54), new Person("Emma", "Wong", false, -3.49), new Person("Chloe", "Samuelsson", false, 0.76), new Person("Logan", "Grieve", true, 49.22), new Person("Caden", "Sato", false, 90.56), new Person("Lilly", "Chin", false, -0.06), new Person("Madison", "Barbashov", true, 89.76), new Person("Ryan", "Beatty", false, 123.50), new Person("Hailey", "Giles", false, 90.56), new Person("Molly", "Vos", true, -87.12), new Person("Nolan", "Antonio", false, 992.12), new Person("Bryce", "Marinacci", false, 1832.29), new Person("Maria", "Mayhew", true, -782.12), new Person("Lauren", "Holt", false, 291.21), new Person("Jenny", "Bond", false, 23.64), new Person("Billy", "James", true, -12.11), new Person("Timmy", "Gordon", false, 45), new Person("Aiden", "Simpson", false, 0), new Person("Jacob", "Grant", true, -92.21), new Person("Jackson", "Matthews", false, 0), new Person("Ethan", "Beck", false, 48.12), new Person("Sophia", "Potts", true, 38.22), new Person("Isabella", "Bair", false, 823.43), new Person("Olivia", "Fowler", false, -201.23), new Person("Jayden", "Walker", true, 49.54), new Person("Emma", "Wong", false, -3.49), new Person("Chloe", "Samuelsson", false, 0.76), new Person("Logan", "Grieve", true, 49.22), new Person("Caden", "Sato", false, 90.56), new Person("Lilly", "Chin", false, -0.06), new Person("Madison", "Barbashov", true, 89.76), new Person("Ryan", "Beatty", false, 123.50), new Person("Hailey", "Giles", false, 90.56), new Person("Molly", "Vos", true, -87.12), new Person("Nolan", "Antonio", false, 992.12), new Person("Bryce", "Marinacci", false, 1832.29), new Person("Maria", "Mayhew", true, -782.12), new Person("Lauren", "Holt", false, 291.21), new Person("Jenny", "Bond", false, 23.64), new Person("Billy", "James", true, -12.11), new Person("Timmy", "Gordon", false, 45), new Person("Aiden", "Simpson", false, 0), new Person("Jacob", "Grant", true, -92.21), new Person("Jackson", "Matthews", false, 0), new Person("Ethan", "Beck", false, 48.12), new Person("Sophia", "Potts", true, 38.22), new Person("Isabella", "Bair", false, 823.43), new Person("Olivia", "Fowler", false, -201.23), new Person("Jayden", "Walker", true, 49.54), new Person("Emma", "Wong", false, -3.49), new Person("Chloe", "Samuelsson", false, 0.76), new Person("Logan", "Grieve", true, 49.22), new Person("Caden", "Sato", false, 90.56), new Person("Lilly", "Chin", false, -0.06), new Person("Madison", "Barbashov", true, 89.76), new Person("Ryan", "Beatty", false, 123.50), new Person("Hailey", "Giles", false, 90.56), new Person("Molly", "Vos", true, -87.12), new Person("Nolan", "Antonio", false, 992.12), new Person("Bryce", "Marinacci", false, 1832.29), new Person("Maria", "Mayhew", true, -782.12), new Person("Lauren", "Holt", false, 291.21) ); } public static final String FIRST_NAME = "firstName"; public static final String LAST_NAME = "lastName"; public static final String TELECOMMUTER = "telecommuter"; public static final String BALANCE = "balance"; public static ObservableList<Map> getTestMap(boolean getProperty) { List<Person> personList = getTestList(); ObservableList<Map> personMapList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < personList.size(); i++) { Person p = personList.get(i); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (getProperty) { map.put(FIRST_NAME, p.firstNameProperty()); map.put(LAST_NAME, p.lastNameProperty()); map.put(TELECOMMUTER, p.telecommuterProperty()); map.put(BALANCE, p.balanceProperty()); } else { map.put(FIRST_NAME, p.getFirstName()); map.put(LAST_NAME, p.getLastName()); map.put(TELECOMMUTER, p.isTelecommuter()); map.put(BALANCE, p.getBalance()); } personMapList.add(map); } return personMapList; } private static Thread liveUpdateThread; private long userID; public long getUserID() { return userID; } @XmlElement(name="userId") public void setUserId(long v) { this.userID = v; } public Person() { this.userID = (long) (10000 * Math.random()); this.firstNameProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "firstName"); this.lastNameProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "lastName"); this.telecommuterProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "telecommuter"); this.balanceProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "balance"); this.progressProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "progress"); this.earningsProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "earnings"); this.totalEarningsProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "totalEarnings"); this.totalSalesProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "totalSales"); } private final StringProperty firstNameProperty; public final StringProperty firstNameProperty() { return firstNameProperty; } public String getFirstName() { return firstNameProperty.get(); } public void setFirstName(String newName) { firstNameProperty.set(newName); } private final StringProperty lastNameProperty; public final StringProperty lastNameProperty() { return lastNameProperty; } public String getLastName() { return lastNameProperty.get(); } public void setLastName(String newName) { lastNameProperty.set(newName); } private final BooleanProperty telecommuterProperty; public final BooleanProperty telecommuterProperty() { return telecommuterProperty; } public boolean isTelecommuter() { return telecommuterProperty.get(); } public void setTelecommuter (boolean v) {telecommuterProperty().set(v); } private final DoubleProperty balanceProperty; public final DoubleProperty balanceProperty() { return balanceProperty; } public double getBalance() { return balanceProperty.get(); } private final DoubleProperty progressProperty; public final DoubleProperty progressProperty() { return progressProperty; } public double getProgress() { return progressProperty.get(); } private void setProgress(double progress) { progressProperty.set(progress); } private final DoubleProperty earningsProperty; public final DoubleProperty earningsProperty() { return earningsProperty; } public double getEarnings() { return earningsProperty.get(); } public void setEarnings(double earnings) { earningsProperty.set(earnings); } private final ObservableList<Double> historicEarnings = FXCollections.observableArrayList(new LinkedList<Double>()); private final ObservableList<Double> unmodifiableHistoricEarnings = FXCollections.unmodifiableObservableList(historicEarnings); @ReturnsUnmodifiableCollection public final ObservableList<Double> getHistoricEarnings() { return unmodifiableHistoricEarnings; } private final DoubleProperty totalEarningsProperty; public final DoubleProperty totalEarningsProperty() { return totalEarningsProperty; } public double getTotalEarnings() { return totalEarningsProperty.get(); } private void setTotalEarnings(double earnings) { totalEarningsProperty.set(earnings); } private final DoubleProperty totalSalesProperty; public final DoubleProperty totalSalesProperty() { return totalSalesProperty; } public double getTotalSales() { return totalSalesProperty.get(); } private void setTotalSales(double earnings) { totalSalesProperty.set(earnings); } public Person(String firstName, String lastName, boolean telecommuter) { this(firstName, lastName, telecommuter, 0.0); } public Person(String firstName, String lastName, boolean telecommuter, double balance) { this.userID = userIDCounter++; this.firstNameProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "firstName", firstName); this.lastNameProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "lastName", lastName); this.telecommuterProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "telecommuter", telecommuter); this.balanceProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "balance", balance); this.progressProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "progress"); this.earningsProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "earnings"); this.totalEarningsProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "totalEarnings"); this.totalSalesProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "totalSales"); setProgress(Math.random()); double earnings = Math.random() * 10 * (new Random().nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1); setEarnings(earnings); double sales = (int) ((Math.random() * 900) + 100) / 10.0; setTotalSales(sales); this.earningsProperty.addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov, Number oldValue, Number newValue) { // add to historic earnings if (historicEarnings.size() > MAX_HISTORY) { historicEarnings.remove(0); } historicEarnings.add((Double)newValue); setTotalEarnings(getTotalEarnings() + (Double) newValue); } }); if (DEBUG) { this.firstNameProperty.addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() { @Override public void changed(javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue<? extends String> arg0, String ov, String nv) { System.out.println(ov + " is renamed to : " + nv); }; }); this.telecommuterProperty.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void changed(javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> arg0, Boolean ov, Boolean nv) { System.out.println(getFirstName() + " is a remote worker: " + nv); }; }); } } public static void setLiveUpdate(boolean liveUpdate) { Person.liveUpdate = liveUpdate; if (liveUpdate) { startLiveUpdateThread(); } } private static void startLiveUpdateThread() { liveUpdateThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { int sleep = 30; Random r = new Random(); @Override public void run() { while (liveUpdate) { for (Person p : getTestList()) { final Person person = p; double newProgress = (p.getProgress() + 0.025 * r.nextDouble()) % 1.0; boolean updateEarnings = newProgress < p.getProgress(); p.setProgress(newProgress); if (updateEarnings) { final double earnings = p.getEarnings() + (Math.random() * 1 * (r.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1)); Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { person.setEarnings(earnings); } }); } } try { Thread.sleep(sleep); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } } }); liveUpdateThread.setDaemon(true); liveUpdateThread.start(); } @Override public String toString() { return getFirstName(); } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 89 * hash + (int) (this.userID ^ (this.userID >>> 32)); return hash; } @Override public boolean equals (Object o) { boolean answer = false; if (o instanceof Person) { Person target = (Person)o; answer = target.getUserID() == userID; } return answer; } }