package com.dahanis.utils.bluetoothprinter; import; import; class PrintCodeAndBitmapDataMaker { int nStartOrgx = 5; int nBarcodetype = 0x49; int nBarcodeWidth = 4; int nBarcodeHeight = 4; int nBarcodeFontType = 0; int nBarcodeFontPosition = 0x02; String strBarcode = "123456678"; int nOrgx = nStartOrgx * 12;// nStartOrgx 起始缩进的位置-->>以下几个参数请参考array.txt int nType = 65 + nBarcodetype; // nBarcodetype 条码的类型 int nWidthX = nBarcodeWidth + 2;// nBarcodeWidth 条码宽度 int nHeight = (nBarcodeHeight + 1) * 24; // nBarcodeHeight 条码高度 int nHriFontType = nBarcodeFontType; // nBarcodeFontType 条码文本字体 int nHriFontPosition = nBarcodeFontPosition; // nBarcodeFontPosition 条码文本位置 public byte[] printBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { // return POS_S_SetQRcode("helfkdsjfj", 6, 4); if (bitmap == null) { return new byte[0]; } return POS_PrintPicture(bitmap, 576, 0); // return thresholdToBWPic(bitmap); } public byte[] printQRCode(String qrCode) { return POS_S_SetQRcode(qrCode, 6, 4); } // 打印条形码 public byte[] POS_S_SetBarcode(String strCodedata, int nOrgx, int nType, int nWidthX, int nHeight, int nHriFontType, int nHriFontPosition) { if (nOrgx < 0 | nOrgx > 65535 | nType < 0x41 | nType > 0x49 | nWidthX < 2 | nWidthX > 6 | nHeight < 1 | nHeight > 255) return new byte[0]; byte[] bCodeData = null; try { bCodeData = strCodedata.getBytes("GBK"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return new byte[0]; } com.dahanis.utils.bluetoothprinter.Cmd.ESCCmd.ESC_dollors_nL_nH[2] = (byte) (nOrgx % 0x100); Cmd.ESCCmd.ESC_dollors_nL_nH[3] = (byte) (nOrgx / 0x100); Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_w_n[2] = (byte) nWidthX; Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_h_n[2] = (byte) nHeight; Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_f_n[2] = (byte) (nHriFontType & 0x01); Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_H_n[2] = (byte) (nHriFontPosition & 0x03); Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_k_m_n_[2] = (byte) nType; Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_k_m_n_[3] = (byte) bCodeData.length; byte[] data = byteArraysToBytes(new byte[][]{ Cmd.ESCCmd.ESC_dollors_nL_nH, Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_w_n, Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_h_n, Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_f_n,Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_H_n, Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_k_m_n_, bCodeData}); return data; } public static byte[] POS_S_SetQRcode(String strCodedata, int nWidthX, int nErrorCorrectionLevel) { if (nWidthX < 2 | nWidthX > 6 | nErrorCorrectionLevel < 1 | nErrorCorrectionLevel > 4) return new byte[0]; byte[] bCodeData = null; try { bCodeData = strCodedata.getBytes("GBK"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return new byte[0]; } Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_w_n[2] = (byte) nWidthX; Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_k_m_v_r_nL_nH[3] = 0x00;//设置规格为6 Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_k_m_v_r_nL_nH[4] = (byte) nErrorCorrectionLevel; Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_k_m_v_r_nL_nH[5] = (byte) (bCodeData.length & 0xff); Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_k_m_v_r_nL_nH[6] = (byte) ((bCodeData.length & 0xff00) >> 8); byte[] data = byteArraysToBytes(new byte[][]{ Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_w_n, Cmd.ESCCmd.GS_k_m_v_r_nL_nH, bCodeData}); return data; } public byte[] POS_PrintPicture(Bitmap mBitmap, int nWidth, int nMode) { // 先转黑白,再调用函数缩放位图 // 不转黑白 int width = ((nWidth + 7) / 8) * 8; int height = mBitmap.getHeight() * width / mBitmap.getWidth(); height = ((height + 7) / 8) * 8; Bitmap rszBitmap = ImageProcessing.resizeImage(mBitmap, width, height); Bitmap grayBitmap = ImageProcessing.toGrayscale(rszBitmap); byte[] dithered = bitmapToBWPix(grayBitmap); byte[] data = eachLinePixToCmd(dithered, width, nMode); // if (IO.PORT_BT == IO.GetCurPort() && pictureUseFlowControl) { // // 基本超时1000ms 40k的数据4000ms超时 // POS_Write_FlowControl(data, 0, data.length, 128); // } else if (IO.PORT_USB == IO.GetCurPort()){ // IO.Write(data, 0, data.length); // } else { // // 当width = 384时,一行数据占48个字节,加上8个字节头,总共width/8+8个字节。 // int nBytesPerLine = width / 8 + 8; // int nLinesPerTest = 1; // if (IO.PORT_BT == IO.GetCurPort()) // nLinesPerTest = 30; // else if (IO.PORT_NET == IO.GetCurPort()) // nLinesPerTest = 5; // else if (IO.PORT_USB == IO.GetCurPort()) // nLinesPerTest = 60; // // POS_Write_Safety(data, 0, data.length, nBytesPerLine // * nLinesPerTest); // // IO.Write(data, 0, data.length); // } return data; } private static byte[] thresholdToBWPic(Bitmap mBitmap) { int[] pixels = new int[mBitmap.getWidth() * mBitmap.getHeight()]; byte[] data = new byte[mBitmap.getWidth() * mBitmap.getHeight()]; mBitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, mBitmap.getWidth(), 0, 0, mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight()); // for the toGrayscale, we need to select a red or green or blue color ImageProcessing.format_K_threshold(pixels, mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight(), data); return data; } /** * 将ARGB图转换为二值图,0代表黑,1代表白 * * @param mBitmap * @return */ private byte[] bitmapToBWPix(Bitmap mBitmap) { int[] pixels = new int[mBitmap.getWidth() * mBitmap.getHeight()]; byte[] data = new byte[mBitmap.getWidth() * mBitmap.getHeight()]; mBitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, mBitmap.getWidth(), 0, 0, mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight()); // for the toGrayscale, we need to select a red or green or blue color ImageProcessing.format_K_dither16x16(pixels, mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight(), data); return data; } // nWidth必须为8的倍数,这个只需在上层控制即可 // 之所以弄成一维数组,是因为一维数组速度会快一点 private static int[] p0 = {0, 0x80}; private static int[] p1 = {0, 0x40}; private static int[] p2 = {0, 0x20}; private static int[] p3 = {0, 0x10}; private static int[] p4 = {0, 0x08}; private static int[] p5 = {0, 0x04}; private static int[] p6 = {0, 0x02}; // 1行作为1个图片,这样打印不会乱 @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static byte[] pixToCmd(byte[] src, int nWidth, int nMode) { // nWidth = 384; nHeight = 582; int nHeight = src.length / nWidth; byte[] data = new byte[8 + (src.length / 8)]; data[0] = 0x1d; data[1] = 0x76; data[2] = 0x30; data[3] = (byte) (nMode & 0x01); data[4] = (byte) ((nWidth / 8) % 0x100);// (xl+xh*256)*8 = nWidth data[5] = (byte) ((nWidth / 8) / 0x100); data[6] = (byte) ((nHeight) % 0x100);// (yl+yh*256) = nHeight data[7] = (byte) ((nHeight) / 0x100); int k = 0; for (int i = 8; i < data.length; i++) { // 不行,没有加权 data[i] = (byte) (p0[src[k]] + p1[src[k + 1]] + p2[src[k + 2]] + p3[src[k + 3]] + p4[src[k + 4]] + p5[src[k + 5]] + p6[src[k + 6]] + src[k + 7]); k = k + 8; } return data; } private static byte[] eachLinePixToCmd(byte[] src, int nWidth, int nMode) { int nHeight = src.length / nWidth; int nBytesPerLine = nWidth / 8; byte[] data = new byte[nHeight * (8 + nBytesPerLine)]; int offset = 0; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++) { offset = i * (8 + nBytesPerLine); data[offset + 0] = 0x1d; data[offset + 1] = 0x76; data[offset + 2] = 0x30; data[offset + 3] = (byte) (nMode & 0x01); data[offset + 4] = (byte) (nBytesPerLine % 0x100); data[offset + 5] = (byte) (nBytesPerLine / 0x100); data[offset + 6] = 0x01; data[offset + 7] = 0x00; for (int j = 0; j < nBytesPerLine; j++) { data[offset + 8 + j] = (byte) (p0[src[k]] + p1[src[k + 1]] + p2[src[k + 2]] + p3[src[k + 3]] + p4[src[k + 4]] + p5[src[k + 5]] + p6[src[k + 6]] + src[k + 7]); k = k + 8; } } return data; } public static byte[] byteArraysToBytes(byte[][] data) { int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) length += data[i].length; byte[] send = new byte[length]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) send[k++] = data[i][j]; return send; } }