/* * Copyright (c) 2013 by Gerrit Grunwald * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package eu.hansolo.enzo.common; import javafx.scene.text.Font; /** * User: hansolo * Date: 22.10.13 * Time: 10:27 */ public final class Fonts { private static final String BEBAS_NEUE_NAME; private static final String DIGITAL_NAME; private static final String DIGITAL_READOUT_NAME; private static final String DIGITAL_READOUT_BOLD_NAME; private static final String DIN_FUN_NAME; private static final String DROID_SANS_MONO_NAME; private static final String ELEKTRA_NAME; private static final String OPENSANS_LIGHT_NAME; private static final String OPENSANS_SEMI_BOLD_NAME; private static final String OPENSANS_BOLD_NAME; private static String bebasNeueName; private static String digitalName; private static String digitalReadoutName; private static String digitalReadoutBoldName; private static String dinFunName; private static String droidSansMonoName; private static String elektraName; private static String openSansLightName; private static String openSansSemiBoldName; private static String openSansBoldName; static { try { bebasNeueName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/bebasneue.otf"), 10).getName(); digitalName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/digital.ttf"), 10).getName(); digitalReadoutName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/digitalreadout.ttf"), 10).getName(); digitalReadoutBoldName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/digitalreadoutb.ttf"), 10).getName(); dinFunName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/din.otf"), 10).getName(); droidSansMonoName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/droidsansmono.ttf"), 10).getName(); elektraName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/elektra.ttf"), 10).getName(); openSansLightName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/opensans-light.ttf"), 10).getName(); openSansSemiBoldName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/opensans-semibold.ttf"), 10).getName(); openSansBoldName = Font.loadFont(Fonts.class.getResourceAsStream("/eu/hansolo/enzo/fonts/opensans-bold.ttf"), 10).getName(); } catch (Exception exception) { } BEBAS_NEUE_NAME = bebasNeueName; DIGITAL_NAME = digitalName; DIGITAL_READOUT_NAME = digitalReadoutName; DIGITAL_READOUT_BOLD_NAME = digitalReadoutBoldName; DIN_FUN_NAME = dinFunName; DROID_SANS_MONO_NAME = droidSansMonoName; ELEKTRA_NAME = elektraName; OPENSANS_LIGHT_NAME = openSansLightName; OPENSANS_SEMI_BOLD_NAME = openSansSemiBoldName; OPENSANS_BOLD_NAME = openSansBoldName; } // ******************** Methods ******************************************* public static Font bebasNeue(final double SIZE) { return new Font(BEBAS_NEUE_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font digital(final double SIZE) { return new Font(DIGITAL_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font digitalReadout(final double SIZE) { return new Font(DIGITAL_READOUT_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font digitalReadoutBold(final double SIZE) { return new Font(DIGITAL_READOUT_BOLD_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font dinFun(final double SIZE) { return new Font(DIN_FUN_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font droidSansMono(final double SIZE) { return new Font(DROID_SANS_MONO_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font elektra(final double SIZE) { return new Font(ELEKTRA_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font opensansLight(final double SIZE) { return new Font(OPENSANS_LIGHT_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font opensansSemiBold(final double SIZE) { return new Font(OPENSANS_SEMI_BOLD_NAME, SIZE); } public static Font opensansBold(final double SIZE) { return new Font(OPENSANS_BOLD_NAME, SIZE); } }