package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyClientBuilder; import org.glassfish.jersey.client.authentication.HttpAuthenticationFeature; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import static*; /** * Created by Tarek on 8/2/2016. */ public class RevisionServiceClient extends MCSClient { private final Client client; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RevisionServiceClient.class); private static final String revisionPathWithTag = "records/{" + P_CLOUDID + "}/representations/{" + P_REPRESENTATIONNAME + "}/versions/{" + P_VER + "}/revisions/{" + P_REVISION_NAME + "}/revisionProvider/{" + P_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID + "}/tag/{" + P_TAG + "}"; private static final String revisionPath = "records/{" + P_CLOUDID + "}/representations/{" + P_REPRESENTATIONNAME + "}/versions/{" + P_VER + "}/revisions"; private static final String revisionPathWithMultipleTags = "records/{" + P_CLOUDID + "}/representations/{" + P_REPRESENTATIONNAME + "}/versions/{" + P_VER + "}/revisions/{" + P_REVISION_NAME + "}/revisionProvider/{" + P_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID + "}/tags"; /** * Constructs a RevisionServiceClient * * @param baseUrl url of the MCS Rest Service */ public RevisionServiceClient(String baseUrl) { super(baseUrl); client = JerseyClientBuilder.newClient().register(MultiPartFeature.class); } /** * Creates instance of RevisionServiceClient. Same as {@link #RevisionServiceClient(String)} * but includes username and password to perform authenticated requests. * * @param baseUrl URL of the MCS Rest Service */ public RevisionServiceClient(String baseUrl, final String username, final String password) { super(baseUrl); client = JerseyClientBuilder.newClient() .register(MultiPartFeature.class) .register(HttpAuthenticationFeature.basicBuilder().credentials(username, password).build()); } /** * add a revision * * @param cloudId id of uploaded revision. * @param representationName representation name of uploaded revision. * @param version a specific version of the representation. * @param revisionName the name of revision * @param revisionProviderId revision provider id * @param tag flag tag * @return URI to specific revision with specific tag inside a version. * @throws DriverException call to service has not succeeded because of server side error. * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations. */ public URI addRevision(String cloudId, String representationName, String version, String revisionName, String revisionProviderId, String tag) throws DriverException, MCSException { WebTarget target =, cloudId) .resolveTemplate(P_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName) .resolveTemplate(P_VER, version).resolveTemplate(P_REVISION_NAME, revisionName).resolveTemplate(P_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID, revisionProviderId).resolveTemplate(P_TAG, tag); Invocation.Builder request = target.request(); Response response = null; try { response =; if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode()) { return response.getLocation(); } else { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { closeResponse(response); } } /** * add a revision * * @param cloudId id of uploaded revision. * @param representationName representation name of uploaded revision. * @param version a specific version of the representation. * @param revision revision * @return URI to revisions inside a version. * @throws RepresentationNotExistsException when representation does not exist in specified version. * @throws DriverException call to service has not succeeded because of server side error. * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations. */ public URI addRevision(String cloudId, String representationName, String version, Revision revision) throws DriverException, MCSException { WebTarget target =, cloudId) .resolveTemplate(P_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_VER, version); Invocation.Builder request = target.request(); Response response = null; try { response = request.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(Entity.json(revision)); if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode()) { return response.getLocation(); } else { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { closeResponse(response); } } /** * add a revision * * @param cloudId cloud id of the record (required). * @param representationName schema of representation (required). * @param version a specific version of the representation(required). * @param revisionName the name of revision (required). * @param revisionProviderId revision provider id (required). * @param tags set of tags (acceptance,published,deleted) * @return URI to a revision tags inside a version. * @throws RepresentationNotExistsException when representation does not exist in specified version. * @throws DriverException call to service has not succeeded because of server side error. * @throws MCSException on unexpected situations. */ public URI addRevision(String cloudId, String representationName, String version, String revisionName, String revisionProviderId, Set<Tags> tags) throws DriverException, MCSException { WebTarget target =, cloudId) .resolveTemplate(P_REPRESENTATIONNAME, representationName) .resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_VER, version).resolveTemplate(ParamConstants.P_REVISION_NAME, revisionName).resolveTemplate(P_REVISION_PROVIDER_ID, revisionProviderId); Form tagsForm = new Form(); for (Tags tag : tags) { tagsForm.param(F_TAGS, tag.getTag()); } Invocation.Builder request = target.request(); Response response = null; try { response =; if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode()) { return response.getLocation(); } else { ErrorInfo errorInfo = response.readEntity(ErrorInfo.class); throw MCSExceptionProvider.generateException(errorInfo); } } finally { closeResponse(response); } } private void closeResponse(Response response) { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } }