package crazypants.util; import static crazypants.enderio.material.Material.BINDER_COMPOSITE; import static crazypants.enderio.material.Material.CONDUIT_BINDER; import static crazypants.enderio.material.Material.PHASED_IRON_NUGGET; import static crazypants.enderio.material.Material.SILICON; import static crazypants.util.RecipeUtil.addShaped; import static crazypants.util.RecipeUtil.addShapeless; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import crazypants.enderio.EnderIO; import crazypants.enderio.config.Config; import crazypants.enderio.item.ItemEnderFood.EnderFood; import crazypants.enderio.machine.recipe.Recipe; import crazypants.enderio.machine.recipe.RecipeInput; import crazypants.enderio.material.MachinePart; import crazypants.enderio.material.PowderIngot; public class EE3Util { public static final String EE3_ID = "EE3"; public static final boolean IS_EE3_LOADED = Loader.isModLoaded(EE3_ID); public static void registerItemStack(ItemStack itemStack, int emv) { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { EnergyValueRegistryProxy.addPreAssignedEnergyValue(itemStack, emv); } } public static void registerItemStackLike(ItemStack itemStack, ItemStack copyFrom) { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { RecipeRegistryProxy.addRecipe(itemStack, Collections.singletonList(copyFrom)); } } public static void registerFluidStack(FluidStack fluidStack, int emv) { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { EnergyValueRegistryProxy.addPreAssignedEnergyValue(fluidStack, emv); } } public static void registerRecipe(ItemStack itemStack, List<?> recipeInputList) { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { RecipeRegistryProxy.addRecipe(itemStack, recipeInputList); } } public static void registerRecipe(FluidStack fluidStack, List<?> recipeInputList) { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { RecipeRegistryProxy.addRecipe(fluidStack, recipeInputList); } } public static void registerRecipe(ItemStack itemStack, Object... recipeInputList) { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { RecipeRegistryProxy.addRecipe(itemStack, Arrays.asList(recipeInputList)); } } public static void registerRecipe(FluidStack fluidStack, Object... recipeInputList) { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { RecipeRegistryProxy.addRecipe(fluidStack, Arrays.asList(recipeInputList)); } } // /** * Registers various recipes with EE3. * <p> * Some of them are ManyToMany recipes (e.g. SAG Mill), others are vanilla * crafting recipes that fail in EE3 because of too much oreDicting. Those * ones could be removed after EE3 fixes that. * <p> * This does not take into account changes the user may have done in the * recipe xml files. Those are ManyToMany, they contain chances, and they * don't usually sum up nicely (e.g. coal ore (emc 32) => 8*coal (emc 32) plus * a chance of coal and coal dust). It is not unreasonable to require the user * to also change emc values after changing the recipes for our core items. * <p> * This also ignores OreDict, as it is only about the emc values. For those, * the base vanilla items are the best source. */ public static void registerMiscRecipes() { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { ItemStack basicGear = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemMachinePart, 1, MachinePart.BASIC_GEAR.ordinal()); ItemStack stick4 = new ItemStack(Items.stick, 4); ItemStack cobble4 = new ItemStack(Blocks.cobblestone, 4); registerRecipe(basicGear, stick4, cobble4); ItemStack flour10 = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemPowderIngot, 10, PowderIngot.FLOUR.ordinal()); ItemStack wheat5 = new ItemStack(Items.wheat, 5); ItemStack seeds1 = new ItemStack(Items.wheat_seeds, 1); registerRecipe(flour10, wheat5, seeds1); ItemStack enderios = EnderFood.ENDERIOS.getStack(); ItemStack bowl = new ItemStack(Items.bowl, 1); ItemStack wheat = new ItemStack(Items.wheat, 1); ItemStack milkb = new ItemStack(Items.milk_bucket, 1); FluidStack milk = FluidContainerRegistry.getFluidForFilledItem(milkb); ItemStack dustEnderPearl = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemPowderIngot, 1, PowderIngot.POWDER_ENDER.ordinal()); if (milk != null) { registerRecipe(enderios, bowl, milk, wheat, dustEnderPearl); } else { registerRecipe(enderios, bowl, milkb, wheat, dustEnderPearl); } ItemStack dustCoal = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemPowderIngot, 1, PowderIngot.POWDER_COAL.ordinal()); ItemStack coal = new ItemStack(Items.coal, 1); registerRecipe(dustCoal, coal); ItemStack dustIron = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemPowderIngot, 1, PowderIngot.POWDER_IRON.ordinal()); ItemStack iron = new ItemStack(Items.iron_ingot, 1); registerRecipe(dustIron, iron); ItemStack dustGold = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemPowderIngot, 1, PowderIngot.POWDER_GOLD.ordinal()); ItemStack gold = new ItemStack(Items.gold_ingot, 1); registerRecipe(dustGold, gold); ItemStack dustObsidian4 = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemPowderIngot, 4, PowderIngot.POWDER_OBSIDIAN.ordinal()); ItemStack obsidian = new ItemStack(Blocks.obsidian, 1); registerRecipe(dustObsidian4, obsidian); ItemStack enderDust9 = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemPowderIngot, 9, PowderIngot.POWDER_ENDER.ordinal()); ItemStack enderPearl = new ItemStack(Items.ender_pearl); registerRecipe(enderDust9, enderPearl); ItemStack cbc8 = BINDER_COMPOSITE.getStack(8); ItemStack sand2 = new ItemStack(Blocks.sand, 2); ItemStack gravel5 = new ItemStack(Blocks.gravel, 5); ItemStack gravel6 = new ItemStack(Blocks.gravel, 6); ItemStack clay_ball2 = new ItemStack(Items.clay_ball, 2); ItemStack clay_ball1 = new ItemStack(Items.clay_ball, 1); if (Config.useAlternateBinderRecipe) { registerRecipe(cbc8, gravel5, clay_ball2, sand2); } else { registerRecipe(cbc8, gravel6, clay_ball1, sand2); } registerRecipe(cbc8, gravel6, clay_ball1, sand2); ItemStack cbc = BINDER_COMPOSITE.getStack(); ItemStack binder4 = CONDUIT_BINDER.getStack(4); registerRecipe(binder4, cbc); ItemStack silicon = SILICON.getStack(1); registerRecipe(silicon, sand2); int numConduits = Config.numConduitsPerRecipe; ItemStack phasedIronNugget3 = PHASED_IRON_NUGGET.getStack(3); ItemStack binder6 = CONDUIT_BINDER.getStack(6); ItemStack itemConduit = new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemItemConduit, numConduits, 0); registerRecipe(itemConduit, phasedIronNugget3, binder6); } } public static void registerBasicToManyRecipe(Recipe recipe) { if (IS_EE3_LOADED) { List<ItemStack> in = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); for (RecipeInput r0 : recipe.getInputs()) { in.add(r0.getInput().copy()); } registerRecipe(recipe.getOutputs()[0].getOutput().copy(), in); } } }