package com.dooapp.fxform.samples; import com.dooapp.fxform.FXForm; import com.dooapp.fxform.FXFormSample; import com.dooapp.fxform.Utils; import com.dooapp.fxform.annotation.Accessor; import com.dooapp.fxform.builder.FXFormBuilder; import com.dooapp.fxform.model.Movies; import*; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; /** * @author Bastien */ public class ValidationForm extends FXFormSample { @Accessor(value = Accessor.AccessType.FIELD) public class UserWithConstraintsValidation { private StringProperty firstName = new SimpleStringProperty(); private StringProperty lastName = new SimpleStringProperty(); private IntegerProperty age = new SimpleIntegerProperty(10); private ObjectProperty<Movies> favoriteMovie = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); private BooleanProperty coolDeveloper = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); @Min(value = 5) public int getAge() { return age.get(); } public IntegerProperty ageProperty() { return age; } } @Override public String getSampleName() { return "Simple validation form"; } @Override public Node getPanel(Stage stage) { Pane root = new Pane(); FXForm form = new FXFormBuilder<>() .includeAndReorder("firstName", "lastName", "age", "favoriteMovie", "coolDeveloper") .resourceBundle(Utils.SAMPLE) .build(); UserWithConstraintsValidation user = new UserWithConstraintsValidation(); form.setSource(user); root.getChildren().add(form); return root; } @Override public String getSampleDescription() { return "A form with field validation, age must be greater than 5"; } }