/* Copyright 2009 David Revell This file is part of SwiFTP. SwiFTP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SwiFTP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SwiFTP. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.swiftp; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import net.micode.fileexplorer.FTPServerService; import net.micode.fileexplorer.R; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; public class ProxyConnector extends Thread { public static final int IN_BUF_SIZE = 2048; public static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; public static final int RESPONSE_WAIT_MS = 10000; public static final int QUEUE_WAIT_MS = 20000; public static final long UPDATE_USAGE_BYTES = 5000000; public static final String PREFERRED_SERVER = "preferred_server"; //preferences public static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5000; private FTPServerService ftpServerService; private MyLog myLog = new MyLog(getClass().getName()); private JSONObject response = null; private Thread responseWaiter = null; private Queue<Thread> queuedRequestThreads = new LinkedList<Thread>(); private Socket commandSocket = null; private OutputStream out = null; private String hostname = null; private InputStream inputStream = null; private long proxyUsage = 0; private State proxyState = State.DISCONNECTED; private String prefix; private String proxyMessage = null; public enum State {CONNECTING, CONNECTED, FAILED, UNREACHABLE, DISCONNECTED}; //QuotaStats cachedQuotaStats = null; // quotas have been canceled for now static final String USAGE_PREFS_NAME = "proxy_usage_data"; /* We establish a so-called "command session" to the proxy. New connections * will be handled by creating addition control and data connections to the * proxy. See proxy_protocol.txt and proxy_architecture.pdf for an * explanation of how proxying works. Hint: it's complicated. */ public ProxyConnector(FTPServerService ftpServerService) { this.ftpServerService = ftpServerService; this.proxyUsage = getPersistedProxyUsage(); setProxyState(State.DISCONNECTED); Globals.setProxyConnector(this); } public void run() { myLog.i("In ProxyConnector.run()"); setProxyState(State.CONNECTING); try { String candidateProxies[] = getProxyList(); for(String candidateHostname : candidateProxies) { hostname = candidateHostname; commandSocket = newAuthedSocket(hostname, Defaults.REMOTE_PROXY_PORT); if(commandSocket == null) { continue; } commandSocket.setSoTimeout(0); // 0 == forever //commandSocket.setKeepAlive(true); // Now that we have authenticated, we want to start the command session so we can // be notified of pending control sessions. JSONObject request = makeJsonRequest("start_command_session"); response = sendRequest(commandSocket, request); if(response == null) { myLog.i("Couldn't create proxy command session"); continue; // try next server } if(!response.has("prefix")) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "start_command_session didn't receive a prefix in response"); continue; // try next server } prefix = response.getString("prefix"); response = null; // Indicate that response is free for other use myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Got prefix of: " + prefix); break; // breaking with commandSocket != null indicates success } if(commandSocket == null) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "No proxies accepted connection, failing."); setProxyState(State.UNREACHABLE); return; } setProxyState(State.CONNECTED); preferServer(hostname); inputStream = commandSocket.getInputStream(); out = commandSocket.getOutputStream(); int numBytes; byte[] bytes = new byte[IN_BUF_SIZE]; //spawnQuotaRequester().start(); while(true) { myLog.d("to proxy read()"); numBytes = inputStream.read(bytes); incrementProxyUsage(numBytes); myLog.d("from proxy read()"); JSONObject incomingJson = null; if(numBytes > 0) { String responseString = new String(bytes, ENCODING); incomingJson = new JSONObject(responseString); if(incomingJson.has("action")) { // If the incoming JSON object has an "action" field, then it is a // request, and not a response incomingCommand(incomingJson); } else { // If the incoming JSON object does not have an "action" field, then // it is a response to a request we sent earlier. // If there's an object waiting for a response, then that object // will be referenced by responseWaiter. if(responseWaiter != null) { if(response != null) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Overwriting existing cmd session response"); } response = incomingJson; responseWaiter.interrupt(); } else { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Response received but no responseWaiter"); } } } else if(numBytes == 0) { myLog.d("Command socket read 0 bytes, looping"); } else { // numBytes < 0 myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "Command socket end of stream, exiting"); if(proxyState != State.DISCONNECTED) { // Set state to FAILED unless this was an intentional // socket closure. setProxyState(State.FAILED); } break; } } myLog.l(Log.INFO, "ProxyConnector thread quitting cleanly"); } catch (IOException e) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "IOException in command session: " + e); setProxyState(State.FAILED); } catch (JSONException e) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Commmand socket JSONException: " + e); setProxyState(State.FAILED); } catch (Exception e) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Other exception in ProxyConnector: " + e); setProxyState(State.FAILED); } finally { Globals.setProxyConnector(null); hostname = null; myLog.d("ProxyConnector.run() returning"); persistProxyUsage(); } } // This function is used to spawn a new Thread that will make a request over the // command thread. Since the main ProxyConnector thread handles the input // request/response de-multiplexing, it cannot also make a request using the // sendCmdSocketRequest, since sendCmdSocketRequest will block waiting for // a response, but the same thread is expected to deliver the response. // The short story is, if the main ProxyConnector command session thread wants to // make a request, the easiest way is to spawn a new thread and have it call // sendCmdSocketRequest in the same way as any other thread. //private Thread spawnQuotaRequester() { // return new Thread() { // public void run() { // getQuotaStats(false); // } // }; //} /** * Since we want devices to generally stick with the same proxy server, * and we may want to explicitly redirect some devices to other servers, * we have this mechanism to store a "preferred server" on the device. */ private void preferServer(String hostname) { SharedPreferences prefs = Globals.getContext() .getSharedPreferences(PREFERRED_SERVER, 0); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putString(PREFERRED_SERVER, hostname); editor.commit(); } private String[] getProxyList() { SharedPreferences prefs = Globals.getContext() .getSharedPreferences(PREFERRED_SERVER, 0); String preferred = prefs.getString(PREFERRED_SERVER, null); String[] allProxies; if(Defaults.release) { allProxies = new String[] { "c1.swiftp.org", "c2.swiftp.org", "c3.swiftp.org", "c4.swiftp.org", "c5.swiftp.org", "c6.swiftp.org", "c7.swiftp.org", "c8.swiftp.org", "c9.swiftp.org"}; } else { //allProxies = new String[] { // "cdev.swiftp.org" //}; allProxies = new String[] { "c1.swiftp.org", "c2.swiftp.org", "c3.swiftp.org", "c4.swiftp.org", "c5.swiftp.org", "c6.swiftp.org", "c7.swiftp.org", "c8.swiftp.org", "c9.swiftp.org"}; } // We should randomly permute the server list in order to spread // load between servers. Collections offers a shuffle() function // that does this, so we'll convert to List and back to String[]. List<String> proxyList = Arrays.asList(allProxies); Collections.shuffle(proxyList); allProxies = proxyList.toArray(new String[] {}); // arg used for type // Return preferred server first, followed by all others if(preferred == null) { return allProxies; } else { return Util.concatStrArrays( new String[] {preferred}, allProxies); } } private boolean checkAndPrintJsonError(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { if(json.has("error_code")) { // The returned JSON object will have a field called "errorCode" // if there was a problem executing our request. StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder( "Error in JSON response, code: "); s.append(json.getString("error_code")); if(json.has("error_string")) { s.append(", string: "); s.append(json.getString("error_string")); } myLog.l(Log.INFO, s.toString()); // Obsolete: there's no authentication anymore // Dev code to enable frequent database wipes. If we fail to login, // remove our stored account info, causing a create_account action // next time. //if(!Defaults.release) { // if(json.getInt("error_code") == 11) { // myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "Dev: removing secret due to login failure"); // removeSecret(); // } //} return true; } return false; } /** * Reads our persistent storage, looking for a stored proxy authentication secret. * @return The secret, if present, or null. */ //Obsolete, there's no authentication anymore /*private String retrieveSecret() { SharedPreferences settings = Globals.getContext(). getSharedPreferences(Defaults.getSettingsName(), Defaults.getSettingsMode()); return settings.getString("proxySecret", null); }*/ //Obsolete, there's no authentication anymore /*private void storeSecret(String secret) { SharedPreferences settings = Globals.getContext(). getSharedPreferences(Defaults.getSettingsName(), Defaults.getSettingsMode()); Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putString("proxySecret", secret); editor.commit(); }*/ //Obsolete, there's no authentication anymore /*private void removeSecret() { SharedPreferences settings = Globals.getContext(). getSharedPreferences(Defaults.getSettingsName(), Defaults.getSettingsMode()); Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.remove("proxySecret"); editor.commit(); }*/ private void incomingCommand(JSONObject json) { try { String action = json.getString("action"); if(action.equals("control_connection_waiting")) { startControlSession(json.getInt("port")); } else if(action.equals("prefer_server")) { String host = json.getString("host"); // throws JSONException, fine preferServer(host); myLog.i("New preferred server: " + host); } else if(action.equals("message")) { proxyMessage = json.getString("text"); myLog.i("Got news from proxy server: \"" + proxyMessage + "\""); FTPServerService.updateClients(); // UI update to show message } else if(action.equals("noop")) { myLog.d("Proxy noop"); } else { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Unsupported incoming action: " + action); } // If we're starting a control session register with ftpServerService } catch (JSONException e){ myLog.l(Log.INFO, "JSONException in proxy incomingCommand"); } } private void startControlSession(int port) { Socket socket; myLog.d("Starting new proxy FTP control session"); socket = newAuthedSocket(hostname, port); if(socket == null) { myLog.i("startControlSession got null authed socket"); return; } ProxyDataSocketFactory dataSocketFactory = new ProxyDataSocketFactory(); SessionThread thread = new SessionThread(socket, dataSocketFactory, SessionThread.Source.PROXY); thread.start(); ftpServerService.registerSessionThread(thread); } /** * Connects an outgoing socket to the proxy and authenticates, creating an account * if necessary. */ private Socket newAuthedSocket(String hostname, int port) { if(hostname == null) { myLog.i("newAuthedSocket can't connect to null host"); return null; } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); //String secret = retrieveSecret(); Socket socket; OutputStream out = null; InputStream in = null; try { myLog.d("Opening proxy connection to " + hostname + ":" + port); socket = new Socket(); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port), CONNECT_TIMEOUT); json.put("android_id", Util.getAndroidId()); json.put("swiftp_version", Util.getVersion()); json.put("action", "login"); out = socket.getOutputStream(); in = socket.getInputStream(); int numBytes; out.write(json.toString().getBytes(ENCODING)); myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "Sent login request"); // Read and parse the server's response byte[] bytes = new byte[IN_BUF_SIZE]; // Here we assume that the server's response will all be contained in // a single read, which may be unsafe for large responses numBytes = in.read(bytes); if(numBytes == -1) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Proxy socket closed while waiting for auth response"); return null; } else if (numBytes == 0) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Short network read waiting for auth, quitting"); return null; } json = new JSONObject(new String(bytes, 0, numBytes, ENCODING)); if(checkAndPrintJsonError(json)) { return null; } myLog.d("newAuthedSocket successful"); return socket; } catch(Exception e) { myLog.i("Exception during proxy connection or authentication: " + e); return null; } } public void quit() { setProxyState(State.DISCONNECTED); try { sendRequest(commandSocket, makeJsonRequest("finished")); // ignore reply if(inputStream != null) { myLog.d("quit() closing proxy inputStream"); inputStream.close(); } else { myLog.d("quit() won't close null inputStream"); } if(commandSocket != null) { myLog.d("quit() closing proxy socket"); commandSocket.close(); } else { myLog.d("quit() won't close null socket"); } } catch (IOException e) {} catch(JSONException e) {} persistProxyUsage(); Globals.setProxyConnector(null); } private JSONObject sendCmdSocketRequest(JSONObject json) { try { boolean queued; synchronized(this) { if(responseWaiter == null) { responseWaiter = Thread.currentThread(); queued = false; myLog.d("sendCmdSocketRequest proceeding without queue"); } else if (!responseWaiter.isAlive()) { // This code should never run. It is meant to recover from a situation // where there is a thread that sent a proxy request but died before // starting the subsequent request. If this is the case, the correct // behavior is to run the next queued thread in the queue, or if the // queue is empty, to perform our own request. myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Won't wait on dead responseWaiter"); if(queuedRequestThreads.size() == 0) { responseWaiter = Thread.currentThread(); queued = false; } else { queuedRequestThreads.add(Thread.currentThread()); queuedRequestThreads.remove().interrupt(); // start queued thread queued = true; } } else { myLog.d("sendCmdSocketRequest queueing thread"); queuedRequestThreads.add(Thread.currentThread()); queued = true; } } // If a different thread has sent a request and is waiting for a response, // then the current thread will be in a queue waiting for an interrupt if(queued) { // The current thread must wait until we are popped off the waiting queue // and receive an interrupt() boolean interrupted = false; try { myLog.d("Queued cmd session request thread sleeping..."); Thread.sleep(QUEUE_WAIT_MS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "Proxy request popped and ready"); interrupted = true; } if(!interrupted) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Timed out waiting on proxy queue"); return null; } } // We have been popped from the wait queue if necessary, and now it's time // to send the request. try { responseWaiter = Thread.currentThread(); byte[] outboundData = Util.jsonToByteArray(json); try { out.write(outboundData); } catch(IOException e) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "IOException sending proxy request"); return null; } // Wait RESPONSE_WAIT_MS for a response from the proxy boolean interrupted = false; try { // Wait for the main ProxyConnector thread to interrupt us, meaning // that a response has been received. myLog.d("Cmd session request sleeping until response"); Thread.sleep(RESPONSE_WAIT_MS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { myLog.d("Cmd session response received"); interrupted = true; } if(!interrupted) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "Proxy request timed out"); return null; } // At this point, the main ProxyConnector thread will have stored // our response in "JSONObject response". myLog.d("Cmd session response was: " + response); return response; } finally { // Make sure that when this request finishes, the next thread on the // queue gets started. synchronized(this) { if(queuedRequestThreads.size() != 0) { queuedRequestThreads.remove().interrupt(); } } } } catch (JSONException e) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "JSONException in sendRequest: " + e); return null; } } public JSONObject sendRequest(InputStream in, OutputStream out, JSONObject request) throws JSONException { try { out.write(Util.jsonToByteArray(request)); byte[] bytes = new byte[IN_BUF_SIZE]; int numBytes = in.read(bytes); if(numBytes < 1) { myLog.i("Proxy sendRequest short read on response"); return null; } JSONObject response = Util.byteArrayToJson(bytes); if(response == null) { myLog.i("Null response to sendRequest"); } if(checkAndPrintJsonError(response)) { myLog.i("Error response to sendRequest"); return null; } return response; } catch (IOException e) { myLog.i("IOException in proxy sendRequest: " + e); return null; } } public JSONObject sendRequest(Socket socket, JSONObject request) throws JSONException { try { if(socket == null) { // The server is probably shutting down myLog.i("null socket in ProxyConnector.sendRequest()"); return null; } else { return sendRequest(socket.getInputStream(), socket.getOutputStream(), request); } } catch (IOException e) { myLog.i("IOException in proxy sendRequest wrapper: " + e); return null; } } public ProxyDataSocketInfo pasvListen() { try { // connect to proxy and authenticate myLog.d("Sending data_pasv_listen to proxy"); Socket socket = newAuthedSocket(this.hostname, Defaults.REMOTE_PROXY_PORT); if(socket == null) { myLog.i("pasvListen got null socket"); return null; } JSONObject request = makeJsonRequest("data_pasv_listen"); JSONObject response = sendRequest(socket, request); if(response == null) { return null; } int port = response.getInt("port"); return new ProxyDataSocketInfo(socket, port); } catch(JSONException e) { myLog.l(Log.INFO, "JSONException in pasvListen"); return null; } } public Socket dataPortConnect(InetAddress clientAddr, int clientPort) { /** * This function is called by a ProxyDataSocketFactory when it's time to * transfer some data in PORT mode (not PASV mode). We send a * data_port_connect request to the proxy, containing the IP and port * of the FTP client to which a connection should be made. */ try { myLog.d("Sending data_port_connect to proxy"); Socket socket = newAuthedSocket(this.hostname, Defaults.REMOTE_PROXY_PORT); if(socket == null) { myLog.i("dataPortConnect got null socket"); return null; } JSONObject request = makeJsonRequest("data_port_connect"); request.put("address", clientAddr.getHostAddress()); request.put("port", clientPort); JSONObject response = sendRequest(socket, request); if(response == null) { return null; // logged elsewhere } return socket; } catch (JSONException e) { myLog.i("JSONException in dataPortConnect"); return null; } } /** * Given a socket returned from pasvListen(), send a data_pasv_accept request * over the socket to the proxy, which should result in a socket that is ready * for data transfer with the FTP client. Of course, this will only work if the * FTP client connects to the proxy like it's supposed to. The client will have * already been told to connect by the response to its PASV command. * * This should only be called from the onTransfer method of ProxyDataSocketFactory. * * @param socket A socket previously returned from ProxyConnector.pasvListen() * @return true if the accept operation completed OK, otherwise false */ public boolean pasvAccept(Socket socket) { try { JSONObject request = makeJsonRequest("data_pasv_accept"); JSONObject response = sendRequest(socket, request); if(response == null) { return false; // error is logged elsewhere } if(checkAndPrintJsonError(response)) { myLog.i("Error response to data_pasv_accept"); return false; } // The proxy's response will be an empty JSON object on success myLog.d("Proxy data_pasv_accept successful"); return true; } catch (JSONException e) { myLog.i("JSONException in pasvAccept: " + e); return false; } } public InetAddress getProxyIp() { if(this.isAlive()) { if(commandSocket.isConnected()) { return commandSocket.getInetAddress(); } } return null; } private JSONObject makeJsonRequest(String action) throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("action", action); return json; } /* Quotas have been canceled for now public QuotaStats getQuotaStats(boolean canUseCached) { if(canUseCached) { if(cachedQuotaStats != null) { myLog.d("Returning cachedQuotaStats"); return cachedQuotaStats; } else { myLog.d("Would return cached quota stats but none retrieved"); } } // If there's no cached quota stats, or if the called wants fresh stats, // make a JSON request to the proxy, assuming the command session is open. try { JSONObject response = sendCmdSocketRequest(makeJsonRequest("check_quota")); int used, quota; if(response == null) { myLog.w("check_quota got null response"); return null; } used = response.getInt("used"); quota = response.getInt("quota"); myLog.d("Got quota response of " + used + "/" + quota); cachedQuotaStats = new QuotaStats(used, quota) ; return cachedQuotaStats; } catch (JSONException e) { myLog.w("JSONException in getQuota: " + e); return null; } }*/ // We want to track the total amount of data sent via the proxy server, to // show it to the user and encourage them to donate. void persistProxyUsage() { if(proxyUsage == 0) { return; // This shouldn't happen, but just for safety } SharedPreferences prefs = Globals.getContext(). getSharedPreferences(USAGE_PREFS_NAME, 0); // 0 == private SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putLong(USAGE_PREFS_NAME, proxyUsage); editor.commit(); myLog.d("Persisted proxy usage to preferences"); } long getPersistedProxyUsage() { // This gets the last persisted value for bytes transferred through // the proxy. It can be out of date since it doesn't include data // transferred during the current session. SharedPreferences prefs = Globals.getContext(). getSharedPreferences(USAGE_PREFS_NAME, 0); // 0 == private return prefs.getLong(USAGE_PREFS_NAME, 0); // Default count of 0 } public long getProxyUsage() { // This gets the running total of all proxy usage, which may not have // been persisted yet. return proxyUsage; } void incrementProxyUsage(long num) { long oldProxyUsage = proxyUsage; proxyUsage += num; if(proxyUsage % UPDATE_USAGE_BYTES < oldProxyUsage % UPDATE_USAGE_BYTES) { FTPServerService.updateClients(); persistProxyUsage(); } } public State getProxyState() { return proxyState; } private void setProxyState(State state) { proxyState = state; myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "Proxy state changed to " + state, true); FTPServerService.updateClients(); // UI update } static public String stateToString(State s) { // Context ctx = Globals.getContext(); // switch(s) { // case DISCONNECTED: // return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_disconnected); // case CONNECTING: // return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_connecting); // case CONNECTED: // return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_connected); // case FAILED: // return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_failed); // case UNREACHABLE: // return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_unreachable); // default: // return ctx.getString(R.string.unknown); // } return ""; } /** * The URL to which users should point their FTP client. */ public String getURL() { if(proxyState == State.CONNECTED) { String username = Globals.getUsername(); if(username != null) { return "ftp://" + prefix + "_" + username + "@" + hostname; } } return ""; } /** If the proxy sends a human-readable message, it can be retrieved by * calling this function. Returns null if no message has been received. */ public String getProxyMessage() { return proxyMessage; } }