package org.framed.orm.ui.editor; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Label; import org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalEditPart; import; import; import org.framed.orm.model.Relation; import org.framed.orm.model.Shape; import org.framed.orm.model.Type; /** * Manages the direct edit operation by creating and maintaining the * org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor and executing the resulting command if * the cell editor value has changed. * * @author Kay Bierzynski * @author Lars Schuetze (refactoring) * @author David Gollasch(implemented check for text input) * */ public class ORMDirectEditManager extends DirectEditManager { /** The {@link Label}, whose text the user wants edit. */ private final Label label; private boolean isValidInput; /** * The constructor of this class, where the * {@link DirectEditManager#DirectEditManager(GraphicalEditPart, Class, CellEditorLocator, Object)} * is called and the {@link Label}, whose text the user wants edit is set. * */ public ORMDirectEditManager(final GraphicalEditPart source, final Class editorType, final CellEditorLocator locator, final Label label) { super(source, editorType, locator); this.label = label; this.isValidInput = true; } /** * Sets the initial text in the cell editor. Usually it's the text of the * label. */ @Override protected void initCellEditor() { getCellEditor().setValue(label.getText()); } /** * Validates the entered string for valid operation, attribute, parameter or * cardinality expressions */ @Override protected void handleValueChanged() { super.handleValueChanged(); if (checkForNameInput()) { String value = ""; value = label.getText(); // regular expressions String identifier = "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\\d_$]*"; // string of letters // and digits, first // is no digit (for // names) String qualifiedIdentifier = "(" + identifier + "\\.)*" + identifier; // full classes: (N.)*N (for types) String cardinality = "(\\d+|\\*)(\\.\\.(\\d+|\\*))?"; // (<integer>|"*")[".."(<integer>|"*")] String attribute = identifier + ":" + qualifiedIdentifier; // <name>:<type> String parameter = attribute; // <name>:<type> String operation = identifier + "\\((" + parameter + "(," + parameter + ")*)?\\):" + qualifiedIdentifier; // <name>"("[Parameter(","Parameter)*]"):"<type> String rolegroup = identifier +"([ ]*[(]"+ cardinality +"[)])?"; // name [ "(" cardinality ")" ] Boolean matching = false; this.isValidInput = matching; Pattern p_operation = Pattern.compile(operation); Matcher m_operation = p_operation.matcher(value); Pattern p_attribute = Pattern.compile(attribute); Matcher m_attribute = p_attribute.matcher(value); Pattern p_parameter = Pattern.compile(parameter); Matcher m_parameter = p_parameter.matcher(value); Pattern p_cardinali = Pattern.compile(cardinality); Matcher m_cardinali = p_cardinali.matcher(value); Pattern p_rolegroup = Pattern.compile(rolegroup); Matcher m_rolegroup = p_rolegroup.matcher(value); /** * Distinguish the edit cell to choose the correct pattern to match * here */ //TODO: this procedure is wrong, really really wrong. Fix it if (m_operation.matches() || m_attribute.matches() || m_parameter.matches() || m_cardinali.matches() || m_rolegroup.matches()) { matching = true; } else if (value == null || value.equals("") || value.equals("<...>")) { matching = true; // there is no entered value to check } this.isValidInput = matching; } } private boolean checkForNameInput() { if (getEditPart().getModel() instanceof Shape) { if (!((Shape) getEditPart().getModel()).getType().equals( Type.ROLE_GROUP)) { return false; } } else { if (getEditPart().getModel() instanceof Relation) { if (((Relation) getEditPart().getModel()).getType().equals( Type.RELATIONSHIP)) { return false; } } } return true; } @Override protected void commit() { if (this.isValidInput) { super.commit(); } else { bringDown(); } } }