package; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; public class Tests extends Activity { // Your Facebook Application ID must be set before running this example // See public static final String APP_ID = "110862205611506"; private static final String[] PERMISSIONS = new String[] {"publish_stream", "read_stream", "offline_access"}; TextView publicTestsText; TextView publicErrorsText; Button loginButton; TextView authenticatedTestsText; TextView authenticatedErrorsText; Button postButton; TextView wallPostText; TextView deletedPostText; Button logoutButton; TextView logoutText; Facebook authenticatedFacebook = new Facebook(APP_ID); /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); publicTestsText = (TextView) findViewById(; publicErrorsText = (TextView) findViewById(; loginButton = (Button) findViewById(; authenticatedTestsText = (TextView) findViewById(; authenticatedErrorsText = (TextView) findViewById(; postButton = (Button) findViewById(; wallPostText = (TextView) findViewById(; deletedPostText = (TextView) findViewById(; logoutButton = (Button) findViewById(; logoutText = (TextView) findViewById(; // button to test UI Server login method loginButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { authenticatedFacebook.authorize(Tests.this, PERMISSIONS, new TestLoginListener()); } }); // button for testing UI server publish stream dialog postButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { authenticatedFacebook.dialog(Tests.this, "stream.publish", new TestUiServerListener()); } }); // enable logout test button logoutButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { runTestLogout(); } }); runTestPublicApi(); } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { authenticatedFacebook.authorizeCallback(requestCode, resultCode, data); } public void runTestPublicApi() { if (testPublicApi()) { publicTestsText.setText("Public API tests passed"); publicTestsText.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); } else { publicTestsText.setText("Public API tests failed"); publicTestsText.setTextColor(Color.RED); } if (testPublicErrors()) { publicErrorsText.setText("Public API errors passed"); publicErrorsText.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); } else { publicErrorsText.setText("Public API errors failed"); publicErrorsText.setTextColor(Color.RED); } } public boolean testPublicApi() { Facebook fb = new Facebook(APP_ID); try { Log.d("Tests", "Testing standard API call"); JSONObject response = Util.parseJson(fb.request("4")); if (!response.getString("name").equals("Mark Zuckerberg")) { return false; } Log.d("Tests", "Testing an API call with a specific method"); response = Util.parseJson( fb.request("soneff", new Bundle(), "GET")); if (!response.getString("name").equals("Steven Soneff")) { return false; } Log.d("Tests", "Testing a public search query"); Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("q", "facebook"); response = Util.parseJson(fb.request("search", params)); if (response.getJSONArray("data").length() == 0) return false; Log.d("Tests", "Public API Tests passed"); return true; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public boolean testPublicErrors() { Facebook fb = new Facebook(APP_ID); try { Bundle params = new Bundle(); Log.d("Tests", "Testing illegal post"); params.putString("message", "Hello World"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request("4", params, "POST")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals("Unsupported post request.")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing illegal delete"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request("4", new Bundle(), "DELETE")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals( "An access token is required to request this " + "resource.")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing illegal post to Zuck's feed"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request("4/feed", new Bundle(), "POST")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals("(#200) The user hasn't " + "authorized the application to perform this action")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing invalidly specified parameters"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request("bgolub?fields=id,name,picture")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().startsWith("Unknown fields: picture?")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing request for 'me' is rejected without " + "access_token"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request("me")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals( "An active access token must be used to " + "query information about the current user.")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing empty request"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request("")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals("Unsupported get request.")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing an invalid path"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request("invalidinvalidinvalidinvalid")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals( "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not " + "exist: invalidinvalidinvalidinvalid")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing missing query parameter"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request("search", new Bundle(), "GET")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals("No node specified")) return false; } Log.d("Tests", "Testing that API method is specified"); try { fb.request(new Bundle()); return false; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals( "API method must be specified. " + "(parameters must contain key \"method\" " + "and value). See http://developers.facebook." + "com/docs/reference/rest/")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing that old API request cannot be made " + "without access token"); params.putString("method", "stream.publish"); try { Util.parseJson(fb.request(params)); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (e.getErrorCode() != 101 || !e.getMessage().equals("Invalid API key") ) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing invalid access token"); try { fb.setAccessToken("invalid"); Util.parseJson(fb.request("me", new Bundle(), "GET")); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals("Invalid OAuth access token.")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Public API Error Tests passed"); return true; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public class TestLoginListener implements DialogListener { public void onComplete(Bundle values) { if (testAuthenticatedApi()) { authenticatedTestsText.setText( "Authenticated API tests passed"); authenticatedTestsText.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); } else { authenticatedTestsText.setText( "Authenticated API tests failed"); authenticatedTestsText.setTextColor(Color.RED); } if (testAuthenticatedErrors()) { authenticatedErrorsText.setText( "Authenticated API errors passed"); authenticatedErrorsText.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); } else { authenticatedErrorsText.setText( "Authenticated API errors failed"); authenticatedErrorsText.setTextColor(Color.RED); } } public void onCancel() { } public void onError(DialogError e) { e.printStackTrace(); } public void onFacebookError(FacebookError e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean testAuthenticatedApi() { if (!authenticatedFacebook.isSessionValid()) return false; try { Log.d("Tests", "Testing request for 'me'"); String response = authenticatedFacebook.request("me"); JSONObject obj = Util.parseJson(response); if (obj.getString("name") == null || obj.getString("name").equals("")) { return false; } Log.d("Tests", "Testing graph API wall post"); Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); parameters.putString("message", "hello world"); parameters.putString("description", "test test test"); response = authenticatedFacebook.request("me/feed", parameters, "POST"); Log.d("Tests", "got response: " + response); if (response == null || response.equals("") || response.equals("false")) { return false; } Log.d("Tests", "Testing graph API delete"); response = response.replaceAll("\\{\"id\":\"", ""); response = response.replaceAll("\"\\}", ""); response = authenticatedFacebook.request(response, new Bundle(), "DELETE"); if (!response.equals("true")) return false; Log.d("Tests", "Testing old API wall post"); parameters = new Bundle(); parameters.putString("method", "stream.publish"); parameters.putString("attachment", "{\"name\":\"Name=Title\"," + "\"href\":\"\",\"" + "caption\":\"Caption\",\"description\":\"Description" + "\",\"media\":[{\"type\":\"image\",\"src\":" + "\"\"," + "\"href\":\"\"}]," + "\"properties\":{\"another link\":{\"text\":\"" + "Facebook homepage\",\"href\":\"http://www.facebook." + "com\"}}}");; response = authenticatedFacebook.request(parameters); Log.d("Tests", "got response: " + response); if (response == null || response.equals("") || response.equals("false")) { return false; } Log.d("Tests", "Testing wall post delete"); response = response.replaceAll("\"", ""); response = authenticatedFacebook.request( response, new Bundle(), "DELETE"); if (!response.equals("true")) return false; Log.d("Tests", "All Authenticated Tests Passed"); return true; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public boolean testAuthenticatedErrors() { if (!authenticatedFacebook.isSessionValid()) return false; Log.d("Tests", "Testing that request for 'me/invalid' is rejected"); try { Util.parseJson(authenticatedFacebook.request("me/invalid")); return false; } catch (Throwable e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals("Unknown path components: /invalid")) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing that old API call with invalid method fails"); Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("method", "something_invalid"); try { Util.parseJson(authenticatedFacebook.request(params)); return false; } catch (Throwable e) { Log.d("Tests", "*" + e.getMessage() + "*"); if (!e.getMessage().equals("Unknown method") ) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "All Authenticated Error Tests Passed"); return true; } public class TestUiServerListener implements DialogListener { public void onComplete(Bundle values) { final String postId = values.getString("post_id"); if (postId != null) { Log.d("Facebook-Example", "Dialog Success! post_id=" + postId); new AsyncFacebookRunner(authenticatedFacebook).request(postId, new TestPostRequestListener()); } else { Tests.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { wallPostText.setText("Wall Post Failure"); wallPostText.setTextColor(Color.RED); } }); } } public void onCancel() { } public void onError(DialogError e) { e.printStackTrace(); } public void onFacebookError(FacebookError e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public class TestPostRequestListener implements RequestListener { public void onComplete(final String response, final Object state) { Log.d("Tests", "Got response: " + response); try { JSONObject json = Util.parseJson(response); //final String message = json.getString("message"); String postId = json.getString("id"); Tests.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { wallPostText.setText("Wall Post Success"); wallPostText.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); } }); Log.d("Tests", "Testing wall post delete"); if (testPostDelete(postId)) { Tests.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { deletedPostText.setText("Deleted Post Success"); deletedPostText.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); } }); } else { Tests.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { deletedPostText.setText("Deleted Post Failure"); deletedPostText.setTextColor(Color.RED); } }); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); Tests.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { wallPostText.setText("Wall Post Failure"); wallPostText.setTextColor(Color.RED); } }); } } public void onFacebookError(FacebookError e, final Object state) { e.printStackTrace(); } public void onFileNotFoundException(FileNotFoundException e, final Object state) { e.printStackTrace(); } public void onIOException(IOException e, final Object state) { e.printStackTrace(); } public void onMalformedURLException(MalformedURLException e, final Object state) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean testPostDelete(String postId) { try { String deleteResponse = authenticatedFacebook.request(postId, new Bundle(), "DELETE"); return deleteResponse.equals("true"); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public void runTestLogout() { if (testLogout()) { logoutText.setText("Logout Tests Passed"); logoutText.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); } else { logoutText.setText("Logout Tests Failed"); logoutText.setTextColor(Color.RED); } } public boolean testLogout() { try { Log.d("Tests", "Testing logout"); String response = authenticatedFacebook.logout(this); Log.d("Tests", "Got logout response: *" + response + "*"); if (!response.equals("true")) { return false; } Log.d("Tests", "Testing logout on logged out facebook session"); try { Util.parseJson(authenticatedFacebook.logout(this)); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { if (e.getErrorCode() != 101 || !e.getMessage().equals("Invalid API key") ) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "Testing logout on unauthenticated object"); try { Util.parseJson(new Facebook(APP_ID).logout(this)); return false; } catch (FacebookError e) { if (e.getErrorCode() != 101 || !e.getMessage().equals("Invalid API key") ) { return false; } } Log.d("Tests", "All Logout Tests Passed"); return true; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } // test bad UI server method? // test invalid permission? <-- UI server test }